Star Wars The Force Awakens: Behind the Scenes Documentary | Disney+

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Star Wars The Force Awakens: Behind the Scenes Documentary | Disney+
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From the moment Star Wars was first announced in 1974 or 75, I was enthralled, following every rumor and announcement. I was there at the first showing in my town and, despite having very little money, I saw it 7 times, the most times I've EVER seen a movie in theaters. I hooked my little brother on Star Wars and raised my children on the movies, too. I LOVE behind the scenes documentaries, so THANK YOU for sharing this on your channel!


I love the "When you're making Star Wars there's really no choice but to shoot it on film" line. It contrasts so vastly with what Lucas himself said in the Attack of the Clones behind the scenes - something to the effect of: "I wish we could have been shooting digitally 30 years ago."


"Captain Phasma is the first female villain in Star Wars"
Excuse me. Asajj Ventress?


JJ: "You know what's better than a Death Star that destroys a planet? A Death Star that destroys SIX planets! At once!"
JJ: "You know what's better than 10, 000 Star Destroyers? 10, 000 Star Destroyers with 'Death Star Tech" and each one can destroy an ENTIRE PLANET!"
JJ: "You know what's better than Palpatine killing one person with Force Lightning? Palpatine destroying a FLEET OF SHIPS with Force Lightning!"
JJ: "You know what's better than Luke fighting a remote? Rey fighting a remote while wearing a helmet mask, while dodging laser fire, while balancing on a log, while over a ravine, while-"
JJ: "You know what's better than Darth Maul's lightsaber with two blades? Kylo Ren's lightsaber with THREE blades!"
JJ: "You know what's better than Darth Vader catching blaster bolt by his arm? Kylo Ren stopping blaster bolt IN AIR with his arm!"
JJ: "You know what's better than Millenium Falcon jumping to hyperspace? Falcon jumping to hyperspace from athmosphere, from other ship, form anywhere to anywhere, many times at once!"
JJ: "You know what's better than Han Solo shooting stormtroopers? Han Solo shooting stormtroopers without looking at them!"
JJ: "You know what's better than 30 X-wings against moon-sized Death Star? 10 X-wings against planet-sized Death Star! (and battle in ANH 1977 still looks better than battle in TFA 2015 as a result)...

JJ's idea of "raising the stakes" is ALWAYS to take something from an earlier movie and x1000 it.


I will always stand by this movie, I absolutely love it


Abrams had the opportunity to make anything he wanted, and he remade the original Star Wars. That really shows a fundamental lack of creativity on his part. Imagine having the world at your fingertips and you just copy someone else’s work. Wild.


1:09:00/I've said it before & I'll say it Daisy Ridley....looks beautiful in anything that she wears!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


I wonder what they use for the lightsabers in the fight scenes. Something akin to fightsabers or the ultimate sabers? Can't wrap my head around it


i wish there were more of domhnall gleeson (Hux), his speech etc


loved force awakens and liked rise of skywalker


How come they don’t include the forest fight? Or the interrogation scene ?


The first three Star Wars movies: Eps. IV, V, VI.
That's Star Wars for me.
The End.


As someone who’s never watched Star Wars, I shouldn’t have a say in this but I will anyways…
From what I’ve observed, people have different feelings about the sequel trilogy, some hate is, some like it, others are a mix of both. As a bit of a noob to the Star Wars universe, I have no idea how I feel about the sequel trilogy, as The 2015 one is the only one I’ve ever seen (back when it released and I went with my parents to see it)
But here’s my opinions:

it’s been years since the older movies, years, while the continuation is said to be ‘bad’ I personally don’t see the problem, aside from Rey, who seems extremely obnoxious.
Kylo Ren on the other hand, his character intrigues me the most in the sequels, ya know, killed his own dad, turned to the Dark Side, he seemed pretty lost.

The relationship between Rey and Kylo/Ben also seems a bit odd, but I see it working, even though he, you know, dies🙄

Please no hate on this comment, I’m new to the Star Wars universe so if I got anything wrong please let me know in a polite way!


it was not the first female star wars villian, not by a long shot


21:07/Daisy Ridley look very beautiful in anything that she wears!! Daisy looks beautiful, but that's only because she's young!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Hamill's first instincts were correct. As were Ford's. The sequel trilogy was a mistake from the start. A massive mistake.


so is this the whole Secrets of the Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey doc ??


Spare us Kathy u has absolutely no idea what the f u we're doing with the sequels


Just wish these movies had more time in narrative development - an arc over the three films that was established before shooting the first film. Luke, Han, and Leia deserved better than they got - especially Luke. This first film had promise and set up some interesting plot threads, but Rian cut those threads while Disney allowed the story to wander into an incohesive mess.
