It Gets Better: Google Employees

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A video contribution for the It Gets Better Project from Google Employees.

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I almost hung myself. School was crap. Home was crap. I always heard negative comments growing up. I'm 34. I came out at 28 ish. Took 2 bottles of wine on the second attempt. I finally attended Pride for the first time last June. I finally got my first Pride flag that I proudly display outside of my house.


I am a straight woman and I have to say I really don't understand where all this hate is coming from. Why hate people for something they cannot change. Let them be. 


God bless you all for this. When one of you described what he would wish some one would have said to him when he wasfourteen year old, I actually burst into tears and sobbed. I was one of those fourteen year olds who never heard those words. I was one of those who did try to end it all. No one ever told me those words. Thank God the world is so different today.


My nine year old son is 100% certain he is gay. I told him ...okay and?!? I told him NOT to even THINK that he needs to worry about who he is because HE is a perfects human being. I am SO thankful for people like Google to put such a positive message on the Internet to PROVE to children that labels do not son could be 1/2 Martian and I would not think any differently and he knows this. I want the HOLE entire population to be happy with themselves. I am bipolar but I refuse to label myself because everyone is their own person. If somebody doesn't like my "crazy" then whatever. My nine year old says he is gay and I told him... I'm why do you feel the need to label yourself because anyone who loves you doesn't care who you are... I told him that I was literally crazy and he told me "no you aren't mommy!" And I said "see in just labeling myself!!" I'm an unwed Asian female with mental problems...but I normally don't tell everyone that...I informed my sweet sweet child if he acts like he is different then he is labeling himself as I could and being "gay" does not define him (like being bipolar does NOT define me) being his BADASS true self defines him And I want him to have 200% confidence about who he is. Thank you all again for showing children that thy need to have confidence and a high self esteem because they are worth it. I wish someone could have told me the same You are amazing and so is this message. I can't help but to say "I loves U!!!" Please make a suicide agreement parents. Because a seminar taught me that if a promise is In writing then a teen or child is more likely to keep their word. I was 17 when I signed an agreement that I promised I wouldn't commit suicide and though I sometimes think that my life isn't worth anything, I remember the promissory note I made my family that I would never take my own life hope my gibberish make sense u love u


I fucking love gay people. I did growing up straight in a conservative town and I still do. Keep gaying it up, gays.


Four years on and this still gets me right in the heart!


I've been out since I was 18 and I'm proud of who I am


There are 746 dislikes as of this posting. How can that even possibly be? Are you serious! This moved me to tears.


The last couple they featured are both so handsome, and together are so cute


Commenters of the world! Please! Let's keep our mouths CLOSED if we don't know what we are talking about! Being gay is nothing abnormal, or terrible, or a sin. I believe it is just the way some people were born. And I prefer these people, who unite us in differences, than bigoted and homophobic idiots with nothing to say but actual crap. Stop this! There are still people out there committing suicide, and if you think that is funny, or the right thing, and you feel liberated from these "horrible sinners", you are no humans, but cold machines with no heart and feelings. We are still talking about human beings! And to he "pro" commenters, I think the Gay community is thanking you right now for how you defend them... US. But stop feeding the trolls. It is not worth it. Don't lose your time, they will just continue attacking. So please. Let them stay in their own shady dark corner with their thoughts of: "We are right!"


It does get better. I was beaten up in middle school almost every day. Kept me up throughout my middle school years. Things started to get better in high school. As a teenager, I tried to hang myself on my living room chandelier but was interceded by a visitor. Do not despair, the boat is filled to the brim with gay teenagers. I am now a lecturer and library celebrity. If you are thinking of a way out, don't do it, there's a beautiful horizon waiting for you filled with joy and success. You are just five minutes from the miracle.


I've been feeling really depressed... thank you for the video guys... I love it.. people should love you for who you are. no matter what.


Google should explain it's hypocrisy in posting this video yet also agreeing to run advertisements from the "Church" of Scientology. The "Church" of Scientology is vehemently anti-gay. What if Westboro Baptist Church had the resources to purchase Youtube advertising, is this a business relationship Google would be willing to enter into?


I am so glad to live in Québec. My brother didn't have to fear the ''small town'' thing and actually moved back and bought a house in our small town with his boyfriend. His neighbors seem nice, -crime rate? what crime rate.- and those that might not be okay with it mind their own buisness because they or the rest of the family never hear any snark. The only exception was a religious nut, who, ironically, was from the city and got such cold stares for his hateful BS he learned to watch his manners.


To the brave people who made this vid and gave this are the voices of history, courage, brotherhood and the spirit of us all.
Thank you thank you thank you.


I came back to watch this and thank you, fantastic, happy Xmas EVERYBODY!


As if everybody who got picked on in high school, for whatever reason, are always success stories and the people who were bullies, are literal failures.


Thank you Google and too all the staff on this video who shared their stories and the message that it really does get better! Our LGBTQ youth need to hear and know this message!


I actually needed this, I've been feeling pretty depressed lately! THANK YOU GOOGLE PEOPLE! ;D


This is beautiful... Absolutely beautiful! Well done google! 
