Planetside 2 Patch - The Good, The Bad, And The Laggy (Planetside 2 Gameplay/Commentary)

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Hey guys. Today we're going to take a look at the latest HUGE patch from SOE.

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LevelCap, Couple things you forgot to mention with this patch; NC got massive buffs for their small arms, and anchor mode for Prowlers is currently OP. Regarding the NC, the buffs were not mentioned in the patch notes andsome of the buffs were unintentional (SOE developer mentioned this in a reddit thread). About the Prowlers, the anchor mode is suppose to increase shell velocity, but it currently increases it way too much.


Thank you for breaking stuff down with your great commentary .
I get killed by mystery bullets from the sky all the time, it would be nice if you could pause the killed by info so as to assess your game play a bit.


Cooldown on vehicle respawn being displayed in the menus is fantastic


LevelCap said this in his livestreams that his Vanu character's server is pretty much dead right now so he is playing on other servers as other factions, and it also gives him the opportunity to review all factions weapons.


Hey Level, since the patch, I have been unable to see my kill feed in the general chat box in the top left. I figured that was a patch change but I see in this video you can see your kill history. Is there just a setting I must enable?


The Vanguard armour buff was side/top only - the front was not buffed so in reality not a big deal.
The Prowler got overbuffed in damage and is now by far the best tank.


good video, I agree with all your said. The patch was brilliant. The prowler/vanguard boost is a welcome challenge for a magrider pilot such as myself. The rendering issues are really serious, as you said it's a game breaker, they better fix it quick or too much players will just uninstall...


You can change it to whatever colours you like in the settings menu. I personally like just red for enemies and black for allies. So my mini map isn't clogged with colour when im rolling with my outfit.


Actually they did introduce a slight nerf to the Magriders Saron secondary, which is fine, used it, cant really tell the difference but they either tried to stealth nerf the strafe and hill climbing or accidentally borked that, it definitely does not move like it used to, atm it's hill climbing is about as good as a Prowlers and you can't effectively dodge other tanks rounds even from range since the movement is off and their rounds are faster and easier for them to aim.


i appreciate that you took the time to demean your self, that way others wouldn't have to Use energy doing it.


I know the reload and projectile speed is supposed to increase in anchor mode, but NOT BY THAT MUCH.

Do a search on the PS2 forums and you will understand.


I personally like the idea of infiltrators with smgs, It feels like you can do more than just snipe and try to infiltrate a base with a severe dis advantage. However I feel it would be good if the cloak time would be reduced when carrying a SMG, because then it might just get too overpowered.


Funny thing is, they actually did nerf the magrider. The strafing is now reduced and it's not as good at hill climbing. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, as it was like a crazy spider tank that could scale most vertical cliffs.

The prowler is also bugged in anchor mode. It's AP projectile speed is 750m/s when deployed. This gives it a tremendous advantage at range and almost no time to get out of the way of it's shot.

I really like this game, just wishing SOE would get it together.


I have to say, after today's (aka yesterdays) patch, It's been running a lot smoother for me. only 1 glitch and no rendering issues.


The irony of having Levelcap talk about the new spawn rooms to limit spawn camping and having over half the video of him killing vanu at a spawn room. :p


I've noticed a lot of death from above when I can't see anything. I assume it's a liberator or something but bloody hell if it isn't annoying to be killed constantly by invisible people. They can do damage to you, but you can't to them. It would be nice if they would still render the hitboxes even if they can't render the model so if you know someone is there but can't see them you can still fight back.


they arent nerfing it directly, the problem was its ability to easily outgun other faction specific tanks at range because of the low drop and high round velocity. They are just bringing the other tanks to a similar range of engagement.


You can use the minimap for navigating inside the new tunnels, works fine


I loved the changes. Way more epic battle's because people actually feel like they can defend something. The new map hot spots indicator's will basically show you a epic battle.
i really like were ps2 is going :)


I don't agree with not knowing where the tunnels take you because you have a nice mini map to look at and can judge the direction of the tunnels and the minimap to easily know where you are going.
