How Can a Good God Send People to HELL? ANSWERED by @SeanMcDowell

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How Can a Good God Send People to HELL? ANSWERED by @SeanMcDowell
► Text Ruslan (Don't Send Links Please) 714-710-1017

📲: SMS Text from Ruslan (Don't Send Links Please) 714-710-1017

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Bio: Ruslan KD is a Christian YouTuber of Armenian descent who was a refugee from Baku, Azerbaijan, before moving to the United States as a child. He started his YouTube channel in the mid-2010s, which has since grown into a popular platform for discussing faith, lifestyle, and music. Known for his insightful commentary on Christian living, culture, and personal development, Ruslan has built a community of followers who value his thoughtful approach to contemporary issues. In addition to his YouTube presence, Ruslan is a speaker, author, and advocate for godly ambition, often addressing topics related to leadership, mental health, and the integration of faith in everyday life.

Our mission is to encourage, empower, and inspire people to live a life that Blesses God, in accordance with His word. As the Psalmist proclaims, "Bless God in the great congregation, the Lord, O you who are of Israel's fountain" (Psalm 68:26 ESV), and "Every day will I bless Thee; and I will praise Thy name forever and ever" (Psalm 145:2 KJV). Just as Simeon, after encountering Jesus, "took him up in his arms and blessed God" (Luke 2:28 ESV), we seek to lead others in a life of stewardship, relevant engagement, and practical living that honors and blesses the Lord.
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Please pray for me. Prayers all we need truly need in this world. My husband passed away years ago. I’m a single mother. I feel so alone. I have two beautiful sons, both of my sons are autistic. I’m just overwhelmed. Heavenly Father I know you don’t give us no more than we can handle. But Lord have mercy on me. I need a breakthrough. Since covid I can’t seem to get back on my feet. I was fired from my job for declining the vaccine. I declined due to my lupus and I also have a heart condition. I’m waitressing but not making nearly enough. Every month is a struggle not to end up on the streets with my children. I’m struggling putting groceries in my refrigerator. Struggling to pay rent. But, thankfully God has provided this far. I know and have faith he will continue. Faith over fear. We should praise God even in hard times. I love you Jesus! Thank you Heavenly Father.


He's a Just God therefore He doesn't tolerate certain things.🙏🏿💗✝️🕊


One the other hand, if God reveal himself to me then I will completely odey/follow God.


Yeah gonna need an clarification on that “the thief is the exception to the rule and not the rule” line


im requesting to have ornorato dyamante on the show ive commented before. hes very stern on defending faith alone in christ alone. His videos i think have been insightful. id love to see u talk to him.


It’s crazy you did a video on this topic. Me and my best friend were having a conversation a couple weeks ago and he asked me, “how could a God with endless love send people to hell?” And I didn’t know how to answer


Two answers:

“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done, " and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done." All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.”


You are already on your way to hell because of your sin. Let’s stop making God the way to hell and remind people that Jesus is the key out of hell.


I recently talked to a pastor about Heaven and Hell. The idea that because my dad never accepted Christ, he is hell forever is insane to me. I want to accept a religion. I really struggle with this notion. Someone please tell me if I don’t understand something here.


Youtube Bible scholars, I have a question regarding faith and works. Many Christians believe that faith alone can promise salvation, while others believe that faith+works promises us salvation. In Timothy 1 5:8
"Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

In the text, it seems that works are not only a reflection of our God, but it may be critical to one's salvation. What do you think?
Any help will be appreciated, Thanks!


