UFO & UAP 'Need to Know' News Documentary with Coulthart & Zabel | 7NEWS Spotlight

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This is a special edition of NEED TO KNOW in collaboration with Australia’s 7NEWS.

Produced and Edited by Stefan Mitchell

For those of you who aren’t already viewers or listeners to NEED TO KNOW @BryceZabel presented by Ross Coulthart and his friend and colleague Bryce Zabel, NEED TO KNOW is a show that gives you the latest news and analysis about what they suspect will soon turn out to be the biggest story ever, the emerging astonishing revelations about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - what some folk have long called UFOs.

As you’ll see, Bryce and Ross think this is a story that needs to be taken very seriously after decades of what we both believe is unjustified stigma and ridicule. UAPs are an authentic mystery that can no longer be denied.

Ross and Bryce embarked on a road trip of the US, speaking with credible experts and insiders for this documentary.

Hear from Ryan Graves, the former US Navy advanced fighter pilot, whose testimony to Congressmen and Senator in closed door hearings in Congress has been key in waking politicians up to the reality that this phenomenon, whatever it is, is a potential national security threat and a real danger to flight safety.

Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shares insights on secrets he believes the US government is hiding.

Ross and Bryce also went UAP hunting with investigator Ben Hansen, in an area renowned for sightings.

Ross also sits down for an incredible interview with Professor Garry Nolan.
Garry is a Stanford University professor, an internationally renowned immunologist, who has recently been nominated for a Nobel Prize. He’s also been involved in secret work for the CIA investigating illnesses suffered by military and intelligence personnel who’ve had damaging close-up experiences with UAPs.

And Bryce's co-creator of TV series 'Dark Skies', Brent Friedman, reveals a bizarre encounter he had, when the show was launched.

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Ross you're A GEM! I'm 48 and growing up in Australia you've been on my TV for most of my memory but to now have you putting your incredible talents for investigative journalism into my favourite subject is just awesome for me and the ufo disclosure community..
Please don't stop mate!


This is so cool! I was also a paper boy in Sioux Falls, SD, and had to deliver the Sunday edition very early in the morning. I was walking along, lugging my heavy bag of papers in my Victorian neighborhood, when I happened to look over to see a bright glowing orb hovering over the city center. I was probably in 6th grade at the time. I ran home and woke my parents up and made them follow me into my bedroom, which overlooked the city because our Victorian house was on a bluff overlooking the entire downtown area. And there it was. floating around. Up and down, left and right, in the dark. I don't remember what my parents said, but they didn't make me go back out to finish my deliveries. 50 years later, my father and I were talking about the past, and he mentioned this incident. I was shocked because I never knew he and my mother took the event seriously. To me, it seemed like a dream by then. Now I know I saw what I saw and my parents also saw it from my bedroom windows. Who knows what else paper boys saw in those pre-dawn days? I don't even think there are paper boys left anymore!


In the UK we are still waiting on a credible News journalist to take this subject on...Kudos to Ross & Bryce for having the insight & integrity in moving the subject into the public consciousness.


As an ordinary us citizen who appreciates integrity, and transparency, i totally would like to thank you gentlemen for your efforts


These two gentlemen have really helped remove the stigma and add legitimacy and credibility to the UFO topic.


I'm a private pilot and have a technical background... I'm also a photographer of the night sky. I saw one of these things in '09. I'm so glad official people are coming out about these things... Talk about this stuff back in 09 to the average Joe and they'd think you were a lunatic. Of course, the average person who here's the term UFO automatically assumes you're claiming to have witnessed aliens - so the switch to UAP was smart in my opinion... It's good to re-clarify that we're just saying we've seen something unexplainable by conventional means.


It’s simple. I see a Ross Coulthard documentaries on UFOs, I click. Thank you 7NEWS 🙏


Lets give some props to Ryan Graves please! Served our country, questioned DoD authority, and has courageously spoken up for commercial pilot safety. 👏👏👏


I've got to thank channel 7 for all their coverage on this topic. They are without doubt the leading mainstream channel anywhere in the world shining a much-needed spotlight on this subject.


*Mr. Coulthart is the investigative reporter we never knew we needed. Great job Ross!*


the fact that Betty Hill was able to perfectly draw a map of the Zeta Reticuli star system that she was shown on the craft, before it was even found, is proof enough for me.


I was a boy between 8-10 years old with a very close encounter with a UFO. I was fishing and this silver object circular in shape and at least 100 feet around and 6 to 8 feet high it rose out of the water to about 10 feet no sound completely soundless hover for 30 seconds and went back down into the water. I was there for the next 3 hours and never saw it again. I wanted to stay until I saw it again but had to leave so I didn't miss dinner. No No 1 would believe me, but I know extraterrestrial life exists!!!!


I can’t express enough appreciation for your devotion to this topic. I’m 53 and grew up watching things like “In search of” which spurred my interests only to have it extinguished by misinformation propaganda like “Project Blue Book”.

Then around 2012 I witnessed two unexplained sightings. Once on a cruise ship balcony near Puerto Rico, my entire family witnessed an underwater light zoom from under the ship, out into open water in a flash of a second. Again later that year, myself and my daughters witnessed a massive triangular set of lights zoom over our car. Lastly, a year ago, while on another cruise near St Thomas, I videoed another sighting.

After years of being lied to by our government, I truly appreciate your pursuit of trying to solve this greatest of mysteries!


This is the kind of reporting that has the power to literally change the world.


This is how documentaries on UFOs should be done. This is the best reporting I’ve ever seen on the topic! Thank you for doing this!


Gary Nolan is the man. Beyond intelligent. His research along with a few others have no doubt saved millions of lives. He has no problem forwarding his research to Doctors who specialize in specific fields who he knows needs that information. He is a rare individual.


Mindboggling! They are really pushing the conversation further than before. A delight to see this subject investigated by serious journalists, scientists and witnesses.


For people who are wondering, this is not the doco that aired on TV on Sunday night. This is a much better production where both Bryce and Ross appear to have greater control on the narrative and production.


It's good to know there are still journalists out there with integrity. I believe that history will look favorably on anyone who keeps asking questions with an open mind, no matter where it leads.


My dad served with the American troops in Korea was injured but lots of information was missing. My dad mentioned UFOs in Korea.
