Hollywood Is DROWING In Their Own Tears

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Hollywood movies and TV have evolved from just cinema to the internet with streaming and Netflix. But as things change, so do the companies and the actors. The issues come when the actors and script writers evolve in a different direction to their audience. Can Hollywood get back on track to billion dollar movies? Is Hollywood worth watching?
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Hollywood is going through troubling times at the moment, all of their own making. The issue is they can't stop making it worse, making the mistake of mixing business with their personal feelings about their nation. This would be bad enough just from an international perspective, but when you are so misaligned with the audience, it gets even worse on a local level. But what if mixing them is the biggest mistake because no-one likes those ideas in stories. You can rationalise a national event like that for many reasons, regulations or taxes. But entertainment is different and is meant to satisfy on a more base, instinctual level, not necessarily a rational one. And Hollywood may have chosen a set of ideas, that satisfies no-one, even those who agree with them. But what do you think? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)


This is what happens when people who always get their way get told "No".


George Clooney's explanation on why people need celebrity voices to speak for them is a perfect example of how out of touch these monsters are.


Its crazy the court jesters think we want them to do anything other than dance.


I am flabbergasted at what George Clooney recently wrote about celebrity endorsements. It is like we are peasants, and we should worship the nobles. It blows my mind.


People are out here literally working themselves sick and are unable to take time off, while these brats are crying about their feelings and needing comfort food because they didn't get what they wanted. Grow up.


"Team America" nailed celebrities and how much ego they have about things they barely know anything about


That's what happens when generations of celebs were made to belief that their opinions are worth a damn.


I remember seeing The Batman in theater a few years back, packed theater. I was sitting next to a young black woman who was there with a white guy, and when Catwoman started going on about rich old white men, I saw her out of the corner of my eye groan, cover her face in embarrassment, and heard her whisper "OH my fucking GOD" in disappointment.
We go to the movies to ESCAPE real life bullshit, not to engage in it, and that's a pretty universal thought.


The Hollywood bubble is bursting and I'm loving it.


at the 1972 press conference for elvis' madison square garden shows he was asked about his feelings on vietnam, womens rights & his politics..
the biggest star on the planet response was:

"honey when it comes to social matters & politics id just as soon keep that private..im just an entertainer"

he truly understood that it would be insane to divide his audience & that his opinion about stuff wasn't important to anyone but him

choosing instead to quietly & generously donate to the causes & charities that were important him
most always anonymously

though he was in the highest tax bracket & at some points was the number one tax payer in the country..he never took a tax break for his charity or anything else
he felt it was only right
he always said he was so blessed & privileged
and it was only right to pay & give back for that privilege

today's "celebrities" could learn a lot from the example he set

we have seriously lost the plot in this country


Every time I see a celebrity telling me who to vote for, I remember Tropic Thunder is them.


Celebrities didn't used to be more intelligent, they were just managed by more intelligent people who told them not to shoot their mouths off about things they didn't understand.


Those doing the crying are the one's worried about Diddy's list.


They got paid to shill and it didn't work out 🤣


Trump's election was the biggest rejection of celebrity culture that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime


I also love how they keep trying to make it sound like a small minority voted for trump when it was the majority of the country.


Hollwood died 20 years ago, when gaming industry incomes surpassed theirs. So they have been trying to take over gaming industry, which is not going so well as a result. Wonder why?


I like how those idiots carefully place their cameras before they start to throw tantrums.


NOTE TO ADVERTISERS: Put a Hollywood celebrity in your ad, I won't purchase your product.
