Designing the rest of your life | Dave Evans | TEDxSanFranciscoSalon

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How can design can help us create a life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where we are, what we do or have done for a living, or how young or old we are.

DAVE is adjunct Lecturer, product design program director at Stanford and co-founder of Electronic Arts. From saving the seals to solving the energy crisis, from imagining the first computer mice to redefining software — Dave’s been on a mission, including helping others to find theirs. Starting at Stanford with dreams of following Jacques Cousteau as a marine biologist, Dave shifted to mechanical engineering with an eye on the energy problem. So while en route to biomedical engineering, Dave accepted an invitation to work for Apple, where he led product marketing for the mouse team and introduced laser printing to the masses. When Dave’s boss at Apple left to start Electronic Arts, Dave joined as the company’s first VP of Talent, dedicated to making “software worthy of the minds that use it.” Dave holds a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford and a graduate diploma in Contemplative Spirituality from San Francisco Theological Seminary.

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Thank you.. My IPad knows what I need to listen to. This morning it sent me to this Ted Talk. I’m retiring from teaching this month. I’ve taught for 28 years. I’m looking for my “Encore Career”. Your talk encouraged me. Thank you very much.


To those who felt he spoke too fast, you're likely not city folk. As a New Yorker, I personally understood every word and loved that I didn't have to mentally say, "hurry up and get to the point" as I so often do when listening to speakers from other parts of the country. I appreciate that we all have different speaking styles and preferences. The great thing about YouTube is you can throw on the captions, or change the speed of the video so you can fully process his message about how to "design your life", which I found terrific and inspiring!


Great talk. I’m 55 and I have some people I meet regularly and they either asked me: “what are you up to now?” Or “have you found out what you want to be when you grow up?”. Thanks for the work you’re doing and for the simplest and straightforward career advice I’ve heard in a long time!


I enjoyed your talk very much. I love it that you said - what is next, instead of what is the only answer for my life.
Bravo !!
Thanks for all you're doing. I'm sure it's making a difference.


I love this guy's enthusiasm. As a 20 year old, I feel like I have a lot of time and want to manifest multiple versions of myself within this one life.


Thanks for the fabulous and inspirational talk! I am in a time of transition and have designed my dream life, but now it needs to change, so I will apply your tips by developing curiosity, talking to people, and trying stuff to find out what the next chapter holds. Deeply grateful for your wise, insightful words.


Severely underrated TED video! Deserves more views!


Life is all about trying and finding out what you're most good at. Some say everyone is talented in something. It may be true, but the real keys for personal life fulfilment are determination, diligence and self-discipline. Many people lack them, that is why they are stuck and have to die without contentment. This time and age, there are so many choices and options just like breakfast cereals, one can change and recourse one's life goal according to the circumstances and time progression. One doesn't need to be adamant and inflexible. The most important thing is to find out what you want to do with your only once life. Going to a college is not always the best option for many youngsters. Having real life experience is. Don't get programmed having a college degree will give you a passport for financial success. It's a lie. Many wealthy successful people never went to a college, or dropped out. They knew what they wanted to do with their life.


He's so energetic, I love it. Also, for those who found it interesting, they have books and accessible courses on this stuff.


Great talk...truthful talk. Wish I'd known all this when I was 15.


One of the best talks I have watched. Very helpful ideas, told in a way that you get them and do them. Thanks!


If you study for an hour chosen field every day, in a 5 years time you can become national expert in it.


Just excellent! That’s what career education should look like!


This was an amazing performance. I enjoyed it very much. Apart from the perfect way of presenting the issue - the content is very helpful. Thank you for that. :)


Very interesting topic! i do not know what exactly i want to do with my life but i know how i want to live everyday and am going to see where life takes me.


awesome...this guy is just a much wit n humor and truth in what he says


Truthful talk.
Life changes, and it's normal to change your goals or the way you see things as time goes by. What matters is that you don't lose hope along the way.


😅😅😅😅 his energy level is unbelievable 😥 👍👏👏👏👏


love the content! if you add rhymes it would be the greatest rap of all time.


if people were to be totally honest with themselves they know what their passionate about....
if one is passionate about so many things...pick one, preferably closest to ones heart...everything else flows
