'Many are called but few are chosen?'

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Matthew 22:14 introduces us to this verse that we have heard time and again. It is my prayer that this verse helps you remember the wonderful, saving power of our God. That whenever you hear this phrase/verse being used, you will remember that God paid the ultimate price for you.

Love y'all.
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Thank you love for sharing this! It helped me break down that passage a little bit better. 😊


Amen 🙏 my spirit resonates with what you are saying God bless you 🙏


That's not what that means. Many are called, which is hearing the Gospel message but only the ones who believe the Gospel are chosen. It has nothing to do with your righteousness, you have none. Once you believe the Gospel you get Christ righteousness and that is the clothing you need.


Hallelujah! Praise the Lord CHRIST JESUS!!....


Many hundreds thousands have been invited to have a relationship with Christ but only a few are chosen because very few can accept the price.


Wow a different revelation! I love itttt


This was awesome to listen to! I was study for a midweek bible study and this is exactly what the Lord placed on my heart.... it has been used in the wrong context!!! Love it! Keep speaking His Word! Praying it will heal many! Bless you!


Thank you Minister for this divine interpretation. keep it coming and God bless you.


Great interpretation, God richly bless u Amen


The chosen are those who believe in Christ not anything to do with a works based salvation


God bless your heart deary. Much More Grace💞💞💞


Then the question begs what is we are not ready/clothed in righteousness, looking for His coming? That is the gist of the parable to encourage us to add to our calling into sanctification from where the inheritance comes from.


Not quite the same as how Professor James M. Baird Jr explained it in his article titled: "What did YAHSHUA meant by 'Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen"'? James' narratives explained it BETTER. HalleluYAH 🙏🙏🙏


What do you mean open up a invitation?


I honestly don't get why people get all worked up over the chosen thing, just do good for the sake of good not for the sake of being chosen...being chosen should be an added bonus.


This is not what that means. Many are called... that is. Everyone is invited. The gospel goes out to everyone to repent and believe. That is referred to as the “general call” done by God’s servants (pastors) Only the few are chosen. That is the effectual call from the Father. That call only goes out to the chosen the Father predestined before the foundation of the world. These are the ones who’s hearts are circumcised and are born again. Jesus states in John 6 no one can come to me unless the father draws them. That drawing is the effectual call when that person hears the gospel and is quickened by the Holy Spirit. And then Jesus continues, and I will raise them up in the last day. So, everyone that the father calls/draws (effectual call) will be saved. How do we know this? Cause Jesus says, He will raise them up on the last day. Also in John 6, Jesus says all the Father gives to Me, will come to Me and whoever comes to Me I will not cast out. Same thing. He reiterated it. All the Farher gives to Me, WILL come to me, that is from the effectual call whom God has chosen. And the whoever comes to me, which they will because it just stated that they will, He will not cast out.

So again, everyone is called. That is the general call from the gospel. Everyone is invited. But only the chosen receive that effectual call from the Father whom He had predestined (Romans 8).


Well explained. Thanks a lot my sister.


And you have no clue what this scriptures means .... That's why you should keep silent
1 Tim 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
So the Lord Jesus tells you hard headed As we clearly see here; to keep silent, and teach in private, don't avoid the word Have a blessed one!!!!✌🏾


U are preaching a false doctrine...which CHRISTS warns us in revelation about the 7 churches. 7: 13-14 ..enter by the narrow gate : for Wide is the gate that leads to ETERNAL DAMNATION and there are Many who go by it ....NARRROW is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to ETERNAL LIFE for very few find it..mathew 10 : 34-42.... Mathew 7 : 21-23... Sugar coated preaching leads to the souls eternal decay....


Oh no. You misleading. Go seek guidance before coming back to this platform.
