Many Are Called...….. FEW ARE CHOSEN

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Am l chosen by God?

Christian Motivation

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►An original video created by Grace for Purpose and delivered by our team speakers.


⬛Footage licensed through: Artgrid
⬛ Music licensed through Audiojungle

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Whoever reading this, I pray that God visits your home with Healings, blessings and miracles. Amen.💕


Never get tired of saying THANK YOU GOD because He never get tired of blessings you every day.Amen 💛


I'm chosen by Jesus. I believe in Christ since I have been 16. Now I'm 60 years old...


Serving the Lord will be the best decision that you will ever make.


Your angel is saying to you, Stay strong and believe in miracles. Your blessings are Coming. Claim it with faith. Amen.💕


I'll never forget this, in 2015 I received the Holy spirit in my room. I was in a bad position in my life dating the wrong woman, fornicating, doing a lot of things that were against God I was very unclean and living for the world. In the book of Matthew it teaches us how to pray... to go into your room and pray Our Father I did that. I started to realize my lifestyle was not of God and I started seeking him. I started by reading the bible and going to church then I started praying. I was in my room one night in 2015 I'll never forget it I was praying I dont remember exactly what I was saying but I was calling out to God for help. My heart started to beat so fast I really taught I was having a heart attack little did I know that was my rebirth in Christ I have been born again God has chosen me when I didnt deserve it, all of this in my own room. Took me out of darkness into his marvelous light if he did it for me he will do it for all. He was so clear with me and said... You are forgiven my son, go take on the world but dont you ever go back to your sins. Going on 5-6yrs of celibacy no porn, no masturbation, and no sex I went my first to be the day I get married. Patiently waiting for my wife, anxiously serving the Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


I don't know why people dislike God's word ...god is good god is patient God love every one


God does not chose those who are qualified but He qualified those He Chose


Jesus is the truth and the only way to the kingdom of heaven ✝️


People have always told me there was something different about me but I knew it was God but I kept quite . I down played myself to fit in . I always knew I was different. I always heard God say I am going to make your name great . Being different can be very painful because people are jealous of people who are chosen. I love God I don't see how anyone could not Love God . I never understood why people hate other people or set them up do do bad things. Many people through the years have told me I have a excellent spirt and I walk upright even in the worst case situations. When I didn't have food to eat I shared food when I needed a place to stay I prayed for people to gets homes when when I didn't have money I still gave to the poor when people ask me When I was suffering people never knew because I always smiled and encouraged them when people fought me I walked away I always encouraged people and loved people and I always will. 2021 is my year now to walk in my calling.


I pray we all be ready for our lords return


I make mistakes just like everyone else. The Lord knows who I am. That comforts me.


Father I pray for my light to shine, so that all my see YOU in me!


I've known from a very young age that God is real. I spent too much time running from Him. Things that happened to me effected my self esteem and I didn't feel like I was good enough for God to love me, I couldn't trust Him. Now I know that wasn't true and that He loves me even though I don't deserve His love, I have learned to accept His love and I'm learning how to love Him back


Following Jesus will cost you maybe more than u want to pay 💰. It is a narrow path to following Christ. 🙏‼️


I like the fact that many are called and few are chosen. This is because it gives us the reassurance that we are unique and on this Earth for a SPECIFIC purpose, hence we don't have to fear competition. What we have to do is different from each other, so let's just encourage each other to fulfill our God given purpose instead of bringing each other down 🙏


I am fixing to be 67. He has kept me and always been faithful even when I wasn't. I thank him so much for never leaving me nor forsaking me. We are facing a time like no other has been before and the bible is solid truth. Many today have either forgotten it is or don't know. We must speak that which is truth so they will hear and point to the one who died paying for all sin and rose again as the only answer. None other answer is.


Many are called, few are chosen. HE chooses whom HE pleases. We are human. We make mistakes like anyone else. There is not one righteous among us. You have a choice, to answer the call or not.


We are a chosen generation. ! Be holy as our Father in Heaven is holy. !


This is a wonderful video. The way to show we are chosen is by forgiving in our heart those who hate and mock us. Love defeats evil. The light ALWAYS overcomes the darkness. By doing these things we become unique. I pray for all of you and please pray for me
