Godot 4 Basics - Progress Bar and Texture Progress Bar

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Thanks, pretty clear cut basic tutorial :)


Short, sweet, to the point and exactly what I needed. Big thanks!


@cosmicContender Fantastic tutorial and very helpful. A very common thing I see in games are progress bars that change color. So if the players health is above 50% the progress bar is green. If the players health dips below 60% the progress bar turns yellow, and if it gets below 40% it turns orange and below 20% it turns red. This will work both ways, so if the player's health is 30% (orange progress bar fill) and the player is healed for 40% it turns green again because his health is now back above 60% (his health would be would be 70% after the heal). I would love to know how to do this. The colors you choose would be irrelevant.


hi! i have a question
i want to move the texture_progress texture to the left instead of cropping it each time the progress reduces. i can do it with setting the texture_progress_offset values, but it wont crop the image if the texture goes outside of the texture_over. how can i fix this?
