Assam government announces new rules for Madrassas

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With the Assam government continuing its crackdown on terror elements in Assam, attention has now turned to Madrassas, the supposed spots for radicalization in the state.

47 people including teachers have been jailed in the state this year for having suspected connections to fundamentalist organizations. Some Madrassas have even been razed to the ground.

On Thursday, Director General of Police Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta announced a slew of new rules that will now be applicable to Madrassas in the state. An online portal will be set up where Madrassas will have to furnish details as part of a government survey.

"We have come up with a survey to determine how Madrassas will be run. Madrassas will have to furnish details about land, name of the teachers, photographs, PAN card, etc. Teachers of Madrassas will also have to undergo a police verification process. They should furnish their details by December 1 in the portal. But, if the portal is not ready or if they do not have the expertise to upload, hard copies can be submitted," Mahanta said.

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