Top 20 Most Sought After Weapon Transmogs

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In this video we’ll be going over the top 20 most sought after weapons tmogs in WoW. These weapons can come from any source, but they must still be obtainable in the modern game, so unfortunately we can’t include items such as the Staff of Atiesh or the Corrupted Ashbringer.

Script by Weltz
Video edited by Ateratsu
Setup by Lotthbrook

├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
20) Chromatic Sword: (0:14)
19) Quel’Zaram, High Blade of the Lion: (1:07)
18) Quel’Delar: (1:57)
17) Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds: (6:10)
16) Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy: (6:55)
15) Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings: (8:06)
14) Fyr'alath, the Dream Render: (9:47)
13) Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker: (10:53)
12) Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury: (12:54)
11) Fangs of the Father: (13:54)
10) Fandral's Flamescythe: (15:38)
9) Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest: (16:57)
8) Scythe of the Unmaker: (18:12)
7) Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros: (19:23)
6) Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood: (21:21)
5) Rae’shalare, Death’s Whisper: (22:45)
4) Shadowmourne: (23:26)
3) Gorehowl, Might of the Warchief: (24:34)
2) Taeshalach: (26:06)
1) Warglaives of Azzinoth: (27:12)

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I farmed the Battered Hilt in the Pit of Saron. So you don't have to just stick to the Halls of Reflection. You also get all the appearances once you complete the quest.


I'd like to add that if you're a Demon hunter and you're farming the warglaives on said demon hunter, there is a skip for them in BT, after defeating the second boss, the giant elemental guarding the entrance, there's a chain to the left when you enter that you can climb, when you climb high enough, you can double jump and dash to the platform that takes you towards the last 3 bosses, skipping the other 3 entirely and can get to Illidan more directly, meaning a big time save.


To this day I wish I could get Shadowmourne and Taeshelach.

Not for me. Im a Warlock. For my Wrathguard. He deserves nice things.


A fun fact, Sylvannas also has the ability to use a Wailing Arrow in heroes of the storm, the only change being that she casts it at a location and not directly at a player.


"A massive pain in the Assinoth"
10/10 Comedy Level


correction the Battered Hilt can drop in any of the 3 ICC dungeons not just Halls of Reflection and most people farm Pit of Saron for it as it has the largest number of mobs with the least travel time (one loop around the pit without pulling any boss's, wait for mobs to stack up and then aoe them down, exit, reset and repeat).


When I did Quel'Delar I got all mog appearances, even the petty ones. I did it like 3 years ago.


One additional Shadowmourne benefit, upon completion you get 4-5 quests that each give a BOE item, a couple of which still fetch a decent price on the AH


I'll never forget how one time the Quel'Delar quest dropped for me, and I unknowingly gave it away to a random in my group. Not even mad about it, but I never ended up getting it again


You missed TWO V E R Y sought after xmogs:
Arcanite Ripper (the one from Karazhan, do not get confused with Arcanite Reaper) and Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King!


3:34 this is not correct, 251 is normal ilvl from 10man. 264 is the heroic ilvl.
and 277 is the heroic 25man ilvl.


Minor correction: you do NOT need to be a DH to get the warglaive appearance from black temple timewalking, you only need to have the feat of strength for getting the swords, then you can clear the timewalking raid on any character and get the appearance on your DH


Did he say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of The Windseeker?


Took me 8 months of grinding to get Taeshalach, back when you had to use pets to solo Aggramar as they wouldn't be affected by the AoE push off the arena.

Worth it though.


I am so blessed that I got taeshelach on my 1st run, but have been farming for purity’s edge for 3 months now. This was a fun vid, keep it up.


So happy I finally xmogged my Corrupted Ashbringer in the Cata Prepatch today 🎉🎉🎉


Great video! For me the most sought after weapons included the long lost but recently returned "Black Metal" weapons from Vanilla, as a musician, I was glad to finally get all of these a couple months ago. There are other green item weapons that could've made this list too like Ghoulfang.


Thank you for making great content! Much love!


Your video is good luck. ;3 I watched it yesterday and was reminded of the Scythe of the Unmaker. I haven't run mythic Antorus in ages because the Eonar fight is so annoying, but I gave it a go tonight and the Scythe dropped on my 2nd run. Thanks. (I already have Taeschalach.)


The Battered Hilt questline gives you ever appearance, I did it years ago on a Druid and could use all appearances on whatever class could, like the swords on a Demon Hunter. It happened in that change they made years ago where completed quests gave you all the appearances available.
