Process CSV Files When Inserted on AWS S3 Via Events and Lambdas | Lab 21| | Serverless Framework

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Title : Serverless Framework | Deploy Python lambdas in minutes

Title : Rapidly create deploy python library on AWS Layers in Minutes with serverless framework #3

Title : How to install External Python library such as Pandas on AWS lambda using serverless framework #2

Title : How to Fire your Lambda on CRON Schedule using serverless framework

Title : Server less framework | Fire Lambda when event is published to Event Bus

Title : Rapidly Deploy SQS queue with lambda Worker with Severless Framework using Plugin lift #5

Title : Learn about Lambda Destination with serverless Framework #6

Title : Getting Started with serverless Framework |API Gateway and lambda | Lab 7

Title : Getting Started with serverless Framework |API Gateway and lambda | Lab 8| API Keys

Title : Getting Started with Serverless Framework |API Gateway and lambda | Lab 9| Usage Plan
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You are amazing, please keep on making videos!


Thanks for the video. I’m trying to pull my Rocketpool Ethereum mining metrics and read that into AWS like this


Hi Soumil
Amazing video.
I am able to follow the steps and get the result for csv containing a small set of rows. When I try the same function with a csv file containing about 1million rows, the lambda function seems to timeout while reading the file in a loop. Are there any limitations to using lambda functions for processing very large csv files?


Where do we paste the serverless YML file?
