How to Make Quiz in PowerPoint

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In this step-by-step tutorial video, learn how to insert quizzes into Microsoft PowerPoint using Microsoft Forms.

0:00 Introduction
1:09 Insert Quiz
2:37 Difference between Form and Quiz
3:08 Add title and description to Quiz
3:43 Different question types
4:18 Add question
5:40 Specify correct answer
5:54 Include message on responses
6:22 Assign points to various questions
6:36 Allow multiple answers, required, and other settings
7:30 Add second question
8:08 Add third question
8:30 Copy, delete, and sort questions
9:09 Preview Quiz
9:28 Set themes
9:50 Share Quiz outside of PowerPoint
10:27 Advanced Quiz settings
12:53 See Quiz in PowerPoint
13:34 Submit Quiz & see results
14:12 Edit Quiz
14:50 Insert pre-created Quiz
15:21 Review Quiz results from creator / teacher point of view
17:33 Wrap up

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Great video! I'm a facilitator and typically use a Microsoft Teams meeting to teach new content to the company I work for. I usually use PowerPoint and share my screen to display the content in the meeting. Is there a way to have the audience participate in the quiz live time? Besides just putting the forms link for the quiz in the MS Teams chat? Or emailing the PP deck in advance? Those two I know I can do.


Hi Kevin, you have been a priceless gift to countless learners..
Thank You so much... I learned many things and advice other people to watch your videos. They are just simple and best.


This was a great video. Well explained and helpful for a teacher like myself. I especially like the part where I can leave the points blank so that it calculates evenly for all questions. I had to go back to that part because I was wondering how it calculated the 67% in the top right corner. I honestly thought I was obligated to put points in there. So in the past, I used to have 4, 5, 10, 20, or even 25 questions because they even out to 100% but because you informed us that we can leave it blank and we see the outcome of it, I can now put any number of questions on there, knowing that it will calculate correctly. Thank you Kevin. You’re a blessing.


As a teacher who has just started an online teaching recently, I found this video exceptionally helpful. Thank you Kevin.


This is amazing! I could see so many people leveraging this in the workplace and I was wondering if you could still track the results through forms as the quiz creator but it looks like you can based on your tutorial. This will be a game changer for so many people. Awesome and very insightful vid. Thanks Kevin! :)


Wow - for some reason I never would have thought of using Forms in Powerpoint - this is amazing! Thank you - definitely sharing this one!


Everytime I came across and watched your videos, things became easier and comfortable. Thanks Kevin. You're such a BIG HELP


How do you come to know what am I looking for?🤔


Thank you Kevin for helping me... It makes easier my students' life... Much appreciate it


This is of big help to teachers like me. Thank you very much, sir! More power!


Fantastic information Kevin! This is really useful when you are delivering a training and want to make the session bit mire interactive. :-)


You come up with real productive content. Great work!


Thank you! Very detailed and as always very insightful.


Nice Quiz video. I'm curious: if I make such a quiz, (i) how do I distribute it to people, and (ii) where do the response info end up/where is it stored?
I seem to recall a past video on FindTime/New Meeting Poll add-in, but I may be wrong. I tried to use FindTime this week to send out a meeting polling to some 25 people (inside and outside of my own organization, some of them probably use non-Microsoft e-mail systems) with 11 optional dates for a meeting. Clearly, I didn't use it in a smart way... I had multiple problems:
1. As an organizer, I was not allowed to propose time slots where I already had appointments. This was frustrating, because I wanted to keep existing meetings, while also allowing for the possibility of overlapping appointments where I could later decide which meeting is more important.
2. The same problem for other invitees: it seemed like Outlook could take a peek into their calendar (perhaps only in my organization) -- if some invitees listed in the "To:" field had appointments already, those slots were blocked and couldn't be selected. Frustrating -- I'm sure they, too, would like to have the freedom of assessing which of overlapping meetings they'd attend. Anyway, I solved this problem sort of by moving all invitees to the "Cc:" field.
3. Initial responses seemed to indicate that the FindTime system worked. But then some people reported they could not see the optional 11 time slots. (They use Exchange Server.) Later on, they figured out they could register choices in the iPhone version of Outlook.
4. At some time, the system appeared to go crazy... and I started to receive e-mail messages every time someone selected a time slot. So if one person selected time slots, I received 5-6 e-mails with confirmation.
5. For some reason, it also seems like one of the dates had been selected by the system, and not by me. I have no idea how that happened, but suddenly one time slot (September 8) appears to have been selected. All of my proposed time slots are marked as "Hold" in my calendar, but on September 8 there is in addition listed 6 (or more) confirmed meetings in parallel -- all being the same...
6. I have also checked the temporary report about the polling. Two of the invitees are now listed as *required* participants. I have no idea how that happened -- everyone were invited via the "Cc:" field.
Anyway, this has been a somewhat crazy experience. It is not clear to me what I did wrong, or whether there are bugs in the system. I know you don't work for MS anymore -- I don't even know whether FindTime is a MS plug-in. But if you have a video on this, I'd like to go through it again.


wow i never knew about this option. Thanks a lot! But is the form still answerable in slideshow mode?


Hi Kevin. Thanks for sharing so many useful things on your page! Regarding a quiz, as I don't have the versions business or education, do you have any other ideas or add ins to use for powerpoint? Thanks.


Kelvin startvert
I just love to watch your videos and these are very helpful in my online teaching.


Hello Sir! 😊
Thank you for this tutorial! It will definitely help a lot of educators. Unfortunately, this, also, only works with an internet connection. Right?


Thanks so much Kevin!! New subscriber! You're awesome!


Very Informative Kevin..keep up the good work
