Chapayev Review - World of Warships

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Today we look at the Tier 8 Russian Cruiser Chapayev, or Chappie as I’ve taken to calling it. This ship is a beast and might become the go-to cruiser in ranked, maybe even usurping the Atago.

With 11.5 km concealment and a stealth fire of 14 km, Chappie is a threat to most ships. Add in radar and he becomes downright deadly against destroyers.

Thanks for watching! -Zoup
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Great job again Zoup. Love that you go to the point in your vids. Cant wait to start the line.


Good info.. I look forward to these cruisers coming out.


Thanks for the reply Z. I agree with you on this.


Really hope they change that 14km stealth fire. They nerf mogami but add Russian


Buddy and Chap: two of the most friendly ships you'll ever meet... Unless you are an enemy DD. ;P


I unlocked the Chappy this weekend, and bought the B hull today along with the gun upgrade. Oh my, what a gem! I have a Kutuzov too, and truthfully it's better (it's OP if we're honest), but in some ways I like the chappy more. It's way stealthier. The stealth firing is nice. I just had a brutal demonstration of the radar. Killed a full health Fubuki in 3 salvos after he popped his smoke. Scored 9 hits in one salvo. A keeper for sure, and I could easily see this having a home in ranked.


The chappy has two AA batteries, one at 5km, and one at 3.5km. About 65%~ of your damage is in the 3.5km set. Because you didn't pick a focus target, it's likely the two sets were targeting different aircraft wings. In addition, even with AA guns Mod. 1 and AFT the range of the high DPS battery is still only 4.9km. It was likely the planes were sequentially flying out of the short range AA battery while your long range AA battery stayed locked on the first target that flew into range. No single wing was heavily focused, so they were forgetting the damage you dealt except for the one wing that the long range battery was firing on.

The main issue with a lot of ships at high tier is without both AA gun range improvements, your guns are no good for covering allied ships unless you happen to be right on top of the airplanes.


So it's mogami with faster turret traverse, rof, penetration, better shell arcs, same citadel damage (the hell does that work when mogami's guns are bigger?), more deck armor, more gun armor, more armor on the front and back of the ship, Radar.

Trade off: less citadel armor (T8 match) and shorter range torps (again at T8), and rudder shift is longer. One less gun.

So yeah, looks nasty, like a mogami took steroids, gonna be a pain in ranked.


agree zoup, my clev used to be deadly...not so much now lol.
Thank god i drive bbs!...the usn cruisers are certainly suffering...heres hoping for mild rebalance.
thnks for the reply and keep up the great reviews...hope to see u in game 😉


i play this ship quiet often

and i feel like a ninja when i couldn't get detected in 10.5 km

full fun with the concealment


Hey Zoup, how come you don't use premium consumables? The decreased reload time and extra charge are easily worth the cost. As well, why don't you train Superintendent on your captains? Another extra charge is for your consumables is invaluable.


I'm guessing by the opening that you also like Hunt for Red October?


+NoZoupForYouGaming well I get why it has longer range cause the barrels as so much longer then then the clevlands but it seem like it will be rip USN when these come out and rip USN tree when the rest of the Russians come in lol :(


just wow!...the bias is certainly strong with one lol
...between the push for more ranked and team battles to feed the clans, and all these op russian paper ships...lookin more n more like wot every patch lol


Zoup, can you explain this for me?
Kutuzov's max concealment is 11.1km and can conceal fire at 16.9km.
Chapy's max concealment is 11.5km but has conceal fire at ~14km?

They have the same guns so how does this work?

 Also, @ 02:01 why do you give the concealment example of 11.5km right after firing? Your guns are still reloading and you are still spotted the entire clip. Then at 02:11 you give an example of concealed firing @ 14km but you are also spotted the entire clip. Are the numbers off or am I missing something?

Thanks! (good video otherwise)


Honestly, while she seems like a great ship overall, i'd probably be terrible with her. I love Close quarters brawling. so a ship like this is definitely not for me. I'll stick with my USN cruisers


Jesus Christ you make me sound like an idiot for grinding any other lines.
You should be a car salesman.


Try to prounounce the names the right way. Otherwise good video!


I like you zoup but is this more russian bias. Accurate and out ranges ca's in its tier
