Harry and Meghan Episode 3 Recap: 6 Lies They Told On Netflix and Trashing The Commonwealth

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Trashing the commonwealth, calling everyone racist, Meghan's estranged niece, lying about not getting royal training, and so much more shenanigans.... are you ready?

#meghanmarkle #princeharry #harryandmeghan #netflix #royalfamily

Video Chapters:
0:00 - intro
0:53 - whining about the engagement interview
4:45 - insulting the queen's commonwealth legacy
6:22 - more complaining
12:07 - obsession with Diana story
13:18 - talking about family
14:43 - the innocent act
16:43 - meghan talking about her dad

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Black Isn't she mixed? I'm from Ghana and we are proud to be part of the Commonwealth


Harry may not have chosen to be born royal, but most people didn’t wish to be born poor and struggling. We all are given unfair lots in life, and Harry is one of the most privileged people in the entire world. His whining is beyond out of touch. They’re just mad that people don’t like them because their lies, narcissism, hypocrisy, and horrible bullying has been exposed.


If Diana were here she would give them both a slap🤔


I think you missed the part where Meghan uses various stereotypes within this documentary, such as the British are cold, or their traditions are medieval, or the way they curtsy, even how Americans greet... yeah, the same Meghan who fights against those same stereotypes in her podcast.


Queen Mary of Denmark learnt Danish and Meghan Markle the smart one struggled to learn God Save the Queen -oh please spare me!!


The instances of MeAgain purposely breaking protocol (ex: her light brown dress in the otherwise color-coordinated Royal family pic), lying, manipulating, complaining and being abusive and a general pain in the arse towards the Royal family are just too numerous to keep track of. They welcomed her with open arms, enthusiasm and generosity beyond compare and it was never enough. The money she spent on designer clothes was absolutely criminal and despite being asked, she couldn’t bring herself to wear a British designer even ONCE. The instant she was called out on her repugnant, entitled behavior she began her “The Royals and Britain are racist” campaign.
This is one POS that needs her title revoked and the spotlight taken away. Free MeAgain to return to her spot under the rock from which she crawled!


The fake naivete is how she cosplays as a young person, not a women in her mid-forties. It's very moving. Left eye.


Thank you for NOT torturing us with footage of their voices 😅


She said she has never identifies herself as black when growing up with her mum confirming that by saying they never had talks about race! She’s gone on saying she’s 43% Nigerian and called herself a black woman in one of her speeches/interviews - where is the cultural appropriation police when you need it? Why isn’t there an uproar on this?


Commonwealth countries share their wealth together. They share a common wealth. It’s works in a way similar to NATO, by bringing small countries with small militaries together, they create one larger military. While the Commonwealth is a very nuanced topic, the idea is that if 52 poor countries stood together and shared their resources then all of the countries could benefit from the wealth of those resources. The idea was not to make one family rich by taking from poor African countries. TLDR: Meghan is lying about the Commonwealth and H is to dim to know any different.


A true documentary would include all her marriages. All his dirty racist remarks. Questions about her yachting activities and how she got those Saudi earrings! To say the least..


H&M: Anyone can be a royal expert.

Us: oh yeah, we knew that once Omid Scobie showed up on the scene.


On the curtsy issue, I’m American and when I was on dance class as a girl, the curtsy is the first thing we learned. Her father released photos of her in dance class.
You know, the pathological liar, BELIEVEs their own lies. This woman needs intense therapy.


I thought MM had studied international relations and worked at an embassy? How did she know so little about things like curtsying and walkabouts and royalty? None of this makes sense to me. So many people out there drinking in every word of all this without question…it’s scary.



Harry dressed as a Nazi, called his army colleagues ‘r*gheads’ and ‘P*kis’ and told a black man he doesn’t sound like a black man (all of these incidents are documented by video or the person telling us, not rumours or accusation). Harry IS the racist and I’m so sick of people defending him as some hero while accusing others of being racist who have no history of being so. So he married a biracial woman and told everyone they have unconscious bias and that makes him some kind of wonderful anti racist hero? Ridiculous


Harry cosplaying as an intellectual. Great line!


as someone who was born and raised in a commonwealth country (now living in spain) it's actually laughable and insulting how little they know about it but have so many opinions on it. how are we "privileged" but also "poor" ???


Didn't she have her " ironic divorcee veil" specially embroidered regarding the Commonwealth?? The fact that the Royal Family bent over backwards for her and pretty much acquiesced to her whims makes me line...they can't be blamed...they Love Harry!! MM clearly doesn't and never has!! He was just a glorified stepping stone!! If he doesn't walk out....I can no longer hold onto my empathy for him!! Go home Harry.. .. Now!!


They have to STOP USING DIANA as bait for their MONEY.


Honestly, having a white father raising her doesn’t make for as good of a story as having a black struggling mother
