The Six Facets of Openness to Experience (Five Factor Model)

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This video describes the six facets of the Openness to Experience personality trait from the five factor model of personality. The facets names in this video are from the International Personality Item Pool. The facet names from the NEO-PI-R are provided when the differ from the International Personality Item Pool. The facets of Openness to Experience are Imagination (Fantasy), Artistic Interests, (Aesthetics), Emotionality, (Feelings), Adventurousness (Actions), Intellect (Ideas), Liberalism (Values).
Openness to Experience is a personality trait in the five-factor model of personality traits, which is also known as “The Big Five” model of personality. In this model, personality comprises five personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The acronym OCEAN is helpful for remembering the personality traits. Openness to experience is characterized by insight, creativity, an appreciation of art, intellectual curiosity, and a high awareness of feelings. Conscientiousness is characterized by impulse control, planning tasks carefully, being highly organized and prudence. Extraversion is characterized by getting energy from social interaction, talkativeness, and having a large number of acquaintances. Agreeableness is characterized by being cooperative, increased level of caring, empathy, friendly, seeking to compromise. Neuroticism is characterized by mood dysregulation, anxiety, worry, depression, frustrating, nervousness, being easily upset, and low emotional stability.
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I'm gonna be the guy who lays it in a readable format since no other comments has done it yet :p

1.imagination-the amount an induvidual likes and uses imagination in daily life
2.Artistic interests-the amount an individual likes the appreciation of any form of art
3.Emotionality-the amount an individual understands his/her own feelings and expresses it.
4.Adventurousness-the amount an individual seeks new experiences
5.Intellect-the amount an individual likes to learn new things and indulge in intellectual challenges.
6.Liberalism-the amount an individual likes being unconventional.

Yay! Social service.


Knowing there are six facets for each spectrum of OCEAN makes it more interesting than I previously thought. I might bounce over from my in-depth study of the 16 Myers-Briggs types. Thank you.


Six facets of Openness to experience

IPIP / Neo

1. Imagination/ Fantasy
High = fantasy, involving fantasy if reality is too boring

2. Artistic Interests / Aesthetics
High : appreciation for art (not the ability to create art)

3.Emotionality / Feelings
High = good access to own feelings, more emotional expressions

4. Adventuresness
High = enjoy new activities, don't like routine, more spontaneous

5. Intellect (not intelligence) / ideas
High: like debates, philosophy, like ideas and theory

6. Liberalism /Values
High: rebel against authority, less traditional, more unconventional, may be less conservative


This was helpful information in trying to understand the facets under openness to experience. I sometimes get confused between intellect and intelligence and this video helped to clarify.


Excellent - value adding - love from Pakistan 🇵🇰


wow! I scored so low on emotionality (emotional expressiveness) so the next time someone complains about not receiving a gift or compliment from me at least I will know why. Again great video


This is making so much sense. Thank you for clarifying.


Very good explanation on Openness to experience. I scored high on the emotionality facet and low on the adventurousness facet. This means that I am aware of my feelings and don't mind sharing them with others. I scored low on the adventurous facet indicating that I prefer routines and feel uncomfortable about change. Even though I may feel uncomfortable about change I know that change is sometimes necessary.


Thank you, now I know that I would score high on intellect and I don't know many people who value the deeper philosophical debates & discussions. They avoid them. I wondered why I was so different in this way. That helps a lot. Also, I used to be less liberal but as I get older I find myself becoming increasingly more liberal.

Thanks for differentiating it from the political terminologies. This was very interesting. I think I'll watch it again.


Hi Dr.Todd, I loved your video and would like to know what the correlation between intellect and intelligence is? Thank you


I’d probably be lowest on emotionality. But I’m really high on all of them.


▶️ 4:36 Liberalism / Values

❤️ Dr. Grande, indeed, this is a very interesting facet of the openness to experience trait. Thank you for explaining.


When I took a version of the Big 5 personality test online I was asked if I believe there is no right or wrong. My response was that I strongly disagreed with the idea that I believe there is no right or wrong, I based my response on the fact that I knew full well that I believe rules and authority are wrong. Later, I discovered that I got a lower score on liberalism due to my response of "strongly disagree" to that statement.


This was a great video explaining the six facets of openness to experience in comparison with the NEO-PI-R and the International Personality Item Pool.


This was helpful in gaining a deeper understand this facet.


I believe I'm fairly high in all except Emotionality and Adventurousness.


I scored low on open to experiences overall. I think I’m too rigid in my thinking and don’t like change.


A glaring problem with how liberalism as it is described here is the term "traditional values". This could mean the status quo, in which it depends on which culture you come from, and may or may not have a reason to rebel against it or side with it. If those tradtional values are family, church, sexual attitudes, then there may be more grounds to go against it, but again, if you are raised a leftist, you're just sticking with what your parents taught you, and although seen as a rebel in the eyes of a conservative society, it doesn't really constitute evidence for a personal effort to evaluate their own values, or moral or political compass.


04:56 That part about valuing chaos and disorder definitely describes my personality pretty well...


Hi dr todd, so i actually i want to have an "openness personality trait" or "absorption (psychology )" and "fantasy prone personality". I find it really interesting and really usefull to my work as an actor, can you tell me what triggers these traits???
