China Sees Worst Market Crash In DECADES As Xi Does Unthinkable

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We are already in the big crash, Inflation is a catastrophe. This CPI report is a colossal failure. To bring the housing market to a halt, the FED will have to pull all the stops. The unfortunate issue is that other markets are being decimated.If you want to stay green, you have to rely on a lot of diversification. Currently up 14% and being careful. Still a better deal than leaving it in a savings or checking account yielding 0-1 percent interest.


Thanks. Great for someone who has consistently spoken the truth about China


Having conducted business in china since 1999 I saw the writing on the wall in 2018 when Deng’s term-limit rules were removed. Xi Jinping is a hard-line Marxist and had always disapproved of a free market, having stated that many times (in Chinese) at various party congresses. Living in Beijing I saw the slow tightening of restrictions until I finally got out for good in May 2019. They were all small things, but pre-paid mobile plans were removed in 2018. The old pre-paid plans allowed you to buy recharge cards at street tobacco stalls with no identification of who the phone number was owned by. I loaded as much cards into my phone as possible but the plan was cancelled by the provider in 2018 regardless. The great fire-wall of china started blocking anyone with a VPN. The list goes on but it was clear the old communist party controls, which I did experience before 1999 when I visited china, was being brought back. We all hoped China would become a democracy, but that clearly will not occur and its returning to its old communist ways.


As recession fears mount on Wall Street and inflation remains well above the Fed's 2% target, some of the top commentators in markets, business, and economics have been sounding off on just how bad they think the next downturn might be — and how far stocks may have to fall. I need ideas and advice on what investments to make to set myself up for retirement, my goal is to have a portfolio of at least $850k at the age of 60.


I was working in Shanghai in 2014 when Huarong and Minsheng bank were rechartered to buy bad debt, essentially - I was told - to act as the investor of last resort when the property sector tanked. I knew a bit about triangular debt, and was told this grand scheme by a Fudan U insider and just had to say "you should be that lucky". My friend was a bit put out and asked what I meant, since the face value of debt deemed "at risk" would be covered. I had to explain cascade failure, moral hazard, and counterparty risk: if the sector went down, it would not just be "property" banks, bonds, loans, and developers, it would be all associated industry, transport, utilities, and local governments. He looked a little pale.


II do agree with you.

Years ago, I praised my performance in ALIBABA, NIO, KNDI and other Chinese stocks.

But now it feels like there is some kind of concerted effort to tear America apart from China and Russia economically. When Donald Trump was in office, everybody was getting along despite their differences, but as soon as Biden, and the neocons got in the office (again) – that’s when we saw everything go to shit.


It's a bit like Big Brother in the book 1984; if the government no longer cares about GDP, profit, or market cap, then you suddenly have a system which is only just profitable enough to keep on limping along like that _forever._


Love your reporting, thank you so very much!


Really appreciate the work you do & your presentation skills.


Looks like the same here in the states


A very accurate report about China’s economy!


Thanks Max!!! I am waiting for Blackrock to come running to the US government for a bailout!! You watch there is a financial crisis The reason why Blackrock will need a bailout. They are too big to lose money! UGH


Excellent, excellent video :). Thanks


I once criticized you for your stance on the Ukraine war but your reporting on China is spot on.


This is why I never have worried about China taking over the world.


I love your videos! Thank you so much❤️


Yes, you have been right about China for a long time.


Thank you for your excellent reporting.


Isn't it the end every day on this channel ?


What about all the Texas state pension funds invested so heavily….?
