How to Add PST file in Outlook? | How to remove PST file in Outlook? | How to Manage Archive Folders

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Here I am explaining how to add or remove an archive folder in outlook. Archive folders are in .pst format.

So here I show how to add a .pst folder in outlook or how to remove .pst file in outlook.

Open an Outlook Data File (. pst)

On the File tab, click Account Settings -- Account Settings.
On the Data Files tab, click Add.
Click the Outlook Data File (. pst) file that you want to open, and then click OK.

About Outlook Data Files (.pst and .ost)

When you run Outlook for the first time, the necessary data files are created automatically.

Sometimes additional data files are needed. Outlook Data Files (.pst) are saved on your computer in the Documents\Outlook Files folder.

Older messages and items that you don’t use regularly can be archived to an Outlook Data File (.pst).

If your online mailbox is nearly full, you can export some items to an Outlook Data File (.pst). You can also use these files to create archives, project files, or backups from any Outlook account.

Outlook Data Files (.pst) are used for POP3 email accounts

Offline Outlook Data Files are saved in the drive:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook folder.

And also if you have the following queries this video will be helpful:

1. How to add pst file in outlook 2010
2. How to import pst file in outlook 2016
3. How to create a pst file in outlook 365
4. Outlook pst file location windows 10
5. Remove outlook data file windows 10
6. Remove outlook data file office 365
7. How to import pst file in outlook 2019
8. Remove outlook data file office 2019
9. Add .pst file in outlook
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Thank you Very much. I searched for 2 hours about how to delete a pst file before I found your video.


Its anoyoing hopw the mouse goes too fasr.


you did not explain how you created the PST file?


I appreciate the effort but your constant frenetic mouse movements were so distracting that I couldn't track your instructions. I suggest that you slow down and only move the mouse if it helps to clarify your message.


1. Get a mic. 2. Stop waving the dot, we can see the yellow, and you're just making it harder to focus. 3. Hire an English-language narrator. 4. Before you start, tell us what you're going to tell us, and why. I can't even tell if this video is worth viewing three or four times to figure out what you're showing. 4. Does YouTube impose a time limit? Slow down. You're speaking at least twice as you should. Add in time to absorb each of your statements, and this video would properly be three or four times as long.

Thank you. Next!
