Why the battle for Mariupol is key in the next phase of the war in Ukraine

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Something is off with the story... I thought Russia was losing but it seems they are successfully creating a land-bridge.


Ukraine is not letting the civilians that are holed up in Azovstal leave. Ukraine is using them as human shields.


How come you never report on the active Nazis in the Ukrainian military ?


This is the worst medim, worse than CNN


WaPo has lost all credibility after what they allowed Taylor Lorenz to do. I'll be cancelling every subscription associated with it and will recommend the same to friends, family and coworkers. Journalism is dying at the WaPo.


Where’s the piece on the crybaby Karen trying to cancel Libs of TikTok?


Anyone who believes any "News" they see on YouTube deserves to believe it.


Coming from the garbage company that Taylor Lorenz works for.


“They got money for wars but can’t feed the poor”~ Tupac


SOMEONE needs to find Taylor Lorenz and do to her what she did to the libs of tik tok person. see how she likes it. CANNOT BELIEVE WAPO WOULD BE OK WITH their "reporter" doxxing someone.


give Ukraine a normal weapon quality and quantity


If you want to know more about what's going on in Ukraine, check out these channels and journalists:
the Grayzone,
Patrick Lancaster,
Max Blumenthal,
Aaron Mate,
Richard Medhurst,
Scott Ritter,
Gonzalo Lira,
Jimmy Dore,
George Galloway,
the Duran,
John Mearsheimer.


The cowards of the world are again watching the utter destruction of their neighbor — just like they did 80 years ago. History is repeating itself.


Unfortunately the the US and NATO don’t have the balls to take advantage of this perfect opportunity to assist Ukraine/ take out Putin! And habd it over to Zelanskyw


Its supossed to be key but is about to fall within hours, where are Kyiv reinforces?


I say they fight this war based on what country or leader can get the most TikTok views. That’s how we should settle all wars now lol


I want to see a counter force break through the Russian forces to get there to the people still holding out in the steel plant!! GLORY TO UKRAINE GLORY TO HEROS 👍💙💛🇺🇦👍💙💛🇺🇦


Вы знаете что режиму Зеленского запрещено оказывать помощь того что касается авиации. Но вы поставили ему запчасти, это половина вашего преступления. Так вот в ответ на эту половину вашего преступления, я запрещаю экстрадицию Джулия Асанджа в США. В случае неповиновения еше 1 000 000 американцев гарантировано по прощаются с жизнью через ковид.
Так же запрещаю режиму Зеленского поставлять любые запчасти к любым самолетам.
В случае нарушения запрета, еше 1 000 000 американцев по прощаются с жизнью через ковид.
Сказано вам ПВО для обороны, а самолеты только за губернаторскую должность! Фирштейн?! Сиди тихо, а то накажу.


What part of Mariupol does Ukraine control now?


World War III Has Begun; How It Unfolds Depends on Us

We think of the Russia-Ukraine war as a local conflict, but it is much more than that; it is a global war on multiple fronts. The war is not only a military conflict; it is also an economic war of attrition. With skyrocketing gas prices and shortage of staples, people all over the world are feeling the consequences of the war.

This war is transforming the entire modus operandi of humanity. Since the dawn of time, we have been accustomed to living by the motto, “survival of the fittest.” By and large, the rule was that the strong determined the rules, and the rules were often abusive toward the weak. Now, it seems like a new mindset has set in: Wanting something and being strong enough to take it does not mean that the world will accept it.

The war, therefore, is being fought on the inside no less, and perhaps more than on the outside. Our very makeup is changing from abusive to cooperative, from narcissistic to altruistic.

It hurts, and it will not happen without a struggle, but it is irreversible. This is the path of our evolution toward the purpose of our creation—to encompass within us all of creation. To do that, we must come to care for it, just as a mother encompasses her child through her maternal love.

The struggle to transition from our current uncaring and mean approach to all creations but ourselves, into wise and compassionate beings is called “the war of Gog and Magog” or Armageddon.

Since the war is about our inner makeup, we can fight it within us. If we object to struggling with ourselves over who will rule—the ego or love—the physical reality will force us to choose love nonetheless. However, it will do so by hurting us in a very physical way.

The war in Eastern Europe is nothing compared to what we might have to endure if we resist the process. The horrific descriptions of our sages and prophets hint at it, and we would not want to live through it.

Alternatively, we can fight this war within us without firing a single bullet. The choice is in our hands. All we need is to continue in the same direction that nature is already leading us: toward connection. If we make an effort to care for one another, even though initially we don’t, then we are moving in the right direction. If we try to resolve conflicts not with guns or even legal battles, but by strengthening the care and friendship between us, then we are saving lives and sparing torments from countless people.

In conclusion, let us try to rise above the hatred and see the human on the other side, who suffers too. Let us think that this war was given to us so we would think about each other more than we have so far. After all, were it not for this war, we would not notice one another. Now that it is here, we are no longer indifferent. Although our feelings our currently negative, now that we are aware of them, we can work on them together and turn them around. These are the wars of the Messiah who moshech [Hebrew: pulls] us out of the ego, and into mutual love.

From lesson of Whisdom of Kabbalah that I have heard. Wanted to share🙏
