Woman Kicked By Wild Assateague Horse After She Hits The Horse With Shovel

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A woman was kicked by a horse after she hit the wild Assateague horse with a shovel, according to a video posted on social media.
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That horse actually took it easy on her. That was a love tap compared to what he could have really done.


"She wasn't too bright, but she knew how to get her kicks."

-Raspberry Beret, Prince


Common sense has definitely left the building and there is not a single person on Earth better than good ol Karen to prove it.


What did she expect? Some people really have no sense at all.


It it literally amazes me that some people have lasted this long


She wasn't kicked nearly hard enough to warrant that type of reaction from her. That land beluga is lucky the horse gave her a warning tap


"I will approach the horse from behind, and hit him with the shovel. Nothing can go wrong. My sandwich will be safe."


Title should have read: “ A wild horse kick an jackass”.


Having grown up here I've seen this happen every summer. The horse club my family was in when I was a kid helped cut the oaths that are hiking trails & boardwalks & the ONLY mishap we had in 10 years was a woman who thought she would be slick & get herself a free pony. She ignored warnings from the Federal Park NOT to bring a mare onto the island if she was in her cycle. Our horse club also had a contract that members had to sign that agreed they would adhere to that order from the National Seashore portion of the Island. Doing so the member would be financially responsible for any injuries or damages their action caused & instant removable & ban from the horse club. Luckily SHE was the only one hurt when a stallion busted through the hedges and mounted her mare WHILE she was riding. She had to be life flighted out because she took a hoof to the base of her skull and received a very nasty bite on her shoulder that required surgery.
The worst time for tourist injuries is the 2nd & 3rd week of July as the Annual Pony Swim is the 3rd Wednesday of July. Many of my family members & horse club members have been Saltwater Cowboys for this event & it never fails that they come back with multiple stories just like this woman got for hitting one.
If you bring horses or dogs ALWAYS lock their food in the horse trailer or vehicle. I've seen RV doors and pop up campers get kicked until the horses got them open to get to the open feed bags.
ALWAYS lock your cooler & food in your vehicle immediately after meals. Do NOT leave it under the picnic table, these horses know how to pull them out & open them... Even if you think you secured it with a bungee or ratchet strap think again. And PLEASE whatever you do, do NOT take food in your tent. Make sure your children do not sneak food into the tent. I have seen way too many people get injured when horses enter their tent for it. The most comical one was in '94 when a very rude family stayed 1 site over from us on the ocean side. NOBODY liked this family. They cussed everyone and allowed their son Barry to kick sand on sunbathers faces and pull everyone's drying towels and bathing suits off their lines & stomp them into the sand. You KNOW it's a bad kid when over 25 years later you remember his mother constantly screaming his name.
2nd night of their stay we hear the kid screaming bloody murder & yelling He's killing me HEEEELP ME! about 3 am. All campers rushed out of their tents just in time to see 3 horses raiding their coolers we WARNED them to store in their car & a stallion pulling this kid's sleeping bag out of the tent WITH Barry still in it. The horse knew how to use his hoof the paw open the zipper. Once he got it open this kid is clutching an entire box of chocolate covered donuts to his chest and STILL not wanting to let this horse have them. Horse for them anyway & EVERY camper who had come running cheered. We didn't get any sleep that night listening to his parents cuss him as they packed up their campsite & left at daybreak. After that we all had a nice quiet week with a polite & very friendly family taking that site.
I've been camping here nearly 50 years & never once had a close call or an injury from an Assateague Pony because I exhibit common sense & respect the fact I'm in THEIR home even though I too grew up here. I'm sadly seeing more arrogant, ignorant & entitled tourists in the last 10 years which is why more of these incidents are happening. And people like this woman for some reason think they won't be charged and heavily fined for it. They're wrong, these ponies are Federally Protected even if you are on the Maryland side.
And please stay alert when driving. People illegally feeding them from cars have taught them that cars = food not danger. There was a horrible accident a few years ago where someone wasn't obeying the speed limit on the bridge & hit a pony.
I know this post is long, but hopefully you learned something seeing the Island through the eyes of a local. And if you ever come across a local that can't stand tourists you'll understand the reason goes a lot deeper than the seasonal traffic.




When a horse kicks they are extremely accurate. She’s lucky he just warned her, if he wanted to hurt her she would be in a lot worse shape. Plus when a foal is present, watchout


Actually hours didn't kicked her, she don't balance her self and fell down.
"Love animals ❤️".


She thought that anyone is like her husband! Good lesson for her😁😁😁🥴👏🤣


"Feeding or petting them can be detrimental" how about hitting them with a plastic shovel ? Can that be detrimental


Karen out here trying to bully horses now haha 🤣


And on another note, this is why you hold your phone in landscape mode when shooting a scene: To get the entire shot. The actual kick was out of frame.


You come at them with violence, that's what you get back.🐴❤


What did she expect? A hug, a kiss or a kick? That's a good and a smart horse.


She is lucky. If the horse had really connected she would not have gotten back up.


I look at horses the same way I look at wolves. Majestic af and safer to admire them from a distance.
