Priest Pedophile Abuse Pope Benedict XVI Cover-Up

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Rotten fruit caused by setting the Word of God aside and following the commandments of man.

Priest Pedophile Abuse Pope Benedict XVI Cover-Up

Roman Catholic Priest Sexual Abuse in Mexico. Cover-Up Pope Benedict XVI Cardinal Ratzinger Papacy. More Pedophile Cases.
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@gneisenau321 WOW!!

Your expertise in canon law(uris Canonici )and theology is breath taking.

Right now next to me is a copy of the gospel of Thomas and of Peter. Are these inspired books?


@fbass40 That's the sunburst. It is the same symbolism seen with the consecrated eucharist when it is displayed within the monstrance. The same symbolism used in the old Egyptian sun god worship, and it is worn upon the Babylonian Dagon fish-head mitre worn by the ranking clergy of the Catholic Church.


@checaroo It's good to be back online. I've been working on a Christian screenplay that I've been wanting to do.


@tainorebelde1 There is a difference between VOLUNTARY and FORCED celibacy. If a Roman Catholic desires to be a priest, they must take a vow of celibacy. This is the inherent problem. The RC church denies them a normal married life and sexual relations if they so choose. Instead they are mandated to abstain, and then forced to hear all the immorality and smut in the confessional box.


Man, I wonder what bibleortraditions church is like. I wonder if he uses youtube videos to teach the church and get his message across...i can only imagine meeting this guy. He seems to be very well informed and knows how to use imagery to the fullest. His videos are inspiring, but comical in style. After I started watching these videos, my faith has been bolstered and raised to a new level. I even tell all my friends about this youtube channel. You're a good man...God Bless


Most High have mercy on this poor souls that have exalted men above their due.


BoT, any new videos on the horizon? :) We're going through BoT withdrawal over here!


The fact is the Bible tells us it is a satanic doctrine to mandate celibacy. And we do not need confessional boxes. We have one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim 2:5). The curtain in the temple was ripped from top to bottom when Christ died. We no longer need manly intercession. We have a perfect High-Priest and we come to Him directly. No priests. No popes. No bulls.


@jvaz003 That's a ridiculous response. We Christians do not kneel down or burn incense to a drivers license picture. We do not keep Christ hanging on a cross, or bow to a bread wafer held up in the monstrance. We do not have statues and paintings of angels. Nor do we have a painting of God on the ceiling of our chapels. The very essence of Catholicism is idolatry Spiritual Fornication.


@Shaqpack609 I appreciate the kind words. I only regurgitate what I have been taught. All glory and praise belongs to God's infallible word.


@jvaz003 you said..."Christ Himself was the principle architect behind all of these things .. "
Can you explain "behind what things" and "how"???
Answer plz???


@jvaz003 you said.."Christ himself was the principle architect behind all of these things"
And you still haven't answered, so il ask again..."behind what things??? And how???


@jvaz003 can you please explain why the Pope is called "HOLY FATHER and the GREAT PONTIFF" when this title belongs exclusively to JESUS CHRIST???


@MerlinAndMorgan The Book of The Apocalypse is actually understood to be a metaphor for the constant battle between Heaven and Hell, not a crystal ball to see into the future or predict the end times.


@GaraGambini you are right on the money. Also Catholics dont bother to study Gods Holy Word. They let their Church leed them with all the heresies to destruction..and they cannot even see where they are going. Its ike the blind leeding the blind. They just will not listen. Their hearts are hardened and pridefull.


Hey what happend to the favorites heart on Youtube? I wanted to favorite this :(


i read the verse 1tim. 4: 1-3 and it also includes those commanding to abstain from meats. So would you say those commanding to abstain from meats heed to seducing spirits as well


"Porque ya está en acción el misterio de la iniquidad; solo que hay quien al presente lo detiene, hasta que él a su vez sea quitado de en medio. Y entonces se manifestará aquel inícuo, a quien el Señor matará con el espíritu de su boca, y destruirá con el resplandor de su venida." 2 Tes:2:7-8


@jvaz003 You have your facts mixed up. Christianity was the first Christian religion. In the 4th century, it was hijacked by Rome and apostatized. It wasn't until the 16th century did the true Christian Church once more STARTED to emerge. Luther, Calvin, etc. were just men. But they did a great thing by standing up against the abuses of popery. As a Christian, we receive our wisdom and understanding by reading Scriptures and letting the Holy Spirit teach and guide.


After reading these comments, It's really unbelievable how oblivious these Roman Catholics are to the teachings of the Catechism. The papacy has been changing God's laws since the 6th century and claim that it has the right to do so.