First of all).. Hell was not originally created for people, .. but as a place of banishment and punishment for the devil and all who rebelled against God, with him!!! Secondly).. the Word of God says that, "God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" But come to repentance they must!!! (As in..Turn from their sin and then turn to the Lord believing!! ) So he made a provision through Jesus Christ, who took on the punishment of the world, and suffered and died in our place!!! He provided the way for man to be made totally right with God through him, ..who conquered death, hell and the grave for us all!! If we "believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, and confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus..we will be saved!!!" Saved from the power and the penalty of sin; including the torments of hell!!! The Lord did all the hard work for us; and people just need to turn to him; for the eternal forgiveness of sin.. And be made right with God, by his Spirit through grace, and by faith in him, alone!!! There simply is no excuse to remain in one's sin and to not be saved!!..Nor any reason to wind up in hell!!! ...Thirdly).. We truly wouldn't want a God who wasn't just, and holy, and righteous, and pure; well as loving and gracious and kind and good!!! All of those attributes were totally fulfilled, through the 'judgement AND most gracious love, of the Cross!!!'.. Perfect holiness, and righteousness and justice against man's sin!!!.. "met with".. perfect goodness and grace and loving-kindness;.. extended towards men's souls!!! Thus eternally forgiving man's sin!!! If they will but only believe and receive the price paid by Jesus; God's perfect Lamb!!! "GOD was IN CHRIST reconciling the world to himself; in the sacrificed body of Christ on the cross!!! >> YOU CAN'T GET MORE JUST AND MORE LOVING THAN THAT!!! << WHAT MORE COULD A JUST AND LOVING GOD DO!??! Fourthly) Someone once asked me this; "Who 'deserves' to spend 'FOREVER' in hell?!?..And the response immediately came to my mind.."Who 'deserves' to spend 'FOREVER' in heaven?!?..( It seemed at the time a divine answer given.. as I had no previous response within..And the person asking seemed struck by the answer, and didn't pursue accusations against God..)..In other words the 'everlasting nature' of the eternal destinations, are not determined for people by merit, ..but rather result from the choice of affiliation, and faith;..or the regretful lack thereof!!! Just Be in Christ and you have eternal life!!..If you be out of Christ; eternal damnation!! Jesus has made the way so simple, to include everyone in himself..if they'll only repent and believe and confess, Jesus as Lord of their lives!! Christianity is the 'most INCLUSIVE way' to God, because Jesus provided salvation for ALL!! ..(For "The Lord has laid on him, the iniquity of us ALL" ) BUT it's also the 'most EXCLUSIVE way, " because, you can only come ONE WAY to God..and that's through the Lord Jesus Christ alone!!! Heaven is offered to all who will come, to the Lord in his "singular way"!! And since he paid the price for the whole world's salvation..I'd say he alone gets to determine that way!!.. And, "HE IS the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE..and no one comes to the Father, but by him"!!! And "no one comes to him, lest the Holy Spirit draws him!! So "if today you hear his voice; harden not your hearts"!!...For "today is the day of salvation, " and who wants to risk not coming today?!? Heaven or hell awaits!!! And YOU get to CHOOSE, here and now!!!.. "Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved"!!! .. SO JUST TURN FROM YOUR SIN AND HEART-FULLY SAY: "LORD JESUS PLEASE SAVE ME, AND BE MY LORD!!.. I GIVE YOU MY LIFE TODAY!!."


(When people end up in hell) "We better not hear no complaints! YEAH, KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY!"


These are definitely not the Christians I surround myself with.😒


He doesn’t. People send themselves to hell. God gives us free will to choose Him. ❤


2 types of people, those who say thy will be done and those who say my will be done.


People send themselves to hell. If you cannot be trusted you cannot be loved. If you cannot receive love you cannot give love. Love is an action. God wants action and gives action. Hell is the only option.


God is not just a good God, he is also a righteous and holy God(God isn't more holy than he is righteous or more righteous than he is holy, he is perfect unlike God does not enjoy sending people to hell(Ezekiel 18: 32). Another thing people tend to forget is that, because of God's nature(righteous and holy judge), he does not let sin slide, their is consequences regardless for our sins(whether you kill, lie, steal, every sin has a punishment which is eternal condemnation). BUT that's why God who SAW how condemned we were sent his son to die for us. That's the grace we've received but if you don't want to accept it, then you remain in the wrath of God.


God saves all his loved ones,
we are all his loved ones;
thus, we shall all be saved.
-Andrew Hronich

If the all-powerful Heavenly Father God who is love exists, then a universal restoration of all things is the only logical option left on the table.

If even one child forever burns,
If even one conscious being is forever lost,
Then God is not all-loving; for it was He who knew the outcome when He rolled the cosmic dice.


Hell is quite easy to understand. If hell is the place most separated and devoid of God, then take everything that God is an remove it and that's hell. If God is light then hell would be pitch black darkness, If God is love then hell is full of hatred, if God is Just then hell is full of thievery and backstabbing. If you do not want to be with God then God will fully remove himself from your presence and you from his that is what it means to go to hell. Now fill this place with every other person that did not want God but only wanted to please themselves and wanted the pleasures of the world.


GOD don't send no one they send themselves by rejecting Jesus and never repenting How arrogant is
it for a human to think they won't have to answer for their sin? you will be held accountable, and you will ATONE.


NO, Going to hell is not something in all-good, all-knowing, all-powerful being will do? Why should a person be punished infinitely for in non-infinite sin/evil. Secondly, theological determinism is true then all the evil in the world is God's fought. Finally, God is not all-good therefore God do not exist.


You could believe both and follow your moral intuition. You can believe in an eternal Hell if one believes ainious means that while believing Christ will redeem all, if he truly is the savior of the Cosmos.

We know from scripture Christ is the one who draws you toward him, we know God desires everyone to be saved, we know that God will redeem Sodom, and we know we know Christ descended into Hell. Why does a person believe Christ will not enter Hell in order to save his Lost sheep if he already did it before? God will save the humanity in each and every person, or save the true self, while condemning the false self, permanently separating the false self from God, which is how Hell is defined. (AT least that is the common definition I see, Hell is separation from God.) Many will enter either by the narrow or by the road of destruction, but it's important to note, they will enter.

If you can't believe God won't, you are saying God is impatient, which is contradictory to Paul's definition of Love in Corinthians.
