What Your Musical Taste Says About You

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Is music the most powerful way in which we express our personalities? Does our musical taste say more about who we really are than the clothes we wear or the friends we choose? The psychological effect of music on the human brain has been studied extensively… But what does your musical taste say about you?

#musicaltaste #personality #psych2go

For anyone with hearing impairment who prefers the transcript, here's the link:

What Your Love Of Bass Says About You: males are more likely to enjoy heavy bass, and a preference for bass is also linked with antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

Why Teens Like Heavier Music: teens who like heavy music are more likely to have low self-esteem, and feel rejected by others.

Why Athletes Like "Pump Up Music:"apparently people like certain styles of music because of their unique "self view." If you view yourself as an athlete, you prefer "vigorous" music types.

Why Some People Get Shivers And Goosebumps From Listening To Music: This interesting study states that openness to experience increases the chances of getting shivers and goosebumps while listening to music. Also, it's more likely to effect people who listen to music more than others.

Those Who Are Less Open To New Experiences Tend To Prefer Repetitive Music

Why Certain Music Is More Nostalgic Than Others

Research found that music with higher emotion and MIXED emotions are the most nostalgic.

If you enjoy this video, please thank our team for their hard work in compiling the research and making an animation out of it :)

Script Writer: Elliot Figueira
Script Editor: Steven Wu
VO: Amanda Silvera
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Producer: Psych2Go
Founder: Tai Khuong

Lastly, guess what day it is today :)
Рекомендации по теме

What's your favorite album? And guess what day it is today :)


"You relate to the lyrics"

Me: "Cries in instrumental"


Every other genre fans: something positive

Metalheads: Low self esteem


I love how society sees metalheads so incorrectly, we just enjoy rocking out with our friends to loud fast music. Some of us are quiet and reserved others are loud and outgoing, Metal brings a community of all types of people together. We aren’t all the same and I wish people would see that.


I’ve been into metal music since I was in elementary school. Honestly just fell in love with how the performers looked on music videos and it was so different from what everyone else listened to here (Im from a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean). I never suffered from low self esteem and was pretty much liked by a lot of classmates, although I preferred to be left alone. Now at 39, my tastes have “matured” a bit and got really into piano driven and acoustic guitar music, but the metalhead kid in me still shows up every now and then. So much emotion and feelings can be harvested out by a single chord or note and it’s so hard to replicate. I guess that’s why music has single handedly been my biggest driving force since I was a kid. Im pretty sure I’m not alone on this feeling


People who listen to a lot of genres of music: *confused screaming*


“You relate to the music.”
Mommaaa... just killed a man


Can confirm the metalhead stereotype. Listened almost exclusively to metal since around age 11 and it was the only thing that comforted me in my teen years. I felt like the world was against me. These days, I have a deeper appreciation for metal, as it's no longer a sedative but something I actually love and play myself. I've always wondered why my appreciation for metal hasn't gone down as my youth problems faded away, but I'm glad it didn't!


I dont think metalheads are always introverted and have low self esteem. Lots of metal is quite positive and uplifting. Just depends on the genre/band.


I love how all the comments are either from metalheads aggressively agreeing with the video or Kpop stans having an identity crisis😂


Rap: “you’re outgoing”
Metal: “you’re introverted”

I listen to both genres equally bruh tf


Bass adds a extra layer to the sound. No longer are you just hearing the music but you feel it too. With earbuds in a powerful breakdown now is felt as much as it's heard


I've found that I mostly choose my music the following way: 1) Unique voice 2) Great lyrics 3) Great instrumentation/production. So I end up listening to lots of genres from pop to rock, metal, country, prog, and folk in pretty much all their diversity, as long as I find something that draws me to a certain artist/group. And then there are, of course, my soft spots - artists that could sing the telephone book for me and I wouldn't mind, like Bonnie Tyler and Avi Kaplan, and Jim Steinman's beautiful Wagnerian Rock that I can listen to all the time ^^


Why is certain music more nostalgic than others?

**has wii sports flashbacks**


"we relate to lyrics"

Electronic music left the chat room


I'm absolutely in love with classical music. Like if you asked me about love, I'd say Chopin or Beethoven without a moment of hesitation. It's just the sometimes melancholic sometimes sanguine vibes pieces give. Just so poetic and unique.


I am very introverted person and I like a lot of electronic music regardless growing up with rock (especially hard rock, progressive rock and heavy metal) and classical music (big fun of Vivaldi, not only Four Seasons). I guess my cousin had a big influence as classical musician and keyboardist. What I love about electronic is how diverse sound it can produce: from abstract, narkotic to something totally organic, imitating other "live" instruments. My first genre was trance (still a lot of love for goa, psychedelic, progressive and some uplifting), then I moved towards darker side with electro-industrial/dark electro, EBM, synthpop and other vocal electronics from dark/gothic scene (being my beloved). Recently I gave a chance techno music (Boston 168 being my gateway from psychedelic trance) and I fell in love with acid (best sound ever created :) Techno is really tough sometimes (I like more lighter side of it than hard one) and extremely repetitive (dub techno for sleeping) yet despite its minimalism (I hated very long time) it's like a puzzle you need to fill with your imagination to fully enjoy it. And it not as dancey as house or trance, suits much better for listening despite very strong beat. Still I like some rock music (mostly it's Gothic rock). What's interesting our music taste depends on personality traits too.


„if you like rap music you tend to be outgoing“

me whenever I have to socialise:
*palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy*


the chill person in the group who listens to all genre: I AM ONE, I AM ALL


"You relate to the lyrics"

*Oh, I'm a gummy bear*
*Yes I'm a gummy bear*
