NASA ARSET: Large Scale Monitoring Using Remote Sensing and Citizen Science, Part 4/4

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Introduction to Remote Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms
Part 4: Large Scale Monitoring Using Remote Sensing and Citizen Science
Featuring Guest Speaker: Wilson Salls, EPA CyAN Project
An overview of cyanobacterial HABs, freshwater cyanoHAB monitoring tools (e.g. HAB Tracker, Great Lakes HAB bulletin), how citizen science can be used for HAB monitoring, and a course summary.
Part 4: Large Scale Monitoring Using Remote Sensing and Citizen Science
Featuring Guest Speaker: Wilson Salls, EPA CyAN Project
An overview of cyanobacterial HABs, freshwater cyanoHAB monitoring tools (e.g. HAB Tracker, Great Lakes HAB bulletin), how citizen science can be used for HAB monitoring, and a course summary.