GIS For Biologists: Tip #20 – How To Install An App To Turn A Smart Phone Into A GPS Receiver

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Collecting high resolution spatial data for use in biological research used to require the purchase and use of a dedicated GPS receiver. However, almost all modern smart phones contain GPS receivers, and by downloading and installing a suitable app, you can turn your smart phone into a fully functioning GPS receiver.

This video shows you how to download, install and set up one such app, GPS Essentials, on an Android smart phone. While this is the GPS app that we, at GIS In Ecology, currently recommend, many other similar apps are available, but all will need to be set up in a similar manner. Subsequent videos in this series willl show you how to record spatial information using this app, and also how to ensure that your smart phone is set to collect high-resolution spatial data.

For more information on on-demand, online GIS training from GIS In Ecology, visit www.GISinEcology/OnlineTraining.
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