The REAL Problem With Forspoken For PS5....

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Let's talk about the REAL problem with Forspoken for PS5.

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So the moral of the story is... ‘You’re not anti-furry just because you don’t like a Sonic game.’ ❤️ RGT 😹


This isn't a new narrative. From the first time they showed Frey people were calling this game "woke."


The main character, story and setting are my problems. Instead of her being a good hearted girl with a rough life that was whisked away into a magical world where she gets to help people and grow into the hero she always desired to be and take that growth back to the real world, we get a whinny, miserable, angry, bitter main character. No thanks.


You nailed it. Thanks for being a voice of reason.


I have played about 10 hours of this game and it very much seems like the groups that worked on it weren't allowed to talk to each other about their work and directions they were taking things.


As a black man, I feel nothing until a middle aged white woman (preferably named Karen) tells me how I should be offended


Empty world + boring story + repetitive tasks = that will be 70$ thank you


Jaffe is doing his best with "Yelling At A Cloud" syndrome. Sometimes he need to learn these two words "Shut Up". As a black male gamer they are so many problems this isn't one of them.BrokenGamez thank you


To me it's the kind of game that you pick up a physical copy at a deep discount a few months after release.


If David Jaffe hates you, you know you're doing something right in life.


I freaking love this game, it's fantastic fun.


Thank you RGT. I saw a Polygon review saying that the game not expanding on the protagonist's Blackness was wrong. As a Black person, I don't want my race to be the focus of everything. It's disgusting because they'll also turn around and say "Black people have victim mentality". I don't want a racism simulator from Square Enix lmfao


I literally just had a 'friend' of almost 2 decades cut me off because I didn't want to watch some recent tv shows. I wasn't interested in watching the Netflix resident evil show that recently came out, and I'm not interested in the last of us show. he accused me of being racist in both of those examples because the resident evil show had a black Wesker and Joel's daughter I guess is black in last of us?
it was pretty crazy. I don't really watch any tv anymore, I'm just not interested in Hollywood stuff at all. for him to instantly call me a racist for not watching these shows is mind blowing.
it's part of these things marketing I swear. they've made it so that if you don't watch it while it's the hot thing you're shamed into an -ist or an -ism or something, simply because you think it looks bad and aren't interested.
they are scaring people into watching and playing things. it's a crazy world we live in. imagine losing an old friend over a tv show. truly peak clown world.


No. RGT. Dave Jaffe said I’m racist and I need to be punished for my sins. 😂


At the $70 price point, I absolutely understand games being held to higher scrutiny. I need you as a game to justify the extra $10.


This take was never even a thought in my head. The game looks alright, but i have so many other games to play at the moment that it's an easy one to pass. Also, $70 is a lot for a game that i may or may not like...dont like to gamble with that much money lol


The biggest problem from what I've heard is that the game had major changes of direction throughout development. So they were constantly changing things up. There was no solid foundation to build upon. So what we end up getting is a "meh game" with awkward dialogue.


You can't criticize or not like something anymore. If you do, or don't like said thing, you're an "ist"


Hope you're feeling much better now RGT 85. Stay healthy dude🙏

I always suspected that Forspoken was bound to be disappointing but I had no idea how bad it would actually turn out to be. From day 1 when Forspoken was first announced and the trailers & gameplay demonstrations all came out, nothing about this game hooked me in at all and after seeing folks playing the finished game whether here on YT or on Twitch, yeah no way is this game worth paying $70 for.

The basic premise of a modern day kid magically summoned into a Fantasy world & going on a big adventure is a great idea but Forspoken's lackluster execution is 110% wasted potential. The writing is seriously generic, the characters are very forgettable, the game's world is completely bland, the narrative is totally meh and the game also refuses to let you do any exploring as everytime you try to venture off the beaten path, you get hit non-stop with pop-up messages telling you that you can't go here or there & that you have to go back which is so dam annoying.

Forspoken is easily the very first big disappointing game of 2023.
