Cataclysm Doesn't Deserve It's Negative Reputation – Here's Why | WoW Classic

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Cataclysm is expected to be the next step for Classic WoW, and its an expansion you hear no shortage of strong opinions on. Back in the day we know it was where wow's sub count begin to drop ... but was it all because of changes made in cata? And how will those changes be received should be expansion be re-released?
I really believe that Cataclysm Doesn't Deserve It's Negative Reputation – Here's Why | WoW Classic

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Cataclysm made me quit wow. Also killed my parents. Im now Batman.


The biggest issue with Cata.. was they never followed up with a "healed world" expansion.


Cataclysms biggest problem was that 5 mans had been made so faceroll easy during Wrath that when difficulty was slightly ramped up people had forgotten that CC's & dispels were something you could use on trash mobs etc. The amount of PuGs I got that were incapable of basic communication because it hadnt been needed all throughout WOTLK was infuriating.

Blizzard had killed the community & camaraderie that existed during vanilla & TBC with players now being acclimated to gogogo attitude, kicking anyone that fails or leaving after 1 wipe.

I still loved the world & the story but the players had mostly become a-holes.


I'm starting to feel like WillE is part of a Blizzard astroturfing campaign to prep the classic community for the inevitable cata announcement at blizzcon.


It's hard to overstate how bad the initial implementation of LFR was. You were effectively forced to do it every week as the gear could be a massive upgrade from the previous raid tier, but there was no way of knowing if you were being dropped into a doomed run. Some fights were tuned so only 4-5 competent players could steamroll it; others were effectively impossible for a pug group with 10 people afk. It was truly miserable. If they do put in LFR they have to add other systems that exist in retail so this is not mandatory "content" for every raider.


LFR was not added to get more people into raiding (as in, organized progression raiding) - it was added to increase overall engagement in content that costs a lot of time and money to produce in order to justify further production of said content. Looking at it from a business perspective, it doesn't make sense to spend so much time and money on content that only ~8% would ever see; it made far more sense to invest that time and money into content that ~85% would be actively engaged with on a frequent basis. The catalyst for this change in thinking (by suits, not Devs, the latter understands why raid content is vital to an MMO's success) was the huge success of games such as Farmville...and we got a limited version of that in the next expansion, and a less limited version of it in the following expansion.


That Gilneas music at the end was a nostalgia trip. Wow


I don't know, man... I think people are forgetting that it was on Cataclysm that started the trend of being almost obliged to login and do daily chores. That sucks.


Cata was an okay expansion, but I feel it shouldn't be classed under the 'Classic' banner.

Blizzard are bound to announce a re-release to keep a few happy.
I won't be playing it though.


At what point does classic stop going through the expansions? I’d say mop is the last expansion in the classic era if we are now talking graphics wise, because cataclysm isn’t very classic imo. Mop would be good to stop at and then create their own classic expansions?


WillE in from 5 - 8 years from now
"Shadowlands Doesn't Deserve It's Negative Reputation – Here's Why | WoW Classic"


Cataclysm will always be dear to my Heart as I got realm first 85 by not killing a single mob. Druid tauren leveling only by gathering herbs with the insane Spawn rate the first two weeks of cata.


Cata raiding killed a lot of the 10 man guilds and PuG raids that I use to see constantly during Wrath. They should never have killed the "friends and family" guild raiding scene.


Honestly, for me at least, the only thing i hated about cata was the fking world change. Legit ruined some of my favorite zones for no reason. Although they also added my most favorite zone in Vash'Jir, so I can't complain that much. Also loved cata pvp a lot and would love to experience it again


It was actually the explosion of alts expansion with the revamped story and zones. It was very, very fun for a while but as the expansion dragged on the problems started to pile up. I'll always remember Cata as the expansion that pushed alts for me but on the other hand that so much got forgotten on the wayside with Cata was a huge disappointment.


If we get the chance to permanently park our characters in Wrath going forward, that is where mine is staying this time. I have no inverest in doing Cata again.


I didn't start playing retail until cata. Would definitely play it if they did a classic version


I'd like them to add in chromie time so that instead of leveling through tbc and wrath as you usually would, you just stay in the post cata azeroth and keep leveling.


11:20 what im hearing is thst its clearly wow updating its system to change = its not classic anymore


For me Vanilla and Classic mean the old world. You can't have Classic without the old world.
