I know you’re nosy 👀🎨✍🏻✨💅🏻 #bulletjournal ib @SaricaStudio #nails #craft #journal #easydrawing

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enjoy looking at my to do list haha 👀 are you into bullet journaling, have you ever wanted to try bujo, or is it just not something you're interested in at all? I used to do these crazy bujo cover pages / cover spreads each month and don't have a ton of time for that anymore but still feel like I need to write down my daily to do lists and plans so that I don't lose my mind:) how do you stay organized?



yes some of these are affiliate links so I can keep feeding my cat, ty for supporting the channel if you can but zero pressure, you do you boo💙


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If you want to get into bullet journaling, but you’re a little intimidated, this is for you. I used to spend so much time doing these elaborate pages for fun, and haven’t really had the time for that lately but I still want my journal to be beautiful and functional and to meet me where I’m at. So here is a very simple way to set up your week in your bulletin journal, I was inspired by this creator and I start with the month in the upper left hand corner and choose a washi tape that will sort of act as my header, theme and color inspo. I use grey lines for the sections and black ink to write with because they don’t compete with each other visually, and I love these little dots for the days I’ll change the color each week of the month so I can tell with a glance where I’m at. My day of the week box is five spaces is wide, I have one space for checkmarks and then the rest of the area to write a to do list or journal a little or do whatever I feel like honestly, I don’t draw every day’s box in advance but do it as I go because I never know how many line’s I’ll need. I love these little dots for the days, and I’ll change the color each week so I can tell with a glance where I’m at. I hope this was helpful, let me know if you want to see more bujo content alongside the murals and the nails, don’t forget to be kind to someone in the comments, and I’ll see you again soon:) bye!

bullet journal
bullet journaling
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bullet journals
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journals and journaling
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"don't forget to be kind to someone in the comments" my heart😭❤️


i would LOVE more journal content considering i’m just starting to get into it myself on paper where i can decorate nicely and you’re somebody who’s for sure reliable when it comes to showing your viewers nails, murals, and now journaling! ❤


I admire people who have the mental capacity for this type of bullet journaling. Mine notebooks are an amalgamation of to do lists, grocery lists, meal prep, and other misc. stuff. The only thing I "format" is the date in the margin


I love that bullet journals are so flexible. When I started, I would do big, creative pages for the start of the month but once I hit a depressive wall, I went super bare bones and didn’t even make a monthly spread - I just wrote a list of tasks without a deadline ahead of my daily list. Sometimes I’ll still make intricate spreads full of doodles but a lot of times it’s just a list cataloging my day but since each entry just follows the next, I don’t feel guilty about missed days


The thing I love most about bullet journaling is you can change the layout easily to figure out what style works best for you.


I’d love journal content! I used to have a bujo for years, but it became too much while in law school, even the simplest spreads. I miss it and I would like to get back into it again since it was a creative outlet. I’d love more bujo content from someone who is also tired of the elaborate spreads and needs functional but beautiful pages.


I really enjoy your nail content, but am really loving when you get a chance to share your murals and now journals.


Yes please! I love all things bullet journalling!!


I journalling content!!! This is a beautiful layout. Love Sarica too!


More bujo videos pretty please! I'm a bit of a perfectionist and end up in that "it's not good enough!" mindset after spending hours setting up a page...


Yes please, would like to see more of bullet journalling too


Yes girl! Anything you do - I love! And journaling is something I want to get back into too ❤


I have been looking for a journal like this for years. It never entered my head to create one with all the things just for me!
Yes! Definitely show us more!😊


LIZ! 🥰 your July bujo spread turned out amazing! It’s the perfect balance of decorated and functional 😍 I’m obsessed with your whimsical-yet-neat lettering. Thank you for ordering from my lil shop and for the shoutout! 🥹❤️ Happy journaling!


Would love some more journaling content!!
It's so aesthetic and pretty ✨


Proud of you for making time to keep your brain organized. Go liz! ✨☁️🖤


100% would looovvveee journaling content!


this is sooo pretty! I love your handwriting and the aesthetics of your journal❤


Most definitely more bullet journaling please 🙂


I would LOVE some simple spreads, resources, and prompts! Especially if the tools are from small businesses !
