What's The Cost Of Childcare In The U.S.?

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Childcare in the U.S. is more expensive than ever, leaving parents with tough decisions.

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Completely distracted from this important topic by the extreme cuteness that is Onyx!


As someone who works as a childcare worker I can say I get paid $10 an hour and it is hard work however I love my job


Haven't watch the comment yet. I bet I will find people say "stop having baby then" sort of stuff.


This is really sad. People are saying "If you can't afford children then don't have them". I can't afford a child and I am at the age in which I have no more time to put it off. I wish I were well paid but I can't afford a child. Regrets.


Half the people in the comments know nothing about children or childcare yet they act like they are professionals on the matter


I listened to objections from people to national child from people who don`t have kids. If your parents died young would you say I obect to my taxes paying for pensions. If you don`t drive a car would you say I don`t want to subsidize people who need roads and bridges and bonds to pay for them. I NEVER TRAVEL SO THE AMOUNT OF MY TAXES SPENT ON CUSTOMS AND AIRPORTS SHOULD BE REBATED to me. I am young and healthy (and plan to stay that way until I am 95 ha ha) and don `t want to pay for health care for middle ages and old people. Children are NATIONAL RESOURCES AND IF THEY ARE CARED FOR WHILE THEY ARE YOUNG WE ARE GOING TO SPEND A LOT LESS ON THEM LATER. We spend on schools, courts, lawyers, police forces, food stamps, prisons, gated communities more than we should if young kids were raised decently in an appropriate environment.in the first place. Everybody coud think of number of things where their taxes go on a service, infrastructure or expense that they do not PERSONALLY profit from. Do you consider yourself living ON the community but NOT IN the community?
IF you say to that person, "Well you obviously live in a cave and grow your own food and dig your own well and do not consider yourself a member of the community." You should then ask, "Are you proud to be an American?"
One man told me, "Sure! I would give my life for my country but I don`t want to help raise its kids".


Wow! I didn't know childcare is that expensive. Personally, I'm so happy I don't have children at all.


I don't get, shouldn't you plan about having a kid and knowing if you can afford or not


People going like "if you can't afford it then don't have kids" in all likelihood don't have kids on their own and hence no clue what they are talking about. Children i.m.h.o. are about the most (non-financially) rewarding thing in life. You see true compassion and unconditional love (yes, you also see temper tantrums :-)). You see your child growing up and kind of see yourself growing up again through another person. You smile, you feel true, unwavering responsibility for someone else, you feel a great sense of pride, you feel higher purpose, you feel like what it means to make sacrifices for someone without expecting something in return. Don't tell me this is about economics, because it's not. This is coming from a dad with a 1, 5 year old daughter, married for 13 years, never divorced, 2nd child on the way.


The more videos I see like these, the closer I am to just getting a vasectomy.


If you can't afford children ... then don't have them
Contraception is cheap and freely available so there are zero excuses


'Waaahh, I did something I couldn't afford, can't someone pay for this ? No one wants to pay for this ?! Oh the humanity :( cruel world !!'


These videos never really give the full truth. The dad who ask his son what he learned today. Cute but bogus. These videos always show 1 parent. But never shows the child's other parent. And what the other parent makes. As a daycare owner for almost 20 years. I also had my own child in childcare his 1st 3 years.i paid way more 18 years ago than I charge families today. Plus the cost of living was much cheaper that today. So it's not that childcare is so high. It's that EVERY thing cost more. AND ppl expect more from childcare than they did before. Families expect the provider to be fully educated in childhood education and development. Have the lasted learning tools and be fully covered with insurance and state regulations. Well all that COST alot for the childcare provider. Childcare used to be a safe place where the child is watched, feed and safe. That was cheaper. Families are expected to pay 8-10% of your total household income. So for a family that brings in 50k a year can't really afford more than $5k a year. That breaks down to about $100 a week. Now parents are given too many options as to where to take their child. A lot of parent I see who say they paid more than they paid for college is a bit extreme. I owe 52k in college loans for 4 years. That breaks down to $270 a week. The only family that could afford that much brings in $270k a year. So if a family only makes $80k a year yet claim to pay 13k childcare a year, they are choosing to put their child in a program who targets families that make $270. It's like shopping for a meal. You may be hungry but only have $5 for a burger. Would you choose to go in debt for a steak burger that is $27 or the cheese burger for $4. Either burger serves the purpose. In childcare you get what you pay for. The higher the expectations, the higher the cost. What kills me is noone passes the $5 burger joint and goes in to he more expensive restaurant to order a $27 steak bugar and complain why does it cost so much? And a stay at home mother usually doesnt do any more or less teaching to the child as the in home daycare down the street
And the high end daycare takes the same amount of time in the day to teach the child has the smaller daycare does. The difference is the stuff. The high end daycare may offer weekly field trips. While the lower end has a fenced in yard with a few toys. I own a daycare but my take home is less than $23k some times it's as low as $15k. But the money a parent gives me doesnt go in my pocket. Most of it goes to all the expenses it takes to operate a daycare with all the bells and whistles parents expect my program to have. But I dont complain about my pay. I love what I do. I find other ways to supplement my income. There are sooo many articles, books, blogs. YouTube videos and word of month that that say daycare is very expensive. So is college tuition, rent, mortgage, insurance, car payments and etc. I just wish someone would tell the WHOLE truth about the cost of daycare. Not just send the message that parents shouldn't have to pay much for childcare.


we been adoctrinated with the "you have to complete the cycle" BORN, GROW, "REPRODUCE" and DIE. we dont all need to reproduce.
lot of pressure from society and family. Couple think that a child will bring more happyness and more "security" to stay together as a couple... like a gold chain
I live with my partner for 10 years no kids and we have lot of time to talk, learn things, go to clases, do excercise and be a good uncles aunties.


Didn’t these people do family planning or anything?


Daycare is bad for a kid though. Not saying it should be expensive


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I'm surprised this channel only has 220k subs


"We pay too much for child care" then don't have children... buy a sweet boat instead


Here is a novel idea, don't have kids if there is no parent around to watch them or you can't afford daycare. It's called responsibility folks.
