Dr. Farid Fata 'Convicted Out Of Thin Air' by Noel Benjamin

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Dr. Farid Fata "Convicted Out Of Thin Air"

The True Story

Noel Benjamin

Christian Faith Publishing Inc.
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. CONVERSATION BETWEEN JODYSGIRL AND NOEL BENJAMIN ...So while what you are referring to IS possible, it would require either (i) a conspiracy of INTENT among MANY professionals or (ii) a conspiracy of INCOMPETENCE among the same group. Yet in ANY scenario a conspiracy is a necessary conclusion if we come to a determination of culpability. And the first question arising here is HOW and WHY did the STATE medical board who audited Fata just a few months prior to his arrest MISS ALL OF THIS? Because they DO back-check and compare files and charts looking for discrepancies...continued in "D".

Noel's Additional Comment: Part D.

D. Dr. Fata had around 17, 000 patients in a 6 year period. With more referrals right up and until his arrest than arguably any cancer doctor in private practice in Michigan or the surrounding states. You say you were his patient for five of those 6. Therefore you were his patient for the majority of his existence, as to his being in practice privately at MHO. Among those 17, 000 patients there are literally thousands of referrals to radiology treatment by Fata and subsidiaries. So WHY and what were the indications he used, as you say, to "cover his tracks" in explanation for why he didn't refer you for what you say is the "standard" for radiology referral?. I ask this because I am predisposed, from what I have seen thus far, to say that the indicia that you will give me from Fata - if you so choose to answer - will be something that I can quickly find, as I mentioned is evident in other cases, as a nuance presenting a arguably legitimate departure from the norm or traditional. The reason I bring these things up, and the reason I default to this, is because your statements are, as with most patient statements in the Fata case against him, very emotional and GROSSLY ambiguous from a clinical or legal standpoint. You attach words like "lie", "shock", "covering tracks" etc, yet without specificity or the balance I am trying to infuse here, all the while I have testimonies from many Fata patients in the crowd of the majority who had no complaints which out-number your crowd by around 15, 000 patients and patient families. Many of these who have written and say that Fata was the best thing that ever happened to them in light of their medical conditions. So I believe this is confusing at best and is warranted of further discussion, for the Constitutional deprivations here are RIFE with prejudice that led to the end of a man's life. And I am not alone. We have PATIENTS on board with this. We have former Fata employees who have been IGNORED intentionally by the prosecution and the news media and told that they would not be interviewed with nothing negative to say about Fata.

JodysGirl Reply to Above A thru D Comments:

Again, you didn't live it, you didn't experience it, you dont have the scars, the unneccesary side effects of being overdosed by chemo, you didnt spend 5 years of your life seeing him while waiting 3 hours at a time in a small exam room terrified waiting for test results while he saw 50-70 patients a day making us wait so he could line his pockets, you werent crammed in with other patients in a chemo room so he could fill every possible seat, you didn't read my 500 pages of medical files where Fata lied and changed test results, you weren't in the court room watching him beg, plead and cry and saying he was guilty of his crimes,   you are a sheep following what you are told, I lived it and I am the truth. I'm am thankful he is in prison where he belongs, his family left him and ran to another country  and I have a wonderful family and a wonderful life which he will never have. If he wasn't guilty he should have asked for a trial and he could have spoke his mind and told his story but he confessed and it's over. Let it

Noel's 1st Reply:

He is filing a HABEAS. What I wrote is IN IT. His FAMILY is PAYING for his current attorney. One of the best HAb lawyers in the world.

Noel's 2nd and Final Reply:

Look I appreciate the fact that you lived it and that you have scars. I have lived through deadly conditions too, and I have scars too. I have also been mistreated in my life. I get all of that. But what I DON'T do. Is tell people to "LET IT BE" when there are still questions. If you are telling me that I shouldn't ask these questions nor should ANY of us, just because YOU went through it and now we have no right to look into it, then you are trying to establish a false high-ground by trying to psychologically punish me and everyone else involved for asking questions simply because we "can't know the Truth", because we werent there. If your experience with Fata was THAT bad then WHY ON EARTH didn't you go to ANOTHER DOCTOR? There are STACKS of people who did and we have STACKS of CONCURRING second opinions. If you want to "let it be" in your case then LET IT BE. But STOP telling me that you have all these modified records and such when you could be ANYBODY. How do I know you are a former patient with all of this EVIDENCE? As I understand, if you are who my staff thinks you are, then you were very vocal and went on some local TV program and got yourself in the spotlight for a moment like many others. Is this you? Where is the FBI complaint or local Law Enforcement complaint where you brought your case to them? And if it doesn't exist then why didn't you? Why did NO ONE hear from you or ANYONE until his arrest? Why is that? You want people in this country to just accept it because you say you suffered it. MANY PEOPLE have suffered as much and more in this country for the Constitutional freedoms that we have which are being UNDERMINED because people like you want us to NOT question what we are told. And then scream how horrible we are because we asked. That attitude can go to Hell, because that is where it came from. It wont happen here. We wont stop asking. Sorry!


If he was WITHHOLDING chemo fro patients as you say Ms. Joanne Smith, then pray tell how this jive with the postulation that he illicitly made his money BY PRESCRIBING EXCESSIVE CHEMO? Use your HEAD! There is a brain there.
