How the FAA really sees the FPV Community. 👀

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"Not everybody is a criminal."
Give em time. We'll all be criminals eventually at the rate they're going.


These rules are ridiculous. It's upsetting that no matter how much we redress our government on the rules, they refuse to listen.


I follow rules so long as they make sense. The FAA rules no longer make sense. This is what happens when you have non-drone users making drone rules based on their ignorant and incorrect assumptions about something they have no experience with, or firsthand knowledge of.


CASA in Australia is now following the same playbook as the FAA. I WILL NOT COMPLY!


Imagen you need to put remote id on a tinywhoop


ALL recreational flying was on the chopping block as soon as big business decided they wanted the air space. I was a kid in the 80's as well when I was introduced to flying. The days when you had to build your own plane. Good ole telescopic antennas & frequency #'s. We were at Fields then as that was really the only place you could fly. Now when a field closes FAA will not allow a new one to open. As soon as FAA put in a system that does not allow anymore fields it tells me that they already have data that all flying sites will be gone after XXX amount of time. I fly everything. I fly at fields & I freestyle at different locations. This country is about the almighty dollar. It's the only thing any politician cares about. The only thing they push in our area now is not teaching kids to fly for recreation and having fun or just learning basic aerodynamics, it's about getting kids into flying in preparation to work for corporations.


Someone (an organization) should file a class action for monitoring. There is a Constitutional argument for tracking when not committing a crime.


I am from South Africa, Flying a drone is basically illegal. We support you in this crazy move.


My name is Danny and recently y had a confrontation with a Karen while flying my 160grm FPV… for some reason she thought I was spying on her… I didn’t even saw her 😅😞


Like the video. Haven't seen XJETs video but I am glad you made this one.
I've also been concerned about predators and bad people using a similar app and locating little Dani/Danny or a young girl drone operator. Those people are out there.
Another note: When I fly my Mavic I don't fly in the middle of town. Too many obstacles, people, and RF signals. I, like most others, prefer to fly in scenic areas and not around a lot of people, buildings, wires, etc... It's like the FAA hasn't spoke to actual FPV'ers and drone operators to find out where they actually prefer flying. The FAA (and Carin's) assume why and where we fly. And, they assume wrong.


I can see the passion in your eyes about this, and can tell you are upset about it. Data collection is insane whether it's traffic cameras tracking license plates, google maps tracking live traffic inside businesses or tracking drone flights.... We are quickly following the path of Europe regarding big data collection, and it's hard to fight. The thing I find facinating is the data collecting they are talking about here is exactly what they said wasn't going to happen in the RDQ's lawsuit...


Justin I am completely with you! We need to stand in the community and push back on this. All these kids in school learning about aviation, drone light shows, drone races everything and everyone is gonna be affected by this and not just the operators. Law enforcement will not have the time to deal with this. I feel your pain man I felt the same in my video. Im not good at talking with a camera but man this is important.


We've been totally misled by everyone about what this new FAA plan is all about. One for the last ten years, they claim that there have been too many close calls with airliners and private planes and drones. I've flown with airline pilots and asked if they could tell if it was a drone that they saw or a bird, they said it's an object and have no idea at approach speeds to our local airports. What they admitted, the FAA took every close encounter as a Drone, not even checking the facts, I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, and there are millions of seagulls flying around all the time.

What I see is, we're in the way of two major projects that the FAA likes, and are pushing, one delivery drones, so every mom-and-pop business will have their own drones and send them off with coffee and donuts to whomever buys them. the ID system, and the app, to allow customers to track where their donuts are. Nothing more, nothing less. We're a test of that app. The second problem, they want every foot of airspace from tree height to a thousand feet for delivery drone airspace. Then the next project they want, autonomous air taxis, moving people around without a pilot, so they get 1500 feet and up. We're taking up their airspace and we just have to go.

Personally, I do not wish to be driving around, or out cutting my lawn and have some delivery drone flying over my head, knowing just about every one of them controlled by a radio signal, models have crashes, so will delivery drones. Will they demand we remain inside and get everything delivered by drone? A possibility, and I think that the Deep State might have a say in this, as they wouldn't want anyone with a model aircraft or drone, to see what they're up to.


Cheers Justin for making this heartfelt video on such an important topic for everyone worldwide, not just the US. For as we know, politicians just copy the ideas of others rather than think of their own. The fact that the laws / regulations make no sense, makes no difference to them because their only priorities are sniffing the backsides of big business and totalitarian oppression ! Been a fan for 5 years now, cheers for everything dude ❤


Keep doing what you love, even if you can't share your videos publically. Real shame, but you, "YOU" still get the enjoyment. Never stop.
Keep the faith brother.
Do no harm is the ONLY natural and moral LAW.


Little Danny isnt allowed to fly anymore So they would confiscate his drone. Then weve lost another interested pilot


I agree about not going anywhere away from the FPV community. As long as I can get away from people and plan carefully I know I’ll be good.
Thinking about getting a sub 250 cinewhoop just for kicks and an additional safety with the ducts.


Love your take! Great video on a touchy subject. @Qwadawg approves! Last time I pulled into Glenwood, the only people flying was the cops surveiling someone behind the Chevron. Watched them for a few, was fascinating, their dromes are HUGE!


Ive been involved with some type of flying models since I was about 11 y/o, ( 1969) I built the balsa tissue and rubber powered gliders and free flight up until I could finally afford a radio control set. Still, even with a radio it required a large open field to fly a plane, with the birth of drones, it opened up a whole new world of flying, you were no longer limited to open field flying, you could now fly in areas that dont require open skies and altitude to fly safely. And now that we have this opportunity to fly ( with very accurate control) and the gift ( affordable quads) bestowed upon flyers is now being ripped from our hands.... and the 250 grams limit, wtf, just the gas tank alone in my 8' wing span engine powered plane weighs more when full ( 12 oz tank). Even the better FM Futaba radios back in the 90s were limited in distance well before the plane could be out of site. I also wonder if this is going to effect model rocketry too....


I've really wanted to get my part 107 to make some money off my fleet of drones, but I'm very hesitant because of the direction our government is heading i prefer not to be in a database. Especially with how drones are being used as weapons in Ukraine, now imagine if there was a database of those drone pilots. My opinion with all these drones rules is being backed by all these companies being pushed out of some markets because of all the different applications drones can do for much cheaper. Like helicopter companies, camera boom companies, hell even companies that are needed to setup expeditions to get to some of these remote locations, drones can get to now.
