Book Review: Learning Go by Jon Bodner

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This is the third in my 2023 Go Book review series. This time around I'm reviewing "Learning Go" by Jon Bodner. Watch to learn why I like this book so much!

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your videos are underrated sir. such in-depth reviews deserve more attention ❤ great job


I have 10 years of experience and have been writing Golang inside and outside in open source . I can say from little knowledge that this is best book for learning golang to write for your next project. I was actually looking for a good book and found it somehow. Thanks @jon bodner for writing this for us. I am looking forward to your 2nd revision.


Just a heads-up: The second edition of this book will be released on February 27th 2024. I was about to buy the book today, but I think I'll wait a little longer 🙂


Great video, got me interested in the book and what do you know the 2nd edition published February 20, 2024.


The author is already working on a 2nd edition, but is in no hurry to publish it. ( based on his posts in LinkedIn/ twitter) great review!


I try not to, but times to times the o'reilly pubs seems the safer choice (some ux titles - my area of work - are still relevant, the rhino javascript one is super helpful etc)

thanks by the indication, I started to see go with the donovan and kernighan's one, yet gonna check this as I try to advance my study

(designer question): is there some place when I can see code diagram to try to implement? something more abstract like "this is an api, you need these parts, this is the data flow of it etc"? I'm trying to make and compare code in multiple languages bc of my history of lack of focus jumping around yet never implementing stuff regularly :P


This is one of the best books I’ve read about Go. I’d suggest you the ones by John Arundel his books are great for beginners/intermediate Go developers.


This book is an excellent book on the Go programming language. However, there are better books for starting your journey with Go. The book's examples could be less complex and better explained for a beginner programmer. If you already program in Go, this is an excellent book for expanding your knowledge of the core langue.


There is an annoying mistake in the first chapter, where it is introducing a Hello World program.

It doesn’t tell you that you need a go.mod file in the root of your project.

I’m not a Go expert, but looks like go.mod files were introduced in version 1.11 and the book is written around version 1.15, so not sure why he didn’t mention the need for it, but the exemplo just don’t work without a go.mod file.


This is exactly the type of book that I don't like. It doesn't teach patterns, it teaches particular cases. The reader may not learn anything by the end.
