How to Know If God Is Calling You to Singleness

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How will you know if God is calling you to singleness? Do I have the gift of singleness? What are some signs that God wants me single?

As a Christian single person questions about your future marriage or your future life of celibacy can be pressing.

Marriage is central to reflecting the gospel (Ephesians 5:22-33), it is the way God has ordained the human race to be populated (Genesis 1:28), and thus most Christians are called to be married. There are many Christians, however, who are called to singleness.

So how will you know if God is calling you to singleness?

1. You May Be Called By God to Singleness If You Know Your Whole Focus Should Be on Ministry

2. Religious Reasons Will Not Help You Know If God Is Calling You to Christian Singleness

3. If You Don’t “burn with passion”/Sexual Desires, God May Be Calling You to Singleness

4. Love God and He Will Reveal His Calling for You, Whether It’s Marriage or Christian Singleness




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Single and "walking" through it with's not easy especially when it comes to sexual desire and wanting Companionship...but I would rather be IN God's will than outside it.


One early morning I heard the Lord speak to me while I was still sound asleep

"a married man is committed to his family, but a single man is committed to God. This is why I want you to stay single".

Before this time I had never thought of celibacy in my life. So I went on my knees to pray about it and it became clear. He said

"I have called you into a life of celibacy yes. You can get married if you want. But that's the life that I've called you into. to serve me wholeheartedly.

And since that night I've decided to stay single for the rest of my life . I might be single yes. But I know I won't be lonely because the Lord will be with me. I love Jesus with all my heart. Glory to God forever. Amen


Thanks! I'm called to remain single to have an exclusive God relationship, serve Him and love Him and know Him.


Singleness is crushing me. Everyone who calls it a blessing is either meant to be single or already married. I am turning numb from the doubt & confusion as to why God has me here. Does He not know my pain? Does He not care? Did I do something wrong?

The waiting & wondering is turning into depression. I want to understand. I want to be a wife.


I feel that as of right now, I'm being called to singleness. I know later on, I will be married and hopefully blessed with children, but as of now I need to seek Him.


Im really okay with my singleness and I never thought I could be! It happened this way, but I’ve embraced it and every day it gets better. I don’t know if it’s a season or a lifetime, but either way it’s really peaceful this way right now and with silence surrounding me, I can hear God much more clearly.


Simply put, I have never found a love as strong or as deep as God's love. I can't find a love on Earth that matches God's love for me and that's why I've never had a relationship. Make fun of me all you want, I don't care.


He must become greater, I must become less - John 3:30!! 💕💕


I always knew He wanted me to be single but I wasn't sure. I prayed about and it all makes sense now. I want a better relationship with Him and to dedicate my life to Him as best I can.


Yes! God has called me to be single.. I do Believe this so that he can use me without distractions because he know my heart. Secondly, to teach me his ways and to Love myself. The Holy Spirit teaches us all things when we totally submit. Let say I do one day get married. I will be well equipped being taught how to be a wife from the bride-groom. A marriage that will last..


I am Singel Now for 17 years and I believe it’s gonna stay that way. Until my missing rib shows up. Keeping the Faith, And Hope in Divine Alinement of Purpose for His Glory and Receiving his blessings and Grace. Amen💙🙏🏼🇸🇪


Im forced to be single by default. I guess after being rejected so much i have the "gift" of singleness. Smh


I enjoy being single, I haven't experienced being single before. I see better now. Spending time with God more.


Watching this and now I know that I am called to be MARRIED!!!


The real reason I'm here: I'm tired of never being good enough for someone else... for me, if I'm not your dream girl, I'm not taking your last name. If I'm no one's dream girl, I'll be more than happy to be single for life.


I think God is keeping me single because I have been hurt so much in my past relationships, it's his way of protecting me🙏


I absolutely love being single. I can work and give to the work of the Lord. I have a lot to give to a lot of causes. Single and prosperous.


Hey everyone, I am truly sorry for the past rants I had on here. Today, December 10, 2018 I feel very humbled and want you all to know I would ask prayer for contentment in whatever comes at me in life. Thanks.


Way before I became a Christian, I used to think it was a sin not to get married because we were supposed to procreate because of Eve and what she did. You are the second person who said this, that its ok to either be single or married, unless it was your article I saw online. It may have been. I am single because I like being alone and I am a terror in relationships. I have a lot of baggage I need to clear up first. I think I actually may be called to singleness. I Love being able to get to know the Lord each day. 🙂


It’s always a happily married guy with an attractive wife and healthy kids who preaches on this. It’s hard to endure. If a homely, single, past-dating years guy talks on this? Maybe it‘d have credibility.
