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This week’s LIVE covers key factors to help you develop and implement your Risk Assessment Framework! The world is changing, and as regulation is catching up, compliance professionals need to be even more vigilant! Compliance always extended beyond AML/CFT, and into prudential provisions, governance and more!

For the free due diligence checklist, visit our page and “Don’t miss out on the free content!”

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Checklists have gotten a bad rap in AML/CFT Compliance! Everything is risk-based and risks must be taken in context. You know what else is risk-based? Aviation. Pilots use checklists everyday! They are well trained professionals, just like you! Checklists are tools that help those pilots and flight crew carry out critical tasks. Checklists also help pilots make sure they didn’t miss anything. If you have a lot riding on compliance, get tools designed to help you cover critical tasks faster than it takes you to review a compliance manual!




Interested in joining the first membership for compliance professionals?
CHASING COMPLIANCE – a membership that helps YOU attain significant gains and clarity on a number of topics… in some cases, faster than it would take you to review a compliance manual! Follow the link to join!

Membership provides non-public content, resources and discounts on courses and other products offered by IGNUS SOLUTIONS LIMITED.

Become more confident and empowered in the face of changing AML/CFT requirements.
Get more covered in less time!

This limited time offer saves you over 20% on our 2 online courses. Designed by a financial services regulator with over 21 years of experience, these courses provide useable information to help you cover core competencies needed for regulatory compliance success.

KYC – The Complete Compliance Course – Question? What’s the one area in AML/CFT compliance measures that frequently fails and attracts the highest fines? That would be failures in KYC and associated due diligence requirements. The scrutiny by Competent Authorities won’t stop! Do you know what you should be doing? Get the mini online course that gives you clarity on requirements based on international standards, what compliance measures tend to go off the rails, and more importantly, tips and scenarios on how to put things right!


Inspection Tips & Insights into the Approach of Regulators – Be ready for an inspection without having to go through one!


Get both for $499.99 – over 25% off the combined price!

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