YAHOO Interview Puzzle || Camel and Bananas || Logic + Optimization

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YAHOO Interview PUZZLE :
This puzzle is based on optimization skills.
You are the owner of a banana plantation and you have a camel. You want to transport 3000 bananas to a market, which is located at a distance of 1000 kilometers from your planatation. Your camel is used for banana transportation but it can carry a maximum of 1000 bananas at a time, and it eats one banana for every kilometer it travels.
(that means, irrespective of whether the camel goes towards the maket or towards the planatation , it consumes 1 banana for one kilometer of travelling)

What is the maximum number of bananas that can be delivered to the market with the help of the camel?

Hint : Start with the most obvious approach then try to optimize the solution.

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If you guys didnt understand here is the explanation.

3k bananas at starting point
1k banana max carry

The camel brought 1k forward to first drop point of 200km. It ate 200 bananas, thus it had 800 left, since it is going back to pick up the rest it had to take 200 from the 800, thus there are only 600 bananas at first drop off.
It then picked up 1k more bananas, dropped the same 600 since it has to go back the last time to pick the remaining 1k. Since it is no longer going back the 3rd time, then it had 800 to drop off. Totalling 2k bananas at first drop point.

The 2nd drop point, the camel carried 1k bananas again and made 333km, thus eating 333 bananas, and only having 667 bananas left, since it need to go back again to pick up the last 1k, it took 333 bananas, thus having 334 bananas on 2nd drop point. Once its picked up the 1k bananas, it consumed 333 of it again to get to drop point, thus having 667 to drop plus the remaining 334 to have 1001 bananas on 2nd drop point.

Now this is where it gets weird. The camel can only carry 1k bananas. Thus 1 banana is wasted. The camel then traveled 467km to drop of the remaining bananas to the market, resulting of 533 bananas delivered out of the 3000 in the beginning.


Five minutes ago I had nothing against camels.


Does anyone notice that the length of the video is the Answer 😂😂😂


Problem: Camels are worth more than 3000 bananas, and you can't take the camel home using the solution Ammar has made! If you want to get the camel home, you need to account for the lost bananas for the return trip. This means you have to remove 1000 bananas from the possible sale category, but NOT from the prepositioned cache category. Unfortunately, no matter what happens, the camel starves to death before getting home--the back-and-forth travel to move bananas to the caches consumes so many bananas that even if you make it to market and turn around without selling bananas, it dies before reaching the first cache again, after picking up the single banana left at the second cache.


And then the camel dies on the trip back, since there are no more bananas


So that's why bananas are so expensive these days.


Ironic the farmer lost 75+% of his revenue due to failing to innovate and Yahoo lost 75+% of its business to Google for a similar reasons...


"The camel eats 1 banana for every kilometer it travels" is not the same as "the camel needs to eat 1 banana for every kilometer it travels"


*when you feed 2467 bananas to the camel and only sell 533*



So how do you know your bananas are safe when you leave them 250 km away from you?


Respect for the camel for eating that amount of bananas


While this is great and I could not figure it out myself, the thing I immediately realized is that you aren't getting your camel back to the plantation. This sort of logic puzzle is good for seeing if you can think outside of the obvious and create efficient ways to optimize things, but it's ultimately a plan that should be scrapped.


The question needs to contain the line;
"In order to move, the camel requires a banana every km."
The way it is formulated currently, it is unclear whether the camel is opportunistically stealing a banana every km just because it can OR if the banana is required fuel for the camel to move the 1km.
In other words, I can empty the camel at the intermediate points and return to previous stage to refill - the return journeys cost no bananas.


So you don’t bring the camel back from the market?


I failed to solve this problem because I was trying to ensure that the camel had 1000 bananas to eat for the return trip.


Who's is gonna tell the camel that it's been 1km and now you have to eat a Banana 😂😂😂


My questions in such an interview:
1) Does the camel *need* to eat a banana for each KM, or will it just eat one *if* it's carrying any? The question just states that the camel "eats" one banana per KM, not that it *must* eat one; camels don't typically eat bananas. That could change the solution by eliminating the need to carry bananas on backwards trips.
2) Is cache safety an issue? It isn't exactly feasible to just drop a pile of bananas in the middle of the desert, completely unattended and unguarded.
3) Even assuming the camel needs bananas for the return trip, once you get to the market having lost ~82% of your bananas (obligatory comment about Yahoo's business practices), how do you get the camel back home with no bananas? Do you buy feed for it? Why couldn't it eat the normal things that camels eat like grass, hay, leaves, thorny bushes, etc. during its trips? Or does it only run on bananas. Maybe you should trade in for a hybrid camel that can run on bananas OR regular camel feed.


Now I realize the importance of motor engine after watching this video


No camels were harmed in the making of this video 😂😂


During my interview for First American India, During the HR round this question was asked to me!!I approached but couldn't get it accurately!!Thank you for clearing my doubt!! 😍😍
