First Time Hearing Neil Young the Needle and the Damage Done (Reaction!!)

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Рекомендации по теме

"Every junkie's like a setting sun" is one of the best lines in a song ever.


You're right, sad song. But Neil Young is amazing! Here's the back story...hope you don't mind! He wrote this as a warning to all musicians because of the effect that heroin had on his band mate & good friend from Crazy Horse, Danny Whitten & other musicians he knew that were struggling with addiction. Neil ended up firing him and giving him money to go to rehab. Whitten didn't go & od'd later that year...after the song was already released. I would think that he knew it was primarily about him. When Neil says open the Cellar door, he's referring to a bar they played where Whitten was extremely high. Neil has MANY awesome songs...either with Crazy Horse, as a solo artist, with Buffalo Springfield, or with the phenomenal Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Definitely a fav of mine. Thanks for doing this one!


Neil Young is a poet and a musician. The man with the ethereal voice that sings about some of the darkest subjects. Great reaction.


I'm 63 years old now & have lost family & friends to the needle... the up stoke strum on the guitar ending of this song has always reminded me of a life left unfinished! Gone too soon!


No click track, no autotune, not even a band. Pure beauty.


I’ve known a heroin addict. That last line “But every junkie’s like a setting sun” hits so hard because it’s true. They just fade out, their beauty going dark, until they disappear. Sad but predictable.


I’m so jealous that you get to hear all these songs for the first time, man. I grew up on all this music and it’s part of my soul but I’ll never have the experience of hearing it for the first time.


Had friends buy me a concert ticket. I said no thanks. They dragged me there and I’m so glad they did. Solo, surrounded by guitars, sitting in the middle, and just grabbing an acoustic one song after another, he finished the show doing songs and an old fashion pump organ. The whole arena at the MGM in Las Vegas was just vibrating. It was an amazing show something I’ll never forget.


He wrote this for Danny Whitten. Danny made an album with his band called Crazy Horse and then joined up with Neil. They became like brothers. If you have never heard Neil's album "Everybody knows this is nowhere" you should. Then you will know what a great loss Danny was. Neil spoke of all the great art that has been lost to heroine. peace


I fell in love with Neil when I was 13 when his album Harvest was first released


I have always been amazed how just a guy with a guitar and a ton of talent can hypnotize an audience.


One of my favorite singer-songwriters for most of my 61 year life. Nothing shy of genius. Yes, it's a terribly sad song. His best...and saddest, IMO, is Ohio.


Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Beautiful harmonies


Neil is an amazing artist as well as an activist. He doesn't sit on his ass, he tries to make change and awareness. 👍❤🤙


It's easy to see why Young had so many problems with collaborations. He's so self-contained; nothing more is needed.


Neil young is amazing. Buffalo Springfield did a song called “For what it’s worth” I was so moved. Four dead in Ohio. It’s about the Nixon years. I was born in 1950 & I’ve been so fortunate to experience so much great music. I love classical music as well. My husband turned me on to Beethoven, & so many real old artists. Oh Tom Waits sings about his cars & the weather, which is like a play on words with his love life. He sings the theme song in part of the series The Peaky Blinders. It’s written by an Australian guy named Nick Cave. His band is The Bad Seeds. A bit difficult to listen to at times, but he’s very clever. Tom Waits isometimes a performance artist. He seems very crazy but he’s actually married & has a few kids. I’d like to see him at home.
He has achieved his very raspy voice. Leonard Cohn was a beautiful poet & helped other folks sing his words. Hallelujah is one of my favorites. He had a pretty raspy voice, too many cigarettes. Q


Polo, your channel blows me away. When an intelligent guy hears music for the first time and articulates what he hears so well. I'm all in and I love your Neil Young videos. You love Needle and Old Man, now try Don't Let It Bring You Down from that same BBC solo acoustic concert. He was 24 when he played that BBC concert. Love you man!


So many great tracks: Ohio, Mr. Soul, Everybody Know This Is Nowhere, When You Dance, Walk On, Powderfinger, Southern Man, Rockin’ In The Free World, and many many others that are escapin’ my mind right now…😊


I have seen him live about a dozen times and he never fail to quite the crowd of 23k and shows us all our souls. 💜


I lost my love and my daughter’s father to the needle. He was like a setting sun. I feel pain when I listen to this song, but I also relate so much to it. I couldn’t help him.
I’ve seen Neil live. Beautiful songs, hard songs sometimes.
