Blood Pressure Explained (Nursing Physiology)

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Blood pressure is the amount of force caused by blood pressing against the walls of your arteries. It is the sum of heart rate per minute, the volume of blood pumped out with each contraction, and the resistance the heart needs to overcome.

Heart rate is measured by taking a patient's pulse measurement and it can be impacted by a variety of physiological and psychological factors. While the sinoatrial node controls the heart rate, it is influenced by physiological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Heart rate is known to elevate during times of activity, stress, and excitement. It can also be affected by illness, disease, and hormones.

Stroke volume is affected by the amount of blood that can enter the ventricle during atrial systole and many factors can affect the completing emptying of the atrial and the compliance of the ventricles. Preload is the term we use to explain the volume of fluid that enters into the ventricles. In a normal heart, it is estimated to be approximately 70 ml.

Peripheral resistance (PVR) is a term used to describe how much pressure the heart has to exert in order to overcome the vessel size and compliance. Factors such as atherosclerosis and vasoconstriction will increase the PVR.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and defined and hypertension stage 1 and 2 are reviewed.

Additionally, the role of the baroreceptors in the carotid arteries and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway are touched on to provide an overall view of the factors that affect blood pressure.
Рекомендации по теме

I'm a student nurse from India..your videos helped me a lot... Thanks to you! Together we are strong!!


Knowledge has bee acquired! I thank thee for thou's insightful explanation of cardiovascular basics. Glory to you and your kin!


Excellent video. I didn't really understand it before I watched this.


Wow. I'm grateful for this very good explanation of the "how"s and "why"s of blood pressure readings. I am completely ignorant on this topic but have been instructed by my doctor to take daily readings since they generally fall into the 135-155+ on the systolic scale (Haha! the fact that I just knew how to say that speaks to the clarity of your instruction). The problem was that I didn't know what the numbers meant and/or how to gauge what the full picture of the 3 components represented. This helped so much! Thank you. (PS: I still know next to nothing on the topic, but now I know SOMETHING!).


Thanks for explaining blood pressure as simple but accurate terms for non-medical people. Seem so hard to find info without all the technical details and jargon. I realize it's an important concept. Thanks.


I'm not a student, but I wanted to understand blood pressure ranges so I have a better idea of what the numbers mean when I have my blood pressure taken.
Nurses always tell me my blood pressure but no one has explained the simple statement... both numbers need to be at or below 120 and 80.
Thank you for a great explaination.


Thank you. Now I understand better what the readings mean as I didn't get the numbers I was told.


Thanks so much for this video! You made it so easy to understand.


Thank you very much for the lesson, clear and thorough.


Great video, thank you! I love nurses, they are the backbone of the health industry! ❤


My sister just had 5 by-pass surgery. Thought I'd brush up on BP. Interestingly, I don't recall learning this information in school or at the doc office but as you said, this is a nursing perspective vs. a patient visiting the dr's office. Thank you, I learned a great deal in your video!


Thanks doc, I am a first year pharma-D student and you really helped me :)
God bless you


Not a medical student but always wondered why there were two numbers to blood pressure.
Now I understand the difference between systolic and diastolic, thank you!


Omg!! Ty so much. You helped me so much.


Thank you for sharing, explained perfectly! Great video!!


Thank you for explaining. I have naturally low bp so I wanted to understand better. Still will research further but this is helpful


I thoroughly enjoyed your explanation...i wish my GP in the UK had told me about the hose pipe analogy...he just said your blood pressure is high (scared me)..told m e to buy my own BP tester ...which i have and monitor twice a day...
Not sure what i am supposed to do with this information..GP had the bedside manner of a brick wall ..


for someone who does not have a blood pressure problems, SYSTOLIC ( between 9 and 11) DIASTOLIC ( Between 6 and 7 )
i suffer from anxiety m I do stress out m but recently my DIASTOLIC changed sometimes to 8 or 9

is it dangerous, OR it happens when an angry or stresses or scared


I stopped vaping nicotine to help my high blood pressure, but it literally made no difference. I’m still glad I quit though


From Iraq....Thanks good knowledge given
