The ONLY CONSOLE WE CAN'T JAILBREAK - The Xbox One (& Xbox Series X)

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Every game console ever made was s designed to prevent game piracy and every one failed, except one.
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So it wasnt because Microsoft made it unhackable, it was because Microsoft made it not worth hacking, a pretty smart move. Its kinda like "If you cant beat them, join them"


Moral of the story, if you don't want people to jailbreak your system let them run homebrew and emulators(even if it's in a sandbox environment).


Vita failed mostly on marketing and memory card prices, piracy was only possible after it was essentially dead


I remember what a Capcom american developer said when he told a japanese dev that their games were always cracked in advance; the japanese dev replied "They pirate our games? But that's illegal!".


Ya Microsoft has a good strategy make it secure and then remove 80% of the people who are trying to hack the console so the only people who are trying to hack it is the pirates


This aged well the Xbox one is now able to be jailbroken


I barely know anything about console security. I keep learning from this man every video he puts out.


As far as I remember there was another hack for the 360, which affected the DVD drive only. One had to remove the drive from the console, put it in a PC and change it's firmware so it would report burned DVDs as retail ones.


Bare in mind, no system is unhackable. It’s as he said, microsoft made it entirely pointless to want to unless you wish to pirate, no other defence. I do personally think we’ll see an exploit happen soon when the console has been completely cut off, although the 360 servers are still up so that should speak when an xbox one exploit will happen, let alone series consoles and beyond & it’s already likely that exploits exist & just are remaining private since it’ll be entirely pointless to release it.


Great content man, just stumbled across your channel and love it. I think xbox really have nailed their architecture with these latest systems, its going to be a fair few years till this system sees any kind of hack if at all


Modding the 360 back in 08' was a weekend project when I had the time. Making sure I had all the right parts and pieces. It was a learning experience.


You see, here's the thing.. what Microsoft and to some extent Sony learned is that renewable security is needed at the software and hardware levels to combat piracy. One alone would not be enough. However, what I think most people are missing, is that if an exploit gets these consoles into a jailbroken mode with jailbreak hardware/firmware/software to make it so, AND the pirates port the titles (mainly the offline ones) to this jailbroken firmware to specifically work on this type of mod.. there is no teeth to the renewable security.. and it will still be a 1:1 hack.. the hardware is in an offline state (at least to the the phone home mode) and the mod allows ported & hacked games to work.
This will indeed happen, IF there is a demand and incentive to take things to the next level.. which eventually there will be or probably already has... it's just the 2022 version of the Captain Crunch decoder ring... also, sometimes the console's security get compromised by leaks from the developers part way through the release's lifetime.


You forgot to mention that every title is ran in its own Hyper-V virtualized environment. Meaning that with such memory and address randomness even if an exploit was found, Hyper-V pretty much makes sure its a one-time gig. Also if comprised, most of the apps, games or even the OS would likely realize this and cease to function.


PS5 already has an exploit this stuff is crazy


The Sega CD has *no security*. This is because CD burners in 1991/1992 were basically unknown to the general user because at the time they were priced upward of $10, 000 and it wasn't until the HP 4020i recorder in 1995 that you could purchase a recorder for less than $1, 000.


Great video man. I have been thinking about this over the last year and I agree with everything here. I am currently jailbreaking my ps4 to do exactly this


I grew up with a ps3 and a wii. Most likely would've never guessed the Xbox One couldn't be jailbroken. You taught me something new today. If you ever have a chance, could you make a video about the Wii Mini... doesn't even have to be modding; if it is, the exploit is over Bluetooth which has been very annoying to reach success.


Great content but there's ways in the past where rgh users had spoofed their firmware to play online without updating. It was done by various homebrew apps. Now I agree as a software developer that no one wants their work to be patch by Microsoft after all the time put into it but even if they did patch it with a update. The update alone wont be too much of a difference in the code. Meaning shouldn't take long after update release to make a new jailbreak


the only thing that I can think of is if you used an internet connection that had the update website blocked then the console would not be able to update every time it booted and therefore be vulnerable to exploits.


That's why everytime they delist a Forza Horizon, its DLC go to heaven.
