Daniel 9 and The Prediction of Jesus’ Coming: Evidence for the Bible pt9

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How the Bible foretold WHEN Jesus would come. Looking for good reasons to believe the Bible? They have been here all along. A thoughtful study of prophecy has convinced many skeptics to put their faith in Jesus. Daniel chapter 9 gives a detailed account of how to know when the Messiah was to show up, and Jesus came right on time. This is the famous "70 weeks" prophecy.

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That hour flew by! And I must have paused ten times to get all my notes written down! My spirit is full! God's word is energizing, life-giving! Thanks Mike. I will be sharing this with my friends!


The significance of seventy times seven. When Peter asks how many times to forgive, and Jesus responds with seventy times seven. And Daniel - “a period of seventy times seven”


THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for this series and that it is still here 5 years later. I am using the series to show loved ones prophesy in the bible that has come true so hopefully they'll go WOW! that is a lot and become Christians.

I copy the scripture to a Word based program then watch you, pause it, write what you said in Word, watch you, pause it, etc... Takes a long time but worth every minute. I then send it and the link to the series to a loved one. Your prayer hit it right on to what I am praying for, that this will touch him and I am hoping and praying I can get another loved one to let me go through this with them.
Again Thank you for your ministry. I get up every day to see if there is something on YouTube I can listen to. I appreciate your laughter, your honesty and that you're willing to go outside the box of that maybe certain churches would see things. Your 20 questions are great to listen to. THANK YOU!!


Thank you so much for putting this together in an easy to understand way. I made a big decision today because of my renewed faith fed by your teaching in this video. God is so good!


Thank you for uploading these videos! I really find them so helpful and enjoyable! God Bless!


3:08am over here at Nigeria. I couldn't sleep until I finished watching this video. Thank you so much brother Mike. This was well timed ❤️.


So crazy! This showed up today and I’ve been troubled about Jeff Durbin’s video on this. His teaching just doesn’t check. I was going to ask you to make a video on this and now it shows up today. You already made one in 2016! Love it!


Thanks Mike, you make a lot of sense and who knows I could become a believer through your inspirational videos


Not sure how I found your station but glad I did. This was the best explanation of the 70 week prophecy I’ve come across. Thanks for a job well done. If anyone reads and understands Daniel they cannot deny Jesus.


In my devotional studies this morning, the Holy Spirit brought me back here once again. I'm full to overflowing again!!! "Because the Bible is a unit!!!" Yes, another Wingerism!


Thank you Mike, I pray our lord and savior Jesus Christ bless you and keep you safe so that you keep spreading his good news. Watching your videos, watching Nabeel's testimony and apologetics offered by David wood has brought me back to the lord after a decade of being an atheist. PRAISE TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST HALLELUJAH!


Just subscribed Mike, can’t wait to dig into more of your teachings, this was phenomenal, thank you.


This study was such a blessing for me! I am forwarding it to a friend, who I hope will take it seriously and possibly come to the Lord.


Well done, this is a superb explanation of the Daniel 9 countdown to Messiah. Blessings from your brother and sister in Nahariya.


blessed by this study 7 years later!! thank you!


Hi Mike: I thank God for for your wonderful online ministry.


Mike is my comfort channel right now. I dont know if I agree with him on everything but he has good vibes and seems genuine. Gives really good evidence for the Bible too.


Praise the Lord for allowing you to show the evidence of the bible and supporting it with scripture. Be safe at the camp and may the Lord lead you and reveal you more topics and studies along your jurney. Stay humble and keep your faith strong!


To preface, I'm not a scholar, but tried to do the accounting of this as well. If the 69th week ended (and possibly the 70th week started) in 26/27 AD, that means Jesus is on the scene by that year, either starting his earthly ministry, or entering Jerusalem on a donkey. Since John the Baptist's ministry started in the 15th year of Tiberius, then 26 AD is thrown out as is 15th year (if counted by coregency) is 27 AD. Otherwise, his 15th year is in 29 AD, which is too late if you use the exact years in the prophecy.

If John started his ministry about when he was 30 years old (age of when you enter priestly ministry Num 4:3), he would've started about March-ish 27 AD. Then Jesus, who is 6 months younger and was about 30 when He started His ministry (Luke 3:23), which would also be in 27 AD during Tiberius's 15th year around September-ish.

