How to create a quiz game using JavaScript & HTML

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Learn How To Make Quiz App Using JavaScript | Build Online Quiz App With HTML CSS & JavaScript | Quiz Website design
#JavaScript #JavaScriptProjects #QuizApp

This code sets up a simple quiz game using JavaScript. Here's an explanation of what the code does:

1. The code defines an array called `quizData`, which contains a set of quiz questions and their corresponding choices and correct answers. Each quiz question is represented as an object within the array.

3. Two variables, `score` and `live`, are initialized with initial values of 0 and 5 respectively. These variables keep track of the player's score and remaining lives.

4. The code updates the text content of the `scoreContainer` and `liveContainer` elements to display the current score and number of lives.

5. The `renderQuiz` function is defined. This function selects a random question from the `quizData` array and displays it on the webpage. It also creates HTML list items for each choice associated with the question and appends them to the `choicesContainer` element.

6. Event listeners are attached to each choice option. When an option is clicked, the event listener checks if the clicked option matches the correct answer for the current question. If it does, the player's score is increased by 50 points, and the `scoreContainer` is updated accordingly. The `choicesContainer` is then cleared, and the `renderQuiz` function is called to display the next question.

7. If the clicked option does not match the correct answer, the player's score is decreased by 50 points, and the number of lives is reduced by 1. If the player runs out of lives (when `live` equals 0), the page is reloaded to restart the game. Otherwise, the `liveContainer` and `scoreContainer` are updated, the `choicesContainer` is cleared, and the `renderQuiz` function is called to display the next question.

8. Finally, the `renderQuiz` function is called initially to start the quiz game.

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