3 Steps to Eliminate Self Doubt & Get Everything You Want In Life

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There is a person out there that has what you want. And if you feel jealous, triggered, or like everyone else’s lives are working out better than yours: listen up.

Today’s episode is required listening for you.

Mel is unpacking the 3-step process you need to rise above jealousy and create the life you want.

This episode is personal, packed with takeaways, entertaining, and relatable.

It is designed to help you feel more in control of your life – and empowered to change your mindset and take action.

I’m just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I’ll see you in the next episode.

00:00: Intro
01:30: We all have moments like THIS that trigger us.
07:52: Remember this piece of advice the next time you feel triggered.
15:38: Why these types of triggers can actually be a GOOD thing.
19:10: This type of trigger can be an extremely painful experience.
27:32: This third type of trigger can only be fixed by YOU.
36:53: Take these steps when you’re feeling triggered.
38:11: When you ignore your triggers, THIS happens.

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Рекомендации по теме

A perfect marriage or relationship is an illusion; there's no universal playbook for making them work. What's effective for one couple may not apply to another. Nevertheless, I've come to understand that there's always a solution to be found. Half a decade ago, my wife and I faced such trials in our marriage that divorce seemed inevitable. Yet, through perseverance and determination, we navigated through the rough waters and emerged stronger, reunited, and more resilient


33 years waiting OVER! No more feeling “less than”! finding my resume as soon as I get off this train! Scratch that, it’s old … make a new one!


‘When the pain of remaining same becomes greater than the pain of change.we will change.


Mel, I watch you every morning at the start of my day. I wake up early for work and I enjoy listening to your podcast in the mornings to help me gain a different pov for the day and to learn something new. Also your 5 second rule is truly a game changer! I adapted the technique some years back to help me get unstuck and do the things I needed to do. Thanks!


I love it Mel, I have been afraid all my life of being wrong and don’t do the right thing, I stayed in my comfort zone for so long and now that I’m divorced after being married to a narcissist don’t know what I am going to do with my life. Today you giving me a little push to think that is okay to don’t know and try something different and wait for the results and don’t be ashamed if it doesn’t work. ❤


I needed this tough love! I am mad at myself and I am done playing small. I overthink and let my perfectionism get in the way when I just need to start and figure it out as I go. I literally signed up to begin my blog while listening to this. I'm excited! Thank you, Mel!


Been there done that re: getting a job not even remotely qualified, at least 2 or 3 times. Never again. Not worth it. Finally realized a few years ago I am not as smart as I'd like to think I am.


I was just crying looking at myself in the mirror because I'm not doing what I have to do when this episode pops out! Must mean something....Thank you Mel ❤


One of your best, Mel. Once you know how to use triggers rather than let them crush you, the world is your oyster. For those that are like me, when they ask for help they get laughed at or shouted at for not knowing in the 1st place. We have YouTube, and online courses that can help us. No excuses, and thank goodness we live in this time. Thank you! x


Going to have this on repeat for 100 days!! Love you Mel!


I woke up mad. After listening to Mel I recognize my anger is from the triggers described here. Thanks for shining a light on these triggers. Shifting from avoiding to understanding these are teachers helps to shift my thinking and get me off my chair to act


I'm watching this realizing that I'm not jealous of anyone else's success. I can't think of a single person that I'm irritated by AND that I want what they have...


Dear Mel, to be honest with you, right now I am in my worst possible state of mind because of the things didn’t workout the way I thought they would. I just came to you to find some podcasts about how to overcome the self-doubt and I found this. I am writing this comment before watching this podcast because I know it would definitely gonna help me and the way I feel about me.
It’s been 2 months that I am following you, you are amazing.
Ali, from Afghanistan❤️


I am just fifeteen and the triggers you metioned are all has been happening in my life. Thank you! Your videos help me to stay motivated and satisfied about myself!❤❤❤


I watch your videos from Melbourne Australia. Whenever I need guidance, a quick pick me up, feeling down and need a boost of wisdom, I turn to you. Every day. On repeat at times. Love you and appreciate you Mel.


I think my biggest trigger right now is my mom. I love her so much but she constantly triggers me and causes me to get angry. Sometimes it’s because of her mood swings and rudeness. But in reality, if I’m being honest, it’s because she calls me out on the things I’m not doing without sugar coating it and it honestly infuriates me. But I know she only does it for my good. She’s the type of person who’s always on go, go, go and getting things done whether she wants to or not. Whereas I’m a chronic procrastinator and lack a lot of self-discipline. We’re like at opposite sides of the spectrum and we can sometimes really get under each other’s skins. But more so she does with me. I guess like you said though, perhaps she might be my greatest teacher right now and I have to stop being so emotional and be honest with myself even if it hurts. Be honest with myself first and then beating her at her own game by getting done what I need to get done so she can stop nagging me! She also sees a lot of potential in me which I know it’s why she does it.


Appreciate all the videos you post, and all the realness you share. So true! 🎉


Mel, you have no idea how much I needed to hear this episode today! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!


I needed to hear this today - big time! Perfect timing. Love the 100 day rule! Well done Mel…well done.


You definitely got me with this one. I didn’t know these were triggers. Now I do. It was extremely helpful. Thank you so very much.
