1408 | A Horror Movie So INSANE They Changed The ENDING..

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If you remember 1408 from when it came out in 2007, you DO NOT KNOW THE ENDING!! It changed, and I'm NOT Crazy! The ending that I remember is complete different from the one that I saw here recently, and so this is my journey to figure out what happened and why there is not only a different ending than the original but 4 different Endings to this masterpiece of a horror movie.

I did a quite a bit of research and even read Stephen kings original story to see which ending movie ending matches up to the book, spoilers, none of them do. So I guess you could count 5 Endings for this story. But either way this movie is still incredible, one of the best horror movies of all time. And I hope you think this video is one of the best of all time, I know it certainly is one of the best I've ever made. Hope you enjoy and if you're reading this have an extra blessed day!

Also if you have another scary movie you want me yo cover in this way let me know down in the comments. and if not check out my last video here:

Here is the FULL movie for You:
Theatrical Ending-

Directors Cut-

Other Alternate Endings-
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The original Stephen King ending - the actual *canon* ending - is when Enslin sets his lucky Hawaiian shirt on fire to commit suicide. That triggers the room to let him out, as it seems to like its victims intact. A hotel guest, seeing the burning man escaping the room, douses him with icewater.

Enslin is horribly burned, but survives, and goes on to write the story of 1408. The room, it seems, is itself an Eldritch Abomination, one that *eats* people. What's there isn't ghosts. It's some *thing* in the wall that lures people there and forces them to repeat an hour of pure, untrammeled hell. Over, and over, and over again.... until they kill themselves. There's a common fan theory that Room 1408 is a "thinny" - Stephen King parlance for a place where the barrier between dimensions has worn thin, and what starts pouring out into that room is pure Eldritch Abomination. ("The Mist" and "From a Buick 8" are other examples of "thinnies.") The primary voice of whatever the Thing is is the phone, which would periodically call him, screech seemingly random numbers, and give him messages designed to drive him over the edge. ( "This is 9... 9! We have killed your friends! All your friends are now dead!" )

Being a nonbeliever Enslin was even MORE vulnerable to the room than most, because he didn't put up any sort of mental barriers against what was in there. He was expecting ghosts. What he got was much... **much** ... worse.

"It was never human. Ghosts... at least ghosts were once human. The thing in the wall, though... that thing..."


The ending with the recorder and Lily dropping the pack never fails to give me chills. I'm glad that's the one I saw in cinema the first time.


I think the crazy alternate endings being so different is like a meta 1408 bit. Make the viewer question what they ever saw, just as the room did to he protagonist.


It's been years, but what I remember from the short story, is that he escapes, while on fire, and another hotel guest sees him and puts him out. He survives and when he goes back to the hotel after a while, he talks to the manager. Who tells him that the video surveillance camera captures him running out of the room a mere few seconds after he originally entered. So, everything that happened to him in the room, happened within just a few seconds.


The theatrical ending where hes with his wife in a new apartment and his burnt recorder is the best one imo and Idk why they made all these alternate ones.


There's an interesting clue in the movie, that only french-speaking people can catch. When Olin briefs Mike about the tragedies, he explicitly states that 56 people died in the room. Now, the bottle he gives him is called "les cinquante-sept décès", which means "the 57 deaths". It can be interpreted as a warning, a taunt, or simply the fact that Mike is bound to die in 1408, which makes the 2 sad endings a bit more meaningful.


I love this movie not only because Cusack's performance is fantastic, but because it's my favorite type of horror, psychological, with just enough of it as to make it tense and thrilling but without turning it into a jumpscare fest or a disgusting experience, it's actually the opposite, where you care for the main character, empathize with his pain and copying mechanism, and simply witness how he refuses to kill himself and destroys the entire room as a last, desperate act of struggling against the impossible.

The whole concept of a hell room that makes one hour of your live a living, unbearable nightmare is not only terrifying but brilliant. This is probably my favorite King film.


As I get older, I realize that I can watch a movie and years later watch it again, vaguely aware that I've seen it before. This one I will never forget.


As a parent this is a really chilling movie. The part where he was holding his daughter and she turned to dust still haunts me. There's also a part where he sees is father who says to him: "As you are, I was. As I am, you will be" and then decomposes instantly in front of him. Dark stuff.


I’ve seen the ending with him writing the book and listening to the tape alone, I think, it’s been a while. Surprised by the funeral ending you mentioned. I prefer him alive.


1408 and Occulus are both very effective horror movies for me. The idea of not being able to even trust your own perception is terrifying


I just wanna say, you've found a wild balance between classic content and modern content. The camera quality makes it look like I'm watching something from years ago, which is nostalgic, but the mic and editing quality are perfect for modern videos. So it's like I'm watching an old video, but it's not hard to watch because all of the important stuff is still perfect. Maybe I sound like an idiot, but I really appreciated this video.


As a kid I always thought Olin was the devil.

Like he had to warn people not to enter the room as some sort of rule, but actually wanted to claim their souls.
Because I didn't understand why they wouldn't just seal the room or why Olin seemed bittersweet when raising his glass at the end after Mike burnt the room, like "well played sir, I'll get you next time".


I think that ending with Enslin & Lily listening to their daughter's voice on that tape was heart wrenching but at the same time the best one. It was very relatable. For a father who's lost a daughter, I kept watching that scene over and over for a time -haunted by it. If it was me in there, I would've probably never left the room. 😥


I watched the movie at theater here in spain. The ending was the one where he hears his daughters voice in the recording.
I loved the movie, i have read the short by stephen king, that i barely recall.
The most scaring part of the movie, to me, was the part where the room makes him to believe everything was a dream. It really shows the reality bendin powers of the room, and that there is not scape.
That and the part where his wife tells him that the cops are already in the room and there is nobody


I know this video is older, but for whatever reason it popped up on my feed. I had never heard of this movie before (I guess it came out during a crazy time in my life). Anyway, I made it about five minutes into your recap & I was hooked. I don’t want to spoil it, so I’m going to watch it and come back after. Hopefully it’s available on one of my streaming services! You’re a great story teller.


I remember this movie and it is great. It would be nice if they somehow managed to distribute dozens of "copies" with different endings to theaters and then let people go crazy while discussing the ending with their friends.


I think the ending with the tape recorder at the end and him and the mom hearing the daughter talk is one of the most frightening endings there could be.
As a parent I don't know what I'd do in a moment like that.


1408 proves that you can make a horror movie without predictable jump scares and without insulting the audience's intelligence.

I give it 10 Skulls.


You're one of the best movie reviews. I love your enthusiasm and how you speak. Very pleasant to listen to.
