Introduction to the Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilization

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In this video we're going to start our study of ancient India with the Indus Valley (or Harappan) civilization. It's one of the first urban societies in the world and not only set the foundation of what would become Indian civilization, but also interacted with other ancient societies of its day, including those of Mesopotamia and the Gulf coast. The Indus Valley civilization is one of the must know civilizations of the ancient world.

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The Ancient world, thoroughly and systematically discussed, as it should be and is severely lacking in the Modern one. Great channel.


Also, it's worth noting that there's evidence of some cultural continuity between the Indus Valley Civilization and later Vedic civilization, suggesting that the Vedic culture was not purely derived from that of the Aryans, but may instead have been a sort of hybrid culture. I hope to see this point mentioned in the Vedic period video, since it's always a shame to see the Aryans getting all the credit.


The video ended and I wanted to binge on this series, but then I realized this is the latest video.


I happen to own two Harappan Zebu Bulls which are just over the size of a fist and are exquisitely made from terracotta and beautifully decorated. And these came from the Early Harappan Civilisation.


It begins!!

Thank you Cy.
I can't wait to see the rest of your Indian history saga.
I have been waiting soo loooong for this moment.


I am from India . I fortunately say thanks to made video on our country civilization


Harappan Civilization was referred as Meluha by the ancient Sumerians who traded with them.... Hence it's entirely possible that their actual name was Meluha....


What the hell?!!??!You reading my mind????Been planning on diving into the Indus Valley cultures right after swallowing what I can of channel and your excellent work is turning into a dream come true for me.This is can't believe it.


Its beyond Nice! Most awaited video is out finally. Keep it up.


I am interested to know more about the Veda’s. You have more videos that go into details on this?

Thank you for the video, the seal w the cow headed yoga pose figure is intriguing. Your other video talked about how it at a site overlooked then it was excavated.

Think of all the undiscovered things waiting to be found!

Thank you


The Indus Valley was compelled into. Evacuating their Cities. They were subject to imminent invasion by Steppe Horsemen. They emigrated East and South and settled down in peaceful locations in India. They mixed with the native hunter
gatherers and make up 85 percent of the population.
The vacated Indus Valley lay desolate for over 400 years until European and Central Asian migrant settled in bringing new languages, religion and culture.


I'm a new subscriber. Love this channel. Enjoyed learning about Indian and look forward to seeing your other videos.


There are sunken structures off the coast
that indicate they were swallowed by the sea.
Hope you get a chance to cover those.
Thanks again, Cy.


wow! I just subbed yesterday after watching Catalhoyuk and today's announcement of a new series about India !!


Hello CY, you've made great efforts to this topic of Harappan Civilisation interesting and informative video. i would appreciate to find out your next continuing video of HC. Thankyou liked your quality and presentation with clear voice narration.


one of the most satisfying explaination I've seen! thank you


Ooooh, interesting. Looking forward to the rest of the series.


It's fascinating to see how certain elements of the hindu belief system already seemed to have taken form in this extremely anciet period of Indian History.

The holy and purifying nature of water.
The symbolic importance of the bull.
And the specific contrast between the wild untamed goddesses that rapresented nature and fertility, and the male gods of culture and civilisation, rapresented by the bull.

These elements are still to this day the basics of village goddess and god worship in india.
With the Gramadevi, the wild female deities and mothers of the village, worshipped alongside virile warrior gods who are either showed as husbands, sons, guardians or masters of the Gramadevi.

This religious ideology is actualy older than the Vedas, and seems to have influenced the Vedic civilisation in many ways, with their greater importance on celestial male gods who give gifts to man, rather than the female earth bound goddesses.

The belief in the Gramadevi is very important, because all the great goddesses take root from these rural belief systems.
Wich is why we see that many great cyties in India still possess a protector goddess.
Like Kāli of Kolkata, as an example.

This also shows that the pre arian culture did not go extinct.
But survived and adapted itself to accomodate the later inhabitants.

Wich is pretty cool.

The demise of pre arian civilisation might indeed be because of draught.
Such big cities needed a great ammount of water.

According to vedic era scriptures, the Saraswati river dried up.
Saraswati is bolph a river godess and the godess of culture, because civilisation formed around her basin according to many legends.
These legends are most likely miticisation of real events.


Please check Keezhadi excervation and see how IV and Keezhadi are almost same civilization. Check on English Channel called "NewsX Keezhadi Excervations". You can get all information.


Really interested in the Vedic period can't wait for the next video.
