ULTIMATE General Trait Guide - HOI4 General Trait Tier List

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"Attrition is not even a big Deal, most of the time you can just ignore it"

- Franz Halder, General-Staff Chief of the German Wehrmacht, in 1941


I'd like to put this idea forward: Skirmisher would be an amazingly interesting trait if it was reworked into an automatic thing that the AI would use to kind of apply pressure at random places and try to trick the opposing AI into shuffling his troops. This would be super interesting to see in those stalemate situations where you're playing a smaller nation and you start fighting a larger one.


Improv expert is deceptively powerful if you're using anything faster than infantry; that 10% speed increases the chance of overruns, probably my favourite pick if I have no idea how I want to spec my general (after infantry leader, ofc)


I personally value Improv Expert greatly, but that’s because I love Mobile Warfare. If you go down mass motorization, grab improv and have a marshal with that recovery rate and org loss? You can get some insanely fast divisions, you only need to break the line once and you overrun everything.


I wish you rated general traits without taking earned traits into consideration. Because some generals start with shitty earned traits like commando for example. So he can get -50% CAS bonus from the start for basically nothing.


It would make sense for probing attack to lower the defence and/or entrenchment of units you are attacking. 'Glider planes' should probably allow paratroopers to teleport to captured airfields behind the frontlines.


The camouflage expert trait is really useful as France. You have one general that already has the commando trait, and giving him the camouflage expert one allows you to have a full army able to somewhat resist the massive CAS Germany brings upon you while you don't have the industry to really compete in the air.


camouflage expert A. Think of Finnland where you can get a advisor with like -10 Cas damage who can also be leveled to -15 cause he is a general. Add some support AA or maybe you even built static AA and you a literally immune to enemy air


For an amphibious to work, you have to activate it before planning the invasion.


So, amphibious increases the amount of 'time' banked up while the ability is active, so you can plan for 14 days of invasion time in 7, it's still a really niche ability, but it's nice for island hopping because you can chain invasions!


a).the defensiv traits like panzer expert, cav expert inf expert give you breaktrough because breaktrough = defensiv while attacking (paradox logic)
b)this also applies to unyielding defender which is a 10 % breaktrough for you whole army under the field marshell
c)aggr. assaulter doesnt work (paradox logic)
d) naval liason is useless because there is a shore bombardment cap and you dont raise it with the cap only gives u more bonus per ship which doesnt matter because a few heavy ships already give you full bonus anyway
e) scavenger doesnt work proper either
take into accout that some traits are needed for Officer Corps Roles
here a few favorable mentions :
fortress buster leads to Arty specialist
Commando leads to Special force Specialist
so you can get yourself a good high Command with gaining those traits espially if you get high lvl generals (for example grind a arty specialist as Japan in the China war with a lvl 6 guy is really benefial)
terrain traits are always good not only for adaptable, ranger and Moutaineer are probale the best of them

sadly not all traits work like they should or give shadow stats (stats that doesnt do anything ) btw same goes for example for the engineer corps in the military staf ith doesnt give u 5% railwaygun bonus it gives a bonus of 0, 1% (paradox logic strikes again)


And another sin, engineers can get fort buster assigned which opens up the artillery bonus for command staff roles, which is insane on a superior firepower build. So not only can you siege artillery your way through the Maginot with fortress buster, but you can create arguably the second most useful command staff role.


20:45 Fast Planner is helpful when the CP cost of Staff Office Plan exceeds the CP cap, or if you're waiting for your CP to recover because you just performed a number of other CP actions, or if your CP cap is low because you have assigned Extra Ground Crews to a number of air zones. I would put it around C tier because it's not a particularly large bonus, but I can see where it is useful.


Camouflage Expert is actually pretty easily attainable by using Inventive Leadership as Spirit of the Academy, giving you a very high chance of getting a Commando. -50% CAS damage reduction is also insane on nations like France and Spain, who mostly don't build air since they either have no chance of competing with the enemy (in single player, the AI just has a 4k deathstack of fighters and CAS on your line) or have allies who do said job better. I'd give it an A tier for simply countering such a dominant plane without needing industry to build it (i.e. anti air).

It is probably essential on an anti-air build, where the damage reduction greatly helps counter the damage the CAS does before getting shot down by the obligatory support AA company every France or minor player knows and loves.


Organization factor is how much weight the unit org has on Org calculation. It's useful if you are not using superior firepower and you have plenty of support companies. For short, increase org when using 5 support companies


9:10 Invader is a trait that you can get by recruiting generals if you have a specific officer corps spirit assigned. Often what I'll do is take that spirit, recruit a pile of generals, some of which will come with the Engineer background and/or Invader, and then grind them up to high levels so that I later have a skilled general with Invader, rather than grinding a skilled general for the Invader trait. In my opinion, this method makes the trait about B tier because the time reduction and invasion speed are really helpful for planning large invasions and ensuring they get intercepted less.


7:21 its the army that needs to be 40% armour not the division it self also panzer expert gives a 10% combat bonus (in generals defence also gives a bonus for breakthrough for some reason and breakthrough doesn't for some reason) that's divided by the percentage of tanks compared to other battalions in the division.


Commando is wonderful as it reduces the penalty a unit suffers for being out of supply from 50% to 25% meaning this leaders units keep moving and fighting where other units stop dead.


I got into this game a week ago and learned it from scratch with only minimal tutorials, what I found is that the Naval Assault plan is extremely useful when combined with paratroopers (against AI cause I’m not that good). Basically my favorite tech tree is GBP due to its very high planning bonuses and entrenchment as well as special forces cap so I could meticulously plan my invasion all across a wide front.

Being somewhat of a LARPer I really got into using aircrafts as part of my plan, bomb the hell out of their ground defenses once I secured air superiority and use paratroopers to capture enemy airfields (2-3 divisions each airfield to prevent encirclement and hold out for a while) just before I naval invade which combined with attached air wings give me a huge boost in air support. Once I have successfully pulled off my naval invasion I linked up with my paratroopers using the marines and pulled in the primary army to engage the enemy.

Was this plan unnecessarily complicated and difficult and expensive to pull off? Yes.

Was it fun and satisfying to see your plan succeed? Absolutely.


Playing Sardinia in Kaiserreich, you get really good bonuses for Paratroopers and Marines, but you also have a very low # of troops you can field until you annex back some Italian land, so your army will always be something like 10-13 troops, with 8 of them being 20w special forces. You are also stuck without a functioning navy making Marines nearly useless. Its the first nation I've played where I actually made 20w paratroopers designed to fly, land, and hold a line and it has shown me how effective paratroopers can be when used the way they were designed to be used, where you focus on taking 1-3 zones when you land and then spread out as necessary. Glider Planes essentially make it so your Paratroops have higher organization when landing, which makes it more likely that they will survive and drive out any troops they land on and the 10 extra days of supply make it so you can effectively take your objective before you start to suffer penalties. Its the different between taking a supply zone behind enemy lines to weaken defenses for an attack and losing a bunch of 20w infantry units.