As there are references to 3 different Passovers in the Gospels, then 3 Passovers from September 27 AD, would bring the Crucifixion to Wednesday, April 6th, 30 AD, 2.5 years total. That then doesn't fit His ministry being the 70th week as it's supposed to be 3.5 years, as that would be 4 Passovers. Some scholars support 4 Passovers due to all the events of Jesus's ministry. That would change the crucifixion to Wednesday, April 25th, 31 AD and fir the 70th week if you support that view. That means He spent the 25th, 26th, and 27th nights in the grave, and rose after 72 hours like the Bible states:
- Luke 24:7 Arise ON 3rd day
- Matthew 12:40 3 days AND nights in tomb
- Matthew 27:62-66 Tomb secured UNTIL the 3rd DAY
- John 2:19-21 Jesus to raise His body in 3 days
- Mark 8:31/9:31 Jesus teaches He will rise both AFTER 3rd day and ON 3rd day
- John 11:9-10 Jesus says daylight has 12 hours

If daylight(day) is 12 hours, then Day and Night must be 24 hours. 3 days and nights equal 72 hours. He cant be in the tomb no more than 72 hour(in 3 days), but no less (after 3 days). Meaning Jesus was in the tomb for exactly 72 hours. If He was buried right before sundown, He would have risen right before sundown during Sabbath on April 28th, 31 BC. 72 hours before then would place Him going into the tomb on the evening of Wednesday, the 25th.

Now, many of you might say, "But he was placed in the tomb, right before Sabbath according to Luke 23:54 as it was Preparation Day. That has to mean He was crucified on a Friday since Sabbath was on Saturday!"

NOT SO MY FRIENDS. Have you heard of Holy Day Sabbaths? In fact, on the first day of the of the Festival of Unleavened Bread (the day following Passover) is considered by God a Holy Sabbath! Meaning you could have 2 Sabbaths in one week (Lev 23:7). In fact, the original Greek text of Matthew 28:1 supports this, as the Greek states PLURAL SABBATHS. In English, they change it to singular. But the text should be translated to, "After the SABBATHS, at dawn, on the first day of the week..."

This also fixes timeline inerrancies between the Gospels regarding the Passion week:
- Mark 15:42 Jesus killed and buried on Preparation day on Wednesday April 25th
- Mark 16:1 Sabbath Day Thursday April 26th
- Mark 16:1 Women buy spices for Jesus' burial AFTER SABBATH on Friday April 27th
- Luke 24:1 Women prepare the spices for anointing on Friday April 27th BEFORE 1st Day of week. Can't be Saturday as that is also a Sabbath and they're not allowed to buy or work
- Matthew 28:1 Sabbath Day on Saturday April 28th, Evening of same day, after Sabbath ends, Jesus is risen
- Mat 28:1, Mark 16:2, Luke 24:1, John 20:1 women go to the tomb after sunrise on Sunday April 28th, but while it was still dark
- Mark 16:4, Lu 24:2-3, John 20:1 Women find stone already rolled away and body gone
- John 20:17 Mary sees Jesus and told not to touch Him for He hasn't ascended to the Father
- John 20:20, 27 Jesus invites the disciples to examine and touch Him

Note, before sunrise on the 1st day, Mary is not allowed to touch because Jesus hasn't yet ascended to God. Yet that evening the disciples are allowed to touch. Why? That is answered in Leviticus 23:9-14. On the 1st day of the week, after Passover and Sabbath, the Priest is to wave before God in the temple a sheaf of the first grain harvested so it is accepted on behalf of the people. The people were not allowed to partake in or eat the harvest until the offering happens.

That means, on the 1st day of the week, April 29th, as the priests were in the Temple waving the people's first fruit offerings before God, Jesus ascended to Heaven and presented Himself as the first fruit of the New Covenant before His Father. Then everyone can eat of the Harvest.


Hello Mike, I really appreciate your ministry. As a Christian apologist who has studied eschatology and Daniel 9 in particular, I have a question regarding the warrant for separating the 70th week from the preceding 69 weeks. Is there anything in the text that suggests we should expect a two thousand year (and counting) gap? The prophecy is for 70 “sevens” of years as typically interpreted, or 490 years, and there was no gap between the first “week” and the 62 “weeks”, correct? Verse 26 of Dan 9 says that AFTER the 62 weeks Messiah would be cut off, and you say as much, but this implies the beginning of the final consecutive week. “The people of the ruler to come” i.e., the Romans, did in fact bring war, desolation, and destruction to the temple; I find this interpretation to be of great apologetic benefit as it demonstrates the complete prophecy of 490 years—just as the angel told Daniel. I’m certainly aware of the theologies that posit a gap in the prophecy (used to believe it myself!) and insert an “antichrist” figure, but found that its just not indicated in the text, only brought in to support a pre-conceived eschatological scheme. Why not follow the simple reading and let the Bible speak for itself rather than creating a difficult to defend—and impossible to falsify—interpretation? Blessings, and keep up the great work!
