Is film school even worth it? | Life after film school 🎬

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Hi everyone! As you guys know i went to full sail university and graduated in filmmaking. So today I wanted to talk about life after film school and whether if film school is worth it or not. A lot of people might find film school VERY worth it but I know of a lot of others who have said they could've learned everything on their own. I just want to say, I am no one to tell you what you should do with your life, especially if it's something as important as deciding to go or not to go to film school! but i wanted to share my experiences because i do get a lot of questions about it, and i wanted to help in any way that i could. In this video I discuss some of the pros and the cons of film school and then talk about what my life has been like 3 years after!

If you have any questions or anything you want to share, whether it's about your own experience at film school or if you're going to start film school soon, or even if you're just thinking about going, pls let me know in the comments! I always try to answer to almost every comment if I can ❤️ love you guys and hope you enjoy this video!

🎞️ FILM SCHOOL TALK 🎞️ playlist:

What it's like to be an international student in the US:



◦ In Love With A Ghost

Hi! my name is Monika Gobaira and I live in LA. I love movies, filmmaking, anime & cute clothes.

In my channel you will find me talking about:

and more!

Thanks for watching!

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AND ALSO let me know of other film related videos you’d like to see! ☺️💜


I'll be finishing film school this year, currently working on my final project, and I agree so much with you. Being in film school is a great opportunity to get to know people, people who will jump into crazy ideas with you, build a portfolio with you, help you find jobs. I have a job now because a teacher recommended me, so yes, it's really cool. I don't regret going to film school not even a little bit. I learned so much, made so many cool movies. I really found myself there. BUT OH MAN, the industry is so hard. Especially for me, living in Brazil, where the government keeps shutting down cultural programs. As we know, making a movie costs A LOT of money and where I live people are not willing to help, invest. I think that at the end of the day it takes a lot of passion to follow this career. But it's worth it. Someday I hope to move to São Paulo, the city here in Brazil where most of the movies are made. But my real dream, as everyone in this industry, is L.A. Maybe one day... :)


your videos about film school are so interesting and helpful!! i’m starting my last year of high school and I really want to work in the film industry so it’s great to hear the point of view of someone who went there!


All of your film videos are so helpful to me! I have a few 'safer' career ideas (I'm almost 16) but working on a film set is my ultimate dream! :) Could you do a video talking about jobs you've done and what they've involved? I did a summer course on filmmaking and what I loved was we all got rotated through the different roles so we got to try everything! I loved directing and being a DOP but I also really enjoyed both being a PA and helping with the editing which was so cool to find out. I live in the UK so I'm thinking of going to film school here but doing a year abroad in the US - the cost scares me a bit though 😅🙈 Hope you're doing well :) xxx


As a film student from Ecuador, very interesting to see how film schools are in the US. I actually find some things very similar. Love your videos Monika, and your room looks lovely 💛


these videos are really interesting and so well done! i'm currently in my 2nd year at film school, and i recently decided to start a similar series on my channel in which i talk about my film school experience, and your videos are giving me some inspiration <333


Hey I start film school next week! This video was super interesting and insightful and I'm really excited to go. I would love to see you maybe talk about your personal goals and ambitions in film and how it's like being a directing student? Do you still have time to freelance/take jobs and how difficult was it for you to get jobs at first? :)


i love your videos about film school! you should make a video about being a PA/your first experience as a PA


I'm at a film school now, and I have networked and it's great. However, I have friends who work there who graduated from the same school and their success/job is the same as if they learned the same exact thing online. The only difference is the networking and the $80, 000 bill they gained at school. So, I'm still conflicted. I'm happy I met who I have met so far, but if I'm exactly where I am now when I get out, I'll be financially disappointed.


I love your videos! especially the ones about film school, they're so informative and my dream is to work in the film industry, tysm, also, ur so pretty!


I graduate from a media degree this year (i focus on tv production) and i want to get to actual film school for an MA after I graduate


Awww Moni♥️ creo que es el momento perfecto para contarte mi experiencia! Soy de México y descubrí tus videos hace aprox ocho meses y me inspiraste mucho a perseguir mi sueño de estudiar cine! Yo me gradué de la universidad el año pasado pero tenía muchas ganas de estudiar mi Máster en otro país, apliqué para una escuela de cine en Barcelona y me aceptaron😭♥️ nunca lo creí posible pero dentro de un mes me mudo para allá! Estoy mega nerviosa pero me alegra ver estos videos tuyos hablando de tu experiencia dentro de la industria del cine✨ no dejes de hacerlos, espero un día poder trabajar contigo👀🙌🏼🤞🏼


I am going to start my MFA in film in LA next January (if everything goes right) and I am super excited! thanks for this video and for giving me a hope as an international student 🌸


I love your videos, I'm almost done with school at full sail. It's been great and so worth it.


Hey Monika...I've been a fan of yours and your videos since last year and subscribed from watching your first actually inspired me to go to a film school and I am currently doing my second semester at a film In my country (South Africa)AFDA...Thank you for sharing your knowledge and I would honestly love to collaborate with you one are truly an inspiration..


In Germany the best film schools cost almost nothing (the government pays most). Students just have to pay around about 300 USD per year. Only the bad, private film schools are expensive here. But this schools have a very bad reputation.


srsly tho. entering adulthood is so hard to decide what u gonna do in the future. for me, im currently doing 1st yr psychology (and a random geography major) and I'm planning on doing a diploma for teaching but i don't have a HUGE passion for that. instead, i decided to do a film course next semester to see what its rlly like to be in that area, I've always liked editing and if i truly like film in that course, i think i might change my geo major into film. ( but ill still do psych cuz i also enjoy the content) idk if that's a good idea, cuz they both kinda diff and I'm worried about future careers for film majors too...


This was so helpful! Could you maybe make a video about how to get into film school as well?


I’m studying Education and I really do love kids, but my real passion lies with film work, I want to become a director or a script writer, but I was too scared to apply for it. I don’t want to finish film school and then not get a job where with being a teacher I can get a job anywhere in the world. I live in South Africa currently


Great video and points made. Honestly I think is it worth it, is the wrong question to ask.
