Stop Drinking Diet Soda #shorts

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Studies are inconclusive in regards to the heath aspects of aspartame. If you notice he says poisoning… according to the studies you’d have to drink about 180 cans of diet soda, for a 150lb person, to get to the level where negative effects started in mice. 180 cans is about 17 gallons of diet soda. You’d get water poisoning long before the aspartame started making you sick.

As to the studies that show diet soda makes you fat… that’s a misrepresentation of what the studies show because there’s studies showing diet soda drinkers, as a part of a weight loss program, lose more weight and keep it off longer. Studies show diet soda is both bad and good in terms of weight… it’s nuanced. It really depends on the mentally of the person… Are they using diet soda to save calories so they can eat more food? Or are they on a diet and using diet soda as a zero calorie solution to hunger cravings?


Over the intercom: “Yeah he’s doing it again, aisle 7.”


I switched to Diet Coke from regular Coke 3 years ago. I also started walking. I have lost 80 pounds and 6 inches off my waist.


Ima go on a bit of a rant.
1. Not everyone will have the same effect from “toxic sugars”. I’ve been on a weight loss journey the past 6 months and dropped 50 pounds I drink 1 Diet Coke a day and I have never craved anything sweet.
2. When I was the biggest I was and saw stuff like this I got very discouraged because people like this made it seem like it was so much harder to lose weight then it really is. I still have my fair share of cheat meals you just have to balance it out. Yes it’s hard but definitely not impossible and at the end of the day it’s simple eat less and exercise more.
3. Diet Coke has actually been massive for my weight loss personally. When I wake up and start to get hungry I use it as an appetite suppressant. It will keep me from eating usually for another hour sometimes even longer.

If you are attempting to lose weight Figure out what is best FOR YOUR BODY! Not everyone is the same and not everyone has the same affects. These are just my experiences.


I'm with you 100%. I have tinnitus and aspartame spikes the vagus nerve activity and causes my tinnitus to go haywire. I completely stopped drinking diet sodas and chewing gum. My tinnitus is 100x more manageable and sometimes I barely hear it. Thought I'd share that for any tinnitus sufferers.


The ill health effects you speak of are linked to intake that is higher than anyone would actually consume though. Have you actually read the studies are you just repeating some I thing you read on a blog one time? 🙄


Just googled. The FDA and other agencies around the world have confirmed that aspartame is safe. I've used 'diet' sodas for 40 years. Sparingly. If someone gives me a regular Coke it tastes to me like Karo Syrup.


Dude thank you so much for saying “do this instead” like I need something other than water and juice every now and then and I’m generally very healthy but I didn’t know about aspartame and had been drinking diet sodas to not go over my carb limit


I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 1989 I struggled for years with it, I started making diet changes no sugar so I stop my intake of sugar, and started drinking sugar free drinks when not drinking water, I noticed my fibromyalgia was getting worse, I could barely walk, I also was taken the artificial sweeteners which had aspartame in them, I got to a point I stopped walking at all. One day my mom came across an article called sweet posion, and I was having the same symptoms the lady was having that thai doctor was talking about.. so I stopped with taking the sweeteners, within a week I was up and walking, if you have any type of antiflamatoy disease it's not good for you or any autoimmune disease, it's deadly for you. So be your own person about stopping it, but a for me it's a no... Its a deadly chemical, and the FDA say it's safe, I wouldn't risk it,


Unfortunately, if you are a diabetic, you have limited sugar-free choices. Whatever is out there without aspartame is also very expensive. The best option would be if manufacturers would significantly cut the amount of sugar they put in their products.


All this has been debunked many times already. If you want some diet soda, don’t feel bad, it’s just fine.


Keep educating! Maybe, just maybe, you will impact someone to get on the right path. Lord knows nobody I talk to about the poison that Big Food pushes cares enough to change a damn thing.


I completely dropped soda out of my diet a year ago.


yes. when did drinking fizzy flavored water become a necessity?
try cucumber lime water, it's amazing. you peel a cucumber and seed it, then add it and the juice of one lime to 1/2 a gallon of water. let it sit over night, and it's amazing.


How about good old-fashioned lemonade with real lemons, with a touch of sugar :-)


You’re wonderful!! Informative, brief and to the point!! Cannot tell you how much I learn from your videos. Thank you!!!


Aspartame does not make you crave more sweets. That's BS. It may be toxic in other ways, but if you need to lose a lot of weight, you have to balance your options and sometimes it's the better option.


No, people that drink diet soda succeed more in losing weight, and keep the weight off more.
There’s a reason bodybuilders live off artificial sugar and caffeine to control their appetite in a cut.
Leave the losing weight advice to Greg doucette.
Stay in your lane, my friend.
Other than that, good video🙏🏼


Guy: talking about his friend having a life changing seizure

The background music: 🎹🎹🎹


My grandma had a supplement store and there was a poster in there with a bunch of bad chemicals on it. Aspartame was in the "very bad" section of the poster. True or not, that idea was ingrained so deeply into me that I avoid anything with aspartame in it.
