NASA ARSET: Data Loaders for Training ML Models on Irregularly-Spaced Time-Series Imagery, Part 2/3

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Large Scale Applications of Machine Learning using Remote Sensing for Building Agriculture Solutions

Part 2: Data Loaders for Training ML Models on Irregularly-Spaced Time-Series of Imagery

Trainers: Sean McCartney
Guest Instructors: John Just (Deere & Co.), Erik Sorensen (Deere & Co.)
-Follow the process to set up a Tensorflow data loader that works with -Parquet files to create a training pipeline suitable for training a model on large-scale data
-Perform steps to manipulate the imagery data stored in tables, normalize the values, and bucketize irregularly spaced time-series data to prep for modeling
-Follow steps to parallelize/prefetch preprocessing for fast training
-Apply the correct procedure to split time-series data into train/val/test sets to avoid data leakage

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