Alien Contact

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Just for a moment, imagine a universe awash with life, where we humans are not the only intelligent beings around. What might these alien races look like? Could we communicate with them, or even recognise them as intelligent? And what would they make of our violent and dangerous species? Might they take one look, and decide not to bother with such primitive beings? A planetary nursery filled with spiteful, galactic infants. On the other hand, in our imaginary scenario, they may enrich us with scientific knowledge beyond our imagination. Or could an encounter with aliens have a more destructive outcome? It could be a bad day for human kind. But relax, it’s just make believe, it could never happen, could it?

A mysterious crash in Roswell, New Mexico during the 1940s convinced many that our planet is being visited by space aliens. Crop circles in Britain have only added fuel to the fire. Few scientists doubt that life indeed exists elsewhere, but some believe we're more likely to make contact via radio waves. Join the search for extra-terrestrials and hear from scientists who think we are on the verge of making contact.
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I think we should concentrate on seeking intelligent life on earth first. (Thanks for all the 'likes', I think the Corona Virus demonstrates that intelligence is desparately needed on this planet).


Imagine if Intelligent life existed in the oceans of Earth, as well as outer space. Not just us but sharing this planet with some sort of aquatic civilization as well. That be pretty damn interesting.


I was standing under neath a ufo back in 1985. Stopped my car and got out to look up in the sky. My 9 yr. Old son stayed in the car crying and started yelling for me to get back in the car. I didn't move, just kept looking up starting at it. It was larger than the two houses it was hovering over with no sound At all. The lights on it is what made me look up and get out. There were 3 boys camping in the woods who were so scared ran for the road I was told by his mother the next day. When I went home my son was still crying and told, you husband it was as big as our field which is a half acre. Didn't talk about it to anybody cus they would say I'm nuts. I don't even think my husband believed me. He kept saying it was probably a plane. I am now 75 yrs. Old 2021 I will never forget what I saw and I don't remember how long I stood there before it just took off so fast across the sky and it was gone. The huge power lines are on this high high hill where it happened and many houses. It was just getting dark out when it happened and the green and red lights are what made me look up and stop my car and jump out. It is something I will never forget the rest of my life. I still talk about it to my immediate family when I was 9 yrs. Old we lived in the country and I was in my yard alone and saw a large large round object in the sky . It looked like it was coming down in the field below our house. I never heard of ufos back then and thought it was a huge huge plane and thought it was going to crash in the field I ran in and told my parents that a plane crashed in the field below our house. My parents and me ran down thru the woods to the field and there was nothing there. I saw it coming down and don't know what happened to it. I never talked about it again. Nor did my parents. Now as an adult I am hearing all about ufo sightings.


Amazing how humans are so interested in space, galaxies and other planets and doesn't understand and respect our own planet!


Of all the billions of galaxies and trillions of stars, most of those stars have planets orbiting them. It's impossible to think that we are alone in the universe


Right now in another galaxy Aliens are commenting on their version of Youtube that we don't exist


Now it is 2024 😂 only 1 year remaining 😂😂😂


Stephen hawking is a miracle in his own right. It’s amazing how someone suffering from the disease he has can also be one of the smartest human beings to ever live right up there with Einstein.


Getting invaded by aliens seems to be what will be the cherry on top of this year :D


I am not a scientist or an astronomer.  However, I, for one, definitely do believe there is life out there somewhere. In a universe this big, it seems to me that for us to be alone is impossible.


3:53 says we will know about aliens by 2020-2025. It sure does feel like he is right


So just out of curiosity what if intelligent communication is telepathic rather than radio signals? Might be something to consider


In the first 30 seconds: "Imagine a universe awash with life. Where we humans aren't the only intelligent beings around"..
Oh the arrogance. There's so much intelligent life on Earth other than humans. This is what "We humans" need to learn before we start reaching out. We can't even respect our own planet, let alone the universe.


"Where we humans are not the only intelligent beings around"

Dolphins: "Am I a joke to you"


Since this video was produced, we’ve gone from having over 130 confirmed exoplanets to having more than 4, 800. According to Wikipedia there were a total of 32 exoplanets discovered before the year 2000 and another 378 discovered between 2000 and 2009. So, by the end of 2009, there were 410 known exoplanets. Since Jan 1, 2010, the number of exoplanets discovered by year has tended to be in the 100 to 200 range. The most discovered in any one year was 1, 505 discovered in 2016 and the least was 108 discovered in 2010. I recall hearing that on average they believe the Milky Way has more than 1 exoplanet for every star, so the total number of exoplanets in our Galaxy alone is estimated to be at least 100 billion (100 thousand million). That’s a big number, so it seems highly likely that there are a big number of those that have species more intelligent than us. Which may or may not be impressive, depending on your point of view regarding our intelligence.


This was the best Documentary on National Geographic Channel
I feel they should restart this show on the same


It's amazing to think how far we've come in the last 12-13 years. From 130 planets discovered (in this episode), to Kepler having discovered 2, 342 confirmed exoplanets and revealed the existence of perhaps 2, 245 others (as of March, 2018).


the aliens are going to dry freeze us, package us up and ship us to their supermarkets on their planet and sell us as vegetables


Scientists are dumb in their egotistical way, they are blind to the consequences and cruel in their ways . Their wish to be someone has already cost too many lives


Aliens: "Hello, we come in peace. How about a hug"

Us: "it's 2020 mate, social distance yourself!"
