She Got a 75 POINT Triple Double!?

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Saniya Burks is not human...
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First thought is that she plays against bad players, but 19/19FT gives an insuring vibe to might be shes actually mechanically good


The fact that she got 15 steals just shows how the other team wasn’t really trying to


41 points per game she has to be playing bums


In statistics this would be considered an outlier so once you look closer you see they played a 3-18 team with 1000 teams in Texas ranked higher compared to them.


What if told you there was a God, and He was real, and He loved you without limit and more than you could possibly imagine? A God who wants to give you peace and comfort in ways you can’t imagine and take away all your pain? And give you the free gift of eternal life? Well there is, and He loves you so much that He sent His son Jesus Christ to He die for your sins on the cross 2000 years ago (keep reading below).

While God does love you this much, He is holy and perfect, and therefore cannot be with or surrounded by anything unholy or sinful. And the thing is, we humans are by nature sinful, and have been since the beginning of creation. Because of this, we’ve all sinned against God before. Now, you may not think you’ve sinned before, but if you ever told a lie, lusted over another person before, been envious in your heart, you’ve sinned against God. Because of this, me and you should be separated eternally from God, and face the punishment of death and hell. But God doesn’t want this. He wants us to be with Him and know His peace and presence. So He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who was fully God and human, to live the perfect life without sin on earth, and completely identify Himself with sinful man by becoming like us (while living a perfect life and not sinning, and being fully God) and then had Him die on a cross for our sins, enduring the full wrath of God that we deserved for our own sins on that cross (which only He could endure, since He is fully God in Himself). Then, after taking the punishment we deserved, Jesus yielded to death, and spent three days in the grave. After those three days, God raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in heaven, proving through his resurrection that His death paid in full the consequences we deserved for our sin. He then proclaimed that all that turn towards God and believe and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and died for our sins, and repent from their sins (meaning to admit your sins to God, and work to turn from them, asking for forgiveness) will be forgiven of all their sins and given the free gift of eternal life with God in heaven, since Jesus took the full wrath of God when He died for our sins on the cross, therefore taking the wrath we deserved (that sounds pretty loving, right? :)).He loves you so much and He wants you to have this free gift of eternal life and be able to enter heaven, and wants a relationship with you. But if you don’t accept His teaching and peace, you will have to face His punishment in Hell, which is everlasting separation from God (where the Bible says there’ll be weeping and gnashing of teeth), and what you and I deserve and would have to face because of our sins, since God is holy and perfect. But He has made it so that you and I don’t have to ever go there. You and I just must believe in His son, that He died for our sins, confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord, and then repenting and turning from your sins. The Bible says in Romans 10:9: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”. He promised that those who to turn toward Him will receive His Holy Spirit, to guide us, help us, and give us strength in our walk with God, and help us to be more like Him everyday in our character, and walk in faith in God. No one is perfect, but with the Holy Spirit, He will help you to draw closer to Him everyday. I still mess up and sin often in my walk with God, but the Holy Spirit helps me constantly to do better and come closer to Him each day. I ask that you would pray this following prayer as a decision and commitment to following God and starting a relationship with Him, so your soul will be saved: “Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.” God is real, I promise you, I’ve experienced His love and power and can tell you with certainty that He is real, no matter how crazy this may seem to you. I promise you. Nothing can satisfy you like God will. Nothing. Ever. Please pray this prayer and turn towards Him, so you can have the free gift of eternal life and escape going to hell. Please, before it’s too late, as you’ll never know when your last day will be, and Jesus has promised He will come back to judge the world, and we don’t know when He will come, so don’t wait, come towards Him now. It’s the best decision you’ll ever make. To learn more about this please read the Bible and even do research online. I can’t explain everything in one comment. God bless!


Erm actually my 2k play has a had a 246 pt 50 rbs 49 blocks 30 steals 10 assists


that's cool but lamelos 92 pt game is more impressive


She signed with Texas State she was 100% over look


Called playing trash .. but good stuff


that defence wasn't the best I've seen, but she's still pretty good


Why all these people be hating on her tho, she's better then I'll ever be 😂


I guess that she’s the next Angel and opt to stay in college to make good money.


Everyone hateing even though she way better then you


Nice gob strictly I’m trying to make as a basketball YouTuber I want to be like you man.


Who cares? She’s probably the only one on the court that has heard of a cross over and never jumped higher than 6 inches in any of the high lights you just showed. She college level (for girls) but only did this against bad competition

also this isn’t men’s basketball so again who cares?


If she played men, she would have 2 points and 20 turnovers
