Dunsin Oyekan - Gospel Music Playlist - Black Gospel Music Praise And Worship

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Dunsin Oyekan - Gospel Music Playlist - Black Gospel Music Praise And Worship
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When I saw my daughter on oxygen, I tuned to this song ' Breathe' my daughter was restored. Jesus is alive! Glory to God!


This song is SO TIMELY for my family and I! My 13 year old sister has cancer, and Sunday I had gotten a call from my parents asking to gather all of my siblings to come and say our goodbyes… We prayed, we asked for a miracle, and here we are 5 days later and my sister has made a MIRACULOUS recovery and doctors are in AWE!


My husband has been bed-ridden since 2001 and I am feeling depressed now, been praying a lot and waiting on God for a miracle, BREATHE has given me hope! I believe he will arise from his bed soon...Amen ❤


I drop this comment here so that every time someone likes or comment I'll be reminded to come back and reply this power song from our Lord Jesus Christ himself through his Servant Dunsin. May all ur heart desires be met in the name of Jesus Christ. Breathe


In 2020, when i was sick for almost 7months, i was scheduled for surgery, i kept playing Breathe your name upon me, and God did, i was operated on, was 50/50 God saw me through ❤, i urge you all, reading my testimony right now to believe God all the way, even when it doesn't make sense 😢. Hallelujah.


I asked for a house, he gave me a home
I asked for a friend, he gave me a family
God will always be awesome to me❤
God bless you all


Lord please breathe upon my womb. Want healthy and godly triplets that would honor you with their lives. Am 46 years still expecting. God show me mercy.I will testify


I had a baby patient which his parents has lost all the hope I was on night duty through out his admission but through out my shift attending to this baby I will just play this song 'BREATH' from my phone and I will put it besides this baby low and behold the mighty work of the most high the baby received his healing this lifeless baby got the BREATH of the Lord


I was a drug addict, homeless on the streets... God is good he always makes a way.. now I've been clean for 2 years, and not turning back..


If you're reading this with tears in your eyes, know that GOD is speaking directly to your wounded soul through this message. You didn't just happen to stumble across this message.GOD led you to it.He wants you to know that He is making a way for you right now!He is healing that sickness. He is going to give you an opportunity that you've never had.He is going to heal your strained relationships.Stay in faith, bcos your breakthroughs is coming.🕊🕊🕊


Father plz breathe your name upon my baby girl who don't know book Amen thank you Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🙌


To everyone that is listening and reading this comment, may God bless you today with His abundant peace and freedom through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!


That liver and kidney came back to live when I listened to this song..yes yes yes i can remembered i played this song throughout until the results came negative n i went back months after months and today I'm healthy and happy..all glory to GOD


Am Grateful, am cancer free for God came thru for me🙏🙏🙏🙏🔥❤️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️🙌🙌🙌🙌


I'm believing God for my mom's healing. No health is too far gone for God to restore🙌🏾

...13/08/23 She's at rest now, no longer in pain. Still I'll praise your name Yah 🙌🏾


Yes, my wife is going to deliver this baby safely.
The king of glory is here and i can feel it!


Dear Jesus i am sorry if i ever questioned or doubted your powers 😢😢😢😢 God is truly faithful and merciful, thank you for my life and my unborn babies ❤


Lord, please fix my son’s health and restore him to perfect all round prosperity, in Jesus Christ’s Name, amen 🙏🏽


My daughter inlove will deliver her pregnancy safely Lord breath your name upon Ajiri in Jesus name Amen.


One night in great distress i began to cry out to the Lord, and sang Breathe, singing breathe Rapha upon me breathe shalom upon me breathe Jireh upon me, the Holy Spirit spoke and said forgive them. Names began to pour out of my mouth until I was exhausted, depleted. Then the Holy Spirit said more forgive yourself. That was a night of much tears as I wept for the woman I had lost, the innocence the beauty of me. I did not know when I fell asleep, I was suffering from insomnia for months but i knew when I woke up that was the best night's sleep and I was light, bubbly, full of energy. I testified this to everyone letting them know how wonderful forgiveness is for it is not for the good of the offender but for the good of your own soul. Until you forgive you'll never know how bound you were. I've always been quick to forgive but I did not know offence was living in my soul until the Lord removed it.